- Primeros pasos
- Requisitos
- Mejores prácticas
- Instalación
- Actualizando
- Servidor de identidad
- Solución de problemas de errores de inicio
Guía de instalación de Orchestrator
Antes de actualizar
Si utilizas Active Directory (AD) y estás planeando actualizar a 2023.4.0, te recomendamos encarecidamente que saltes directamente a la versión 2023.4.3, ya que 2023.4.0, 2023.4.1 y 2023.4.2 se ven afectados por un problema de AD.
Please make sure to perform these steps before you upgrade to 2023.4+. They help ensure that, once the upgrade is done, you can get started in no time, with zero issues.
Haz una copia de seguridad de tu base de datos para evitar cualquier riesgo de pérdida de datos.
Ejecute el siguiente script de mantenimiento de la base de datos antes de la actualización.
Este script elimina todas las subvenciones caducadas o consumidas de la base de datos. Esto ayuda a acelerar la clave principal[identity].[PersistedGrants]
y la recreación del índice y, como tal, la migración de la base de datos.DECLARE @Now DATETIME2 = GETUTCDATE() DECLARE @ConsumedGrantsGracePeriod DATETIME2 = DATEADD(hour, -2, @Now) DECLARE @ConsumedDeleted int = 1 DECLARE @ExpiredDeleted int = 1 DECLARE @BatchSize int = 500 DECLARE @ConsumedBatchesDeleted int = 0 DECLARE @ExpiredBatchesDeleted int = 0 SET LOCK_TIMEOUT 0 SET DEADLOCK_PRIORITY LOW WHILE (@ConsumedDeleted=1 OR @ExpiredDeleted=1) BEGIN IF @ConsumedDeleted=1 BEGIN BEGIN TRY DELETE TOP(@BatchSize) FROM [identity].[PersistedGrants] WHERE [ConsumedTime] IS NOT NULL AND [ConsumedTime] < @ConsumedGrantsGracePeriod AND [Type] <> 'reference_token' IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0 SET @ConsumedDeleted=0 ELSE SET @ConsumedBatchesDeleted = @ConsumedBatchesDeleted + 1 END TRY BEGIN CATCH PRINT 'Failed to delete consumed grants' END CATCH END IF @ExpiredDeleted=1 BEGIN BEGIN TRY DELETE TOP(@BatchSize) FROM [identity].[PersistedGrants] WHERE [Expiration] < @Now AND [Type] <> 'reference_token' IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0 SET @ExpiredDeleted=0 ELSE SET @ExpiredBatchesDeleted = @ExpiredBatchesDeleted + 1 END TRY BEGIN CATCH PRINT 'Failed to delete expired grants' END CATCH END PRINT 'Consumed batches deleted: ' + CONVERT(nvarchar(32), @ConsumedBatchesDeleted) PRINT 'Expired batches deleted: ' + CONVERT(nvarchar(32), @ExpiredBatchesDeleted) -- Wait for 10 seconds between deletes IF (@ExpiredDeleted=1 OR @ConsumedDeleted=1) WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05.000' END
DECLARE @Now DATETIME2 = GETUTCDATE() DECLARE @ConsumedGrantsGracePeriod DATETIME2 = DATEADD(hour, -2, @Now) DECLARE @ConsumedDeleted int = 1 DECLARE @ExpiredDeleted int = 1 DECLARE @BatchSize int = 500 DECLARE @ConsumedBatchesDeleted int = 0 DECLARE @ExpiredBatchesDeleted int = 0 SET LOCK_TIMEOUT 0 SET DEADLOCK_PRIORITY LOW WHILE (@ConsumedDeleted=1 OR @ExpiredDeleted=1) BEGIN IF @ConsumedDeleted=1 BEGIN BEGIN TRY DELETE TOP(@BatchSize) FROM [identity].[PersistedGrants] WHERE [ConsumedTime] IS NOT NULL AND [ConsumedTime] < @ConsumedGrantsGracePeriod AND [Type] <> 'reference_token' IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0 SET @ConsumedDeleted=0 ELSE SET @ConsumedBatchesDeleted = @ConsumedBatchesDeleted + 1 END TRY BEGIN CATCH PRINT 'Failed to delete consumed grants' END CATCH END IF @ExpiredDeleted=1 BEGIN BEGIN TRY DELETE TOP(@BatchSize) FROM [identity].[PersistedGrants] WHERE [Expiration] < @Now AND [Type] <> 'reference_token' IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0 SET @ExpiredDeleted=0 ELSE SET @ExpiredBatchesDeleted = @ExpiredBatchesDeleted + 1 END TRY BEGIN CATCH PRINT 'Failed to delete expired grants' END CATCH END PRINT 'Consumed batches deleted: ' + CONVERT(nvarchar(32), @ConsumedBatchesDeleted) PRINT 'Expired batches deleted: ' + CONVERT(nvarchar(32), @ExpiredBatchesDeleted) -- Wait for 10 seconds between deletes IF (@ExpiredDeleted=1 OR @ConsumedDeleted=1) WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05.000' END -
Migre sus carpetas clásicas a carpetas modernas para garantizar ejecuciones ininterrumpidas.
Estos son los cambios que puede esperar en este punto del proceso de eliminación de carpetas clásico.