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Last updated Nov 11, 2024



You can upgrade Insights to the latest version using the installation package.

Important: Make sure that you keep Insights enabled until you complete the installation of the new version (e.g., v2021.10) and finish creating your custom formulas and dashboards.


Before you start the upgrade process, take a look at the following items and take action based on your upgrade scenario:

available Review system requirements Hardware and Software Requirements
available Database backup Make sure you back up your database.
available Get disabled tenants data from previous installations (for upgrades to 2021.10 only) If you need to report on data from disabled tenants, make sure to enable them first via the Insights Admin Tool.
Important: You can only get this data before starting the upgrade process on both Orchestrator and Insights. Historical data on disabled tenants is not available post-upgrade.
available Review feature comparison when upgrading to version 2021.10 2021.10 Upgrade Cheat Sheet.

Considerations When Uninstalling and Reinstalling Insights

To upgrade to a new version of Insights, you need to install the most recent version, and then uninstall the old one. Consider the following action items when you uninstall and reinstall Insights:

  • Important: Both the Orchestrator and Insights versions need to match. For example, if you have upgraded Orchestrator to 2021.10.1, you need to run the same 2021.10.1 version of Insights to establish proper communication between the two UiPath products.
  • Insights database needs to point to the same database used by Orchestrator.
  • Install the new Insights version on a separate server from the existing installation.
  • Make sure you point Orchestrator to the new Insights server location. For this step, you need to provide a new Identity Installation Token. You can generate the installation token through UiPath Identity Management by logging in as the host tenant.

  • After you have installed the new version of Insights, your dashboards on the old Insights server will still be available.
    Important: Keep in mind that the old Insights version is not going to be available through Orchestrator, after you set up a connection for the new version.

    You can use these dashboards to create your custom formulas and dashboards in your new version of Insights, however no new data will flow to these dashboards.

  • Once you are satisfied with your new custom dashboards and formulas, you can uninstall the old version of Insights.
    Important: In case of upgrading from 2021.4 or earlier:
    • Both old and new Insights installations will use the same database while the dashboards are being moved.
    • To login to Insights, you can use the old https://<old Insights url>/app/account/login URL and the same admin account that was configured during installation.

    To disable the old builds, follow the steps below:

    1. Login to the old URL (https://<old Insights url>/app/account/login).
    2. Go to https://<old Insights url>/app/data.
    3. Click the three-dots icon on each cube and go to the build schedule to disable the builds.
    Note: After installing the new version of Insights, data will no longer flow to your previous installation.

    Following an upgrade, you will need to re-enter the data to the ROI Dataset.

Upgrade From Version 2021.10 to 2021.10.1

In this upgrade scenario, you might encounter the following IIS error:

You can click Ignore as it won't obstruct the Insights installation.

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