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Guía del usuario de Apps
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated 15 de nov. de 2024

Uso de Apps con Data Service

Información en segundo plano

  • A maximum of 1000 records for any filter are retrieved at runtime.
  • After the entity data is loaded, the data is refreshed only when a rule is executed. Any changes made to the entity via processes, or other means, do not automatically update in Apps. Make sure to explicitly refresh the data in these scenarios.
  • The in operator only supports primitive data types, such as: string, number, boolean, null.
El operador in no se admite en los escenarios de Data Service mediante el uso de choice-set. En su lugar puedes usar el operador contains pero solo para una entrada.

Información general

Antes de iniciar este ejemplo, asegúrate de que tienes los permisos adecuados de Data Service. Para obtener más información, consulta la página Data Service: gestión de acceso.

For the purpose of this example, we will use an entity called Customer with the following fields:

  • Address
  • Dirección 2
  • Ciudad
  • Correo electrónico
  • Nombre
  • Teléfono
  • Plan
  • Estado
  • Código postal

Filtrar cliente por estado

Use the Function: Fetch function to retrieve multiple entity records. Additionally, use the Query builder to filter the retrieved records. In this example, we apply a filter to the Customer entity, so the search only returns customers from the state of Washington.

Refer to The Fetch function for more details.


If you want to retrieve a single record, use the FetchOne function instead.

  1. Open an existing application, or create a new one.
  2. Add a Table control to your app:
    1. Selecciona Añadir control.
    2. Select Display.
    3. Drag the Table control to an area in your app.
  3. Add an entity to your app:
    1. Select the Add anydocs image icon from the top of the canvas.
    2. Selecciona Entidad.
    3. Select a tenant.
    4. Select the entity you want to add to your app, then Add.
  4. Bind the entity to the Table control:
    1. In the General tab of the Properties panel, select the Additional resources button adjacent to Data source.
    2. Select Query builder.
    3. Select the entity you want to use, then Add condition.
    4. Select a field from the dropdown menu, then an operator, such as =.
    5. Enter the string by which you want to filter the records, surrounded by quotation marks.
      For example, if you only want customer records from the state of Washington, add "WA" as a value.
  5. Use the Expression editor to apply a filter under specific conditions:
    1. In the Query builder, select the Open resources button, then Expression editor.
    2. Write an expression containing a condition. For example, you can use an IF condition to only apply a filter when a Dropdown control on the main page of the app is not blank and contains a user-specified value:
      Fetch(of Customer)(  
      MainPage.Dropdown is Nothing,  
      createFilterGroup(New QueryFilter(){addFilter("State", "contains", MainPage.Dropdown.Value)}, Nothing, 0)),  
      Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, New ExpansionFieldOption( {addExpansionFieldOption("CreatedBy", New String(){"Id","Name"}), addExpansionFieldOption("UpdatedBy", New String(){"Id","Name"})})Fetch(of Customer)(  
      MainPage.Dropdown is Nothing,  
      createFilterGroup(New QueryFilter(){addFilter("State", "contains", MainPage.Dropdown.Value)}, Nothing, 0)),  
      Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, New ExpansionFieldOption( {addExpansionFieldOption("CreatedBy", New String(){"Id","Name"}), addExpansionFieldOption("UpdatedBy", New String(){"Id","Name"})})

When you preview or run the app, the query executes and retrieves the filtered records.

Ordenar clientes

Use the Query builder to apply sorting options to your search.

  1. Open an existing application, or create a new one.
  2. Add a Table control to your app:
    1. Selecciona Añadir control.
    2. Select Display.
    3. Drag the Table control to an area in your app.
  3. Add an entity to your app:
    1. Select the Add anydocs image icon from the top of the canvas.
    2. Selecciona Entidad.
    3. Select a tenant.
    4. Select the entity you want to add to your app, then Add.
  4. Bind the entity to the Table and apply a sorting rule:
    1. In the General tab of the Properties panel, select the Additional resources button adjacent to Data source.
    2. Select Query builder.
    3. Select Additional settings.
    4. In the Sort by field, add the field by which you want to sort, such as Name.
    5. The Sort ascending field is set to true by default. Select the field, then enter False to sort the results in descending order.
  5. Preview or run your app.

    When you preview or run your app, the Table displays records from the Name field in your entity, in alphabetically descending order.

Using entities with Edit Grid

You can use the Edit Grid control to display entity records in your app, and perform CRUD operations on your entity using this control.

Refer to Using Fetch to retrieve entity records in Edit Grid controls and Using entities with Edit Grid controls for more details and practical examples related to the Edit Grid control.

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