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Lista personalizada

Custom List is a dynamic, template-based control, which incorporates various controls with exceptional flexibility. Far from a standard list control, the Custom List allows even more controls within the layout, making it ideal for tasks such as creating an effective email listing grid.


Custom List has two sets of properties: one for the main control, and one for the template within it.

To toggle between the properties of a Custom List and its Template, simply click on the control in the canvas or select it from the tree view on the left.


The ThisRow keyword to represent each row of the custom list data
To bind values from the Data source to individual controls within the Custom List, use the ThisRow keyword. For details, refer to Examples.


  • Due to performance considerations, sevral controls cannot be included within a Custom List:

    • Editar cuadrícula

    • Tabla

    • Lista personalizada

    • HTML personalizado

    • Pestañas


    For list-based controls that exceed four items, we recommend using Dropdown controls.

  • Directly referencing Custom List controls, such as MainPage.Header, is not permitted, despite the control name being found by the IntelliSense.
  • Dragging controls between the context of a Custom List and other container controls may cause invalid expressions, some visible only when you preview the app. This is because the bindings within the context of the Custom List (using the ThisRow keyword) become invalid outside the Custom List.

Optimal Custom List creation

The optimal method for working with a Custom List is as follows:

  1. Design your custom list using a design tool such as Figma.

  2. In the App Studio, once you have added the Custom List control, create a layout using containers and controls for each list element.

  3. Create a sample row that includes a text description.

  4. Replace the text description with expressions.

  5. Add rules to events.

  6. Adjust the control style according to the design file.

  7. Preview the app.


Lista personalizada

  • Data Source - The data source for the list display. Valid data types are DataTable and Object Array.
  • Hidden - If set to true, hides the control during the runtime.
  • Disabled - If set to false, app users can interact with the list. If set to true, the list is in a read-only state.


  • Tooltip - Tooltip to be displayed on the template. Use this to provide additional information on the template.

  • Hidden- If set to true, hides the control during the runtime.

  • Disabled - If set to false, app users can interact with the template. If set to true, the template is in a read-only state.


Lista personalizada

  • Row selected - Configure what happens when the app user selects a row (that is, a control within a template) in the Custom List. Configure what happens when the value is changed.


  • Seleccionado: configura lo que sucede cuando se hace clic en la plantilla.


Lista personalizada

  • Alineación de control: por defecto, hereda la alineación principal. Se puede establecer una alineación diferente a la principal. Para volver a la alineación principal, anula la selección de las opciones anuladas.

    Nota: la alineación depende del diseño seleccionado para el elemento principal (Vertical vs Horizontal).
  • Layout - Customize the templates position within the custom list:
    • Vertical - templates are arranged vertically
    • Horizontal - templates are arranged horizontally

    • Grid - templates are arranged in a grid format

    • Space between (pixels only) - the spacing between templates, when they are arranged in a Vertical or Horizontal layout.

    • Horizontal / Vertical gap - the horizontal and vertical spacing between templates, when they are arranged in a Grid layout.

    • Template Width - the width of the template.

    • Template Height - the height of the template.

    • In a Horizontal layout, Width is set in pixels and Height in pixels, %, em, or auto.
    • In a Vertical layout, Height is in pixels and Width can be pixels, %, em, or auto.
    • In a Grid layout, both Height and Width are in pixels.

  • Margin - The margin of the layout. By default, a margin of 4 px is set. Top/Bottom and Left/Right margin properties are combined. These properties can be detached using the Link button at the right side of the Margin section.

  • Size - The Width and Height of the custom list, in pixels. Default values:
    • In a Horizontal layout: Width 800 px, Height auto
    • In a Vertical layout: Width auto, Height 400 px
    • In a Grid layout: Width 800 px, Height 400 px
    To set minimum or maximum values, click the three dot icon (...).


  • Alineación de control: por defecto, hereda la alineación principal. Se puede establecer una alineación diferente a la principal. Para volver a la alineación principal, anula la selección de las opciones anuladas.

    Nota: la alineación depende del diseño seleccionado para el elemento principal (Vertical vs Horizontal).
  • Layout - Determine how the controls within the template are positioned:

    • Horizontal/vertical: la orientación de los controles.
    • Alignment- The alignment of controls within the template.
    • Allow wrapping - If selected, wraps the controls in the template.
    • Allow scrolling - If selected, allows scrolling inside the template. To enable Allow Scrolling, the template must have a fixed height (vertical layout) or fixed width (horizontal layout).

  • Background Color - The background color of the template.

  • Borde: establece el borde del control. Se pueden configurar el grosor, el color y el radio del borde.

  • Font - The font family for the template. All the controls within the template share the same font family. By default, the template inherits the font family of the Custom List.

  • Margin- The margin of the layout. By default, a margin of 0 px is set. Top/Bottom and Left/Right margin properties are combined. These properties can be detached using the Link button at the right side of the Margin section.

  • Padding - The padding of the template. By default, a padding of 16 px is set. Top/Bottom and Left/Right margin properties are combined. These properties can be detached using the Link button at the right side of the Padding section.

  • Avanzado: muestra las propiedades flexibles del control.

    • Base flexible: establece el tamaño original de un elemento flexible antes de que se distribuya o se elimine el espacio adicional (px, %, em, auto).
    • Crecimiento flexible : cuando hay espacio adicional disponible, este valor dicta cuánto debe crecer un elemento flexible en relación con el resto de los elementos.

    • Reducción flexible : cuando el espacio no es suficiente, este valor dicta cuánto debe reducirse un elemento flexible en comparación con los demás elementos.

Propiedades VB

Nombre de propiedad

Tipo de datos

Access permissions











Union of the Data Source type and the list of controls inside the Custom List


Say your Data Source is an entity To access the entity row:

Say you have a Date Picker in your Custom List. To access the value of the Date Picker control:




Read only

Returns the index of the currently selected row:



The same as the Data Source field

Read only

Refers to the current record of the Data Source. USe it to configure fields within the Custom List.

Data binding examples for Custom List elements

Data source is an Entity

Say you reference an entity in the Data source field. This entity has a column named cvxz"FirstName".vcc

To bind this column to a Textbox control within the Custom List, you can use the following expression:


Data source is a DataTable

Say you reference a DataTable argument of a process in the Data source field.

The type of ThisRow is DataRow, and its value can be extracted as follows:


Ensure to cast it to the appropriate type.

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