Apps User Guide
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated Jun 17, 2024

Demos summary

This page summarizes all the available demo apps and the date when they were last updated.

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Last modified date

Set External ContextYou can set up an external context when launching your application. This is especially helpful when starting an app from somewhere else, for example a robotic process automation (RPA) process.


January 2024

Custom HTML: creating chartsThis app shows how to create different types of charts using JavaScript libraries such as d3.js or chart.js. 3.0.0

February 2024

Custom HTML: creating a interactive pie chart using variable functionsThis app combines entities, Custom HTML, and Edit Grid controls to display an interactive pie chart. 2.0.0January 2024
Custom HTML: creating date-time pickersThis app shows how to create a custom date-time picker. 2.0.0January 2024
Custom HTML: creating password fieldsThis app shows how to create password fields. 3.0.0January 2024
Custom HTML: creating signature input fieldsThis app shows how to create signature input fields. 3.0.0March 2024
Media: Binding imagesThis app shows how to bind media files to Image controls. 1.0.0March 2024
Edit Grid: working with entitiesThis app shows how to work with entities using the Edit Grid control. 1.0.0March 2024
Table: working with entitiesThis app shows how to work with entities using the Table control. 1.0.0March 2024
Textbox: discovering specific propertiesThis app shows how to leverage the properties of a Textbox control. 1.0.0March 2024
Date Picker: date validationThis app demonstrates how to create multiple date validation fields. 1.0.0

June 2024

Using Custom ListThis app demonstrates how to create a Custom List. Download


June 2024

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