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Orchestrator user guide

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Feb 13, 2025

Organizing Resources With Tags

Tags help you categorize resources. They improve governance and provide visibility into the association between the various resources, such that everyone in your company can easily recognize the dependencies between them.

As your robot fleet grows, the number of resources to consume and manage expands, so your business can run into some significant challenges. Some of these challenges include:

  • difficulties in figuring out how the various objects work with each other;
  • increased manual workload: you need to come up with cumbersome workarounds to categorize and track the dependencies between objects, such as Excel spreadsheets;
  • no visibility into how your actions could impact other resources such as running processes;
  • no visibility into the potential downtime brought by upgrading an application targeted by your automations, since there’s no easy way to see what processes are employing that app.

Tags come to your aid in a number of areas:

  • Increasing developer productivity: Help developers identify which resources are relevant for them. They become able to focus on adding value rather than spending an infinity looking for that one piece of process they might be impacting.
  • Increasing administrator productivity: With a consistent tags structure across your organization you can start creating a unified taxonomy that will help everyone find resources faster.

How Tags Work

Tags are stored by the Resource Catalog Service, and consist of labels and/or key-value properties applied to your objects. For example, you can apply the label SAP and the key-value Department: Finance to all the objects involved in SAP automation in the Finance department of your company.

How you populate these fields is up to you; however, we recommend defining and using a consistent tagging convention so that everyone can find the right resources quickly and easily. Without consistency, your tags library can become chaotic and counterproductive.

We do not yet provide a central location from where to create, edit or delete tags. Instead, you have to perform these operations at the object level. Pay attention to the spelling and capitalization of a tag since you cannot edit it after its creation; you would have to remove it completely, create the correct one and add it again to all objects.

Taggable Objects

Tagging is available for several Orchestrator objects, Studio packages, and Action Center actions. A tag added to an object becomes available for all objects that support tags across products. For example, adding the SAP label to an asset in Orchestrator makes it available for actions as well.


Taggable Objects





Storage buckets




Action Center


Managing Tags

Creating New Tags

To create a new tag, you need to create and apply it to an object at the object level. This makes that tag available to all other resources that support tags.

  • Tags are case insensitive.
  • Each object can have a maximum of one million key-value pairs.
  • Labels and key-value properties are limited to 256 characters.
  • Tag names can't contain these characters: <, >, %, &, \)\), ?, /, :.
  • The following tags are proprietary UiPath Studio tags you and you cannot define and use them on your objects: UiPathStudioProcess, UiPathStudioTest, UiPathStudioTask, UiPathStudioLibrary, UiPathObjects, UiPathActivities, UiPathStudioX, UiPathTestCases, UiPathEntities, UiPathWebServices, UiPathStudioTemplate, UiPathStudioLocalizedTemplate, C#, CSharp, VB, VisualBasic, GettingStartedTemplate.

Let's take for example creating new tags by adding them to an existing asset in Orchestrator:

  1. Go to a folder > Assets. The Assets window is displayed with a list of all assets created in that folder.
  2. Edit an existing asset by going to More actions > Edit. The Edit asset window is displayed.
  3. On the Labels field, start typing the name of the new label. When done, click the entry with the plus sign and the name of the label to add it.

  4. On the Properties (key-value pairs) field, click Add new.
  5. Add new keys and values. When done, click the entries with the plus sign and the keys/values to add them.

  6. When done, click Update. Your asset is updated and the newly created tags become available for other objects.

Creating Tags in Bulk

The following script reads a CSV file containing your tags and creates a dummy asset with the respective tags in Orchestrator. This makes the tags available for all objects that support them across products.

Parameters Description




Path to the CSV file.


The following example enables you to call the Add-DummyAsset-WithTags.ps1 script and read the CSV file provided at the <pathToFile location.
Note: Before running the script, import the UiPath.PowerShell module and authenticate yourself using Get-UiPathAuthToken.
.\Add-DummyAsset-WithTags.ps1 -TagsFilePath '<pathToFile>'.\Add-DummyAsset-WithTags.ps1 -TagsFilePath '<pathToFile>'

Deleting Existing Tags

Deleting a tag is only possible by manually removing it from each associated object. Say you have three machine templates with the Department: Finance key-value pair and three with Department: Accounting key-value pair. You have to remove all six key-value pairs from the machine objects in order for the Department: Finance and Department: Accounting key-value pairs to be completely removed.

See the Removing tags from objects section below for details on how to remove tags from objects.

Viewing Objects With a Specific Tag

To view all Orchestrator objects with a tag:

  1. In the Orchestrator header, click the Search in tenant icon. The Search in tenant window is displayed listing all objects in that tenant.

  2. From the Labels drop-down, select the label for viewing associated objects. The list of objects is filtered based on the selected value. All objects with that label are displayed.

  3. From the Properties drill-down, select the key-value pair for viewing associated objects. The list of objects is filtered based on the selected values. All objects with that key-value pair are displayed.

  4. To further narrow the results, you can filter by the object type from the Type drop-down, or by the containing folder on the Location drop-down.

Learn more about how the tenant search functionality works in the following article: Searching for resources in a tenant.

Viewing Tags for an Object

To view the tags for an Orchestrator object, look for the Labels and Properties columns in the specific objects page. For example, to see tags applied to machine objects, go to Tenant > Machines.

Similarly, navigate to the Search in tenant page by clicking the Search in tenant icon in the upper-right corner of any page, and filter by machine using the Type drop-down.

Tagging Objects

The tag management experience is consistent for all objects in a product meaning you can perform the various operations in a similar manner.

Adding Tags to Objects

Click for instructions on how to add tags on a specific resource:





Action Center

Removing Tags From Objects

Click for instructions on how to remove tags from a specific resource:





Action Center

Tags Permissions

Tags have a dedicated permissions set called Tags. Only View and Create permissions are relevant for tags currently. Edit and Delete permissions have no effect.

Tag operations on a certain object are controlled by two permissions sets: permissions on Tags and permissions on the object you want to apply a tag to. To exemplify how this works, let's see possible tag operations for Orchestrator assets based on the permissions you have on Assets and on Tags. The same principle applies to the other objects as well.

View on Tags

Create on Tags


View on Assets

Can view tags applied to assets.

Cannot change tags applied to assets.

Cannot remove tags from assets.

Can view tags applied to assets.

Cannot change tags applied to assets.

Cannot remove tags from assets.

Edit on Assets

Can view tags applied to assets.

Can apply tags to assets,

provided the tags have already been created.

Can remove tags from assets.

Can view tags applied to assets.

Can create and apply new tags to assets.

Can remove tags from assets.

Create on Assets

(same as Edit on Assets)

Can view tags applied to assets.

Can apply tags to assets,

provided the tags have already been created.

Can remove tags from assets.

Can view tags applied to assets.

Can create and apply new tags to assets.

Can remove tags from assets.

Delete on Assets

(same as Edit on Assets)

Can view tags applied to assets.

Can apply tags to assets,

provided the tags have already been created.

Can remove tags from assets.

Can view tags applied to assets.

Can create and apply new tags to assets.

Can remove tags from assets.


  • We do not yet provide a central location from where to create, edit or delete tags. Instead, you have to perform these operations at the object level.
  • Not all resource types support tags. To determine if you can apply a tag to a resource type, see Taggable object section above.
  • Each object can have a maximum of one million key-value pairs.
  • Labels and key-value properties are limited to 256 characters.
  • Tag names can't contain these characters: <, >, %, &, \, ?, /, :.
  • We don't yet offer logging for tags.
  • Tags do not support colors.
  • The following tags are proprietary UiPath Studio tags and you cannot define and use them on your objects: UiPathStudioProcess, UiPathStudioTest, UiPathStudioTask, UiPathStudioLibrary, UiPathObjects, UiPathActivities, UiPathStudioX, UiPathTestCases, UiPathEntities, UiPathWebServices, UiPathStudioTemplate, UiPathStudioLocalizedTemplate, C#, CSharp, VB, VisualBasic, GettingStartedTemplate.

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