Apps User Guide
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated Jun 17, 2024

Icon Controls


  • Tooltip - The text to be displayed when an app user hovers over the icon. Use this to provide additional information on the control.
  • Hidden- If true, hides the control at runtime.

  • Disabled - If true, disables the control at runtime.


  • Clicked On - Configure what happens when the icon is clicked.


  • Control Alignment - By default, inherits the parent alignment. A different alignment other than the parent can be set. To default back to the parent alignment, deselect the overridden options.

    Note: The alignment is dependent on the layout selected for the parent (Vertical vs Horizontal).
  • Background color - The background color of the icon.

  • Border - The border for the icon. Border Thickness and Color can be configured.

  • Font - The font attributes for the icon, such as font size and color.

  • Margin - The margin of the control. By default, a margin of 4px is set. Top/Bottom and Left/Right margin properties are combined. These properties can be detached using the Link button at the right side of the Margin section.

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