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Developer Activities
Last updated Apr 23, 2024

Bulk Update


Updates a compatible DataTable in an existing Table. The activity also updates all the columns that are not in the collection of column names used as a primary key. Returns the number of rows affected.

Note: The Database activity package is now compatible with .NET 5 Windows.


  • Continue On Error - This field only supports boolean values (True, False). The default value in this field is False. As a result, if this field is blank and an error is thrown, the execution of the project stops. If the value is set to True, the execution of the project continues regardless of any error.
  • DisplayName - The display name of the activity. This field supports only String variables.
Connection Configuration
  • Bulk/Batch Update - Check this box to enable the creation of a temp table using Bulk insert and to update using join between tables. Otherwise, bulk updates are issued in batch.
  • ConnectionString - The connection string used to establish a database connection. This field supports only String variables.
  • ExistingConnection - An already open database connection. If such a connection is provided, the ConnectionString and SecureConnectionString properties are ignored. This field supports only DatabaseConnection variables.
  • ProviderName - The name of the database provider used to access the database. This field supports only String variables.
  • SecureConnectionString - The connection string used to establish a database connection as Secure String. This field supports only SecureString variables.
  • ColumnNames - The collection of column names used for row matching. This field supports only String[] variables.
  • DataTable - The DataTable object that will be used in updating the table. The DataTable columns descriptions must match the columns from the database table and be a subset of them. This field supports only DataTable variables.
  • TableName - The target database table. This field supports only String variables.
  • Private - If selected, the values of variables and arguments are no longer logged at Verbose level.
  • AffectedRows - The number of updated rows. This field supports only Int64 variables.
  • Properties

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