Action Center
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Action Center User Guide for Standalone
Last updated Aug 2, 2023

Create Form Task



Creates a form action in both cloud and on-premises instances of Action Center. It also creates a form task in On-Premises Orchestrator version 21.4 and lower.

  • This activity needs the UiPath.FormActivityLibrary dependency to work properly.
  • Make sure to use UiPath.Persistence.Activities v1.2.1+ in Studio v2021.4. Otherwise, when you open the Form Designer, it does not hold focus and you can interact with the Studio UI elements.

    Important: The Form Layout has a limit of maximum 1MB. To fit in this 1MB limit, you need to embed images inside forms, using Storage Buckets only. Also, we suggest using images of type base64 only for logos and icons smaller than 2KB.

Project compatibility

Windows - Legacy | Windows | Cross-platform

Windows, Windows - Legacy configuration

Designer panel
  • TaskTitle - The title of the action you want to create. This field supports strings and String variables only.
  • TaskPriority - Enables you to select the priority level of the action. By default, this property is set to TaskPriority.Medium The following options are available: TaskPriority.Low, TaskPriority.Medium, TaskPriority.High, TaskPriority.Critical.
  • TaskCatalog - An optional business classification of task items. This field supports only strings and String variables.

    Important: Make sure the action catalog exists prior to the action creation. Otherwise, action creation fails with the following error message: "No task catalog exists with name [action_catalog_name] Error code: 2451".
  • FormData - A collection of business data in the form Dictionary<String,Argument> that you want to display in a form within the Actions inbox. Modifying Out and In/Out arguments maps them back to the workflow after the task is completed. This field supports Dictionary<String,Argument> objects only.
  • TaskObject(Output) - The task object that is returned from Orchestrator as a FormTaskData object after the action is created. This object can be passed to the Wait for Form Task and Resume activity in order to suspend the execution of the workflow until the action is completed.
Note: TaskObject has several attributes that hold information about the output action object. For example, the TaskUrl attribute gives you the URL to the action inside the Actions tab in Orchestrator On-Premises, while the ActionUrl attribute gives you the URL to the action inside the Actions tab in Automation Cloud. To access the action from the Action Center on-premises, add /actions_/tasks/taskID to the Action Center base URL, for example: https://laptop-name:port-number/actions_/tasks/taskID.

Clicking the Open Form Designer button opens the Form Designer Wizard, which enables you to customize the form that you want to use in your workflow.

The Open Bulk Form Designer button becomes available when the Enable Bulk Edit property is selected. This option opens the Bulk Form Designer allowing you to design form actions that can be bulk edited or completed in the Actions tab of the corresponding Action Center instance.

Properties panel


  • ContinueOnError - Specifies if the automation should continue even when the activity throws an error. This field only supports Boolean values (True, False). The default value is False. As a result, if the field is blank and an error is thrown, the execution of the project stops. If the value is set to True, the execution of the project continues regardless of any error.
Note: If this activity is included in Try Catch and the value of the ContinueOnError property is True, no error is caught when the project is executed.
  • DisplayName - The display name of the activity.
  • TimeoutMS - Specifies the amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait for the activity to run before an error is thrown. The default value is 30000 milliseconds (30 seconds).


  • Enable Bulk Edit - If selected, the Open Bulk Form Designer button becomes available in the body of the activity. This option allows you to generate form actions that can be bulk edited or completed from the Actions tab in Action Center.

  • FormData - A collection of business data in the form Dictionary<String,Argument> that you want to display in a form within the Actions inbox. Modifying Out and In/Out arguments maps them back to the workflow after the task is completed. This field supports Dictionary<String,Argument> objects only.
  • GenerateInputFields - If selected, all the entries from the Form Data Collection are generated as components in the Form Designer. Leaving it empty does not add additional form fields to the designer.
  • Labels - The robot adds the inputted labels to the action, allowing future filtering. This field support string values only and has naming restrictions.
Note: To allow automatic actions labeling through Persistence activities, the robot account executing the workflow needs View, Create, and Delete permissions on Tags.
  • Orchestrator Folder Path - The path to the Orchestrator Folder you want to use with this activity. If left empty, the current Orchestrator folder is used. This field supports only strings and String variables.
Note: If the user performing this Action does not have the required permissions for the target folder, task creation fails and throws a critical error. View more info on Folder Permissions.
  • Reference - The name used as reference for future filtering of the actions. This field supports string values only.
  • TaskCatalog - An optional business classification of task items. This field supports only strings and String variables.

    Important: Make sure the action catalog exists prior to the action creation. Otherwise, action creation fails with the following error message: "No task catalog exists with name [action_catalog_name] Error code: 2451".
  • TaskPriority - Enables you to select the priority level of the action. By default, this property is set to TaskPriority.Medium The following options are available: TaskPriority.Low, TaskPriority.Medium, TaskPriority.High, TaskPriority.Critical.
  • TaskTitle - The title of the action you want to create. This field supports strings and String variables only.
  • Use Local Form File - enables the creation of Form Actions using a JSON form file, specified at execution. This field supports Boolean values only. When you enable it, the Form File Path property field appears in the body of the activity, where you specify the path to the JSON file, where a certain form layout is stored.

    After you select Use Local Form File, click Open Form Designer, select New, and start building a form. When you finish , select Save As, and save it inside the corresponding project folder. Now you have the form that you previously created stored inside a JSON file. Input the path to this JSON file inside the Form File Path field to use that form at runtime.


  • Private - If selected, the values of variables and arguments are no longer logged at Verbose level.


  • TaskObject(Output) - The task object that is returned from Orchestrator as a FormTaskData object after the action is created. This object can be passed to the Wait for Form Task and Resume activity in order to suspend the execution of the workflow until the action is completed.


  • Storage Bucket Name - The storage bucket you want to use for large data files referenced in the form data.
  • Storage Folder Path - The full path to the folder in the specified storage bucket. This field supports strings and String variables only.
    Using image embedding with the Storage Buckets must be done in conjunction with the activity. The argument name must be suffixed in the FormDataCollection property and mapped to an image in the form, by using underscore (_) in an HTML Element component.
    The argument name (<key>_storage) must be mapped to the storage value in the Destination property of the Upload Storage File activity.
    Note that image file names must not contain plus (+), as this character is masked by the storage bucket upload process resulting in an error.

Cross-platform configuration

  • TaskTitle - The title of the action you want to create. This field supports strings and String variables only.
  • TaskPriority - Enables you to select the priority level of the action. By default, this property is set to TaskPriority.Medium The following options are available: TaskPriority.Low, TaskPriority.Medium, TaskPriority.High, TaskPriority.Critical.
  • TaskCatalog - An optional business classification of task items. This field supports only strings and String variables.

    Important: Make sure the action catalog exists prior to the action creation. Otherwise, action creation fails with the following error message: "No task catalog exists with name [action_catalog_name] Error code: 2451".
  • FormData - A collection of business data in the form Dictionary<String,Argument> that you want to display in a form within the Actions inbox. Modifying Out and In/Out arguments maps them back to the workflow after the task is completed. This field supports Dictionary<String,Argument> objects only.
  • TaskObject(Output) - The task object that is returned from Orchestrator as a FormTaskData object after the action is created. This object can be passed to the Wait for Form Task and Resume activity in order to suspend the execution of the workflow until the action is completed.
Note: TaskObject has several attributes that hold information about the output action object. For example, the TaskUrl attribute gives you the URL to the action inside the Actions tab in Orchestrator On-Premises, while the ActionUrl attribute gives you the URL to the action inside the Actions tab in Automation Cloud. To access the action from the Action Center on-premises, add /actions_/tasks/taskID to the Action Center base URL, for example: https://laptop-name:port-number/actions_/tasks/taskID.

Clicking the Open Form Designer button opens the Wizard, which enables you to customize the form that you want to use in your workflow.

The Open Bulk Form Designer button becomes available when the Enable Bulk Edit property is selected. This option opens the allowing you to design form actions that can be bulk edited or completed in the Actions tab of the corresponding Action Center instance.

Advanced options


  • ContinueOnError - Specifies if the automation should continue even when the activity throws an error. This field only supports Boolean values (True, False). The default value is False. As a result, if the field is blank and an error is thrown, the execution of the project stops. If the value is set to True, the execution of the project continues regardless of any error.
Note: If this activity is included in Try Catch and the value of the ContinueOnError property is True, no error is caught when the project is executed.
  • TimeoutMS - Specifies the amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait for the activity to run before an error is thrown. The default value is 30000 milliseconds (30 seconds).


  • Enable Bulk Edit - If selected, the Open Bulk Form Designer button becomes available in the body of the activity. This option allows you to generate form actions that can be bulk edited or completed from the Actions tab in Action Center.

  • Use Local Form File - enables the creation of Form Actions using a JSON form file, specified at execution. This field supports Boolean values only. When you enable it, the Form File Path property field appears in the body of the activity, where you specify the path to the JSON file, where a certain form layout is stored.
  • GenerateInputFields - If selected, all the entries from the Form Data Collection are generated as components in the Form Designer. Leaving it empty does not add form fields to the designer.
  • Labels - The robot adds the inputted labels to the action, allowing future filtering. This field support string values only and has naming restrictions.
Note: To allow automatic actions labeling through Persistence activities, the robot account executing the workflow needs View, Create, and Delete permissions on Tags.
  • Orchestrator Folder Path - The path to the Orchestrator Folder you want to use with this activity. If left empty, the current Orchestrator folder is used. This field supports only strings and String variables.
Note: If the user performing this Action does not have the required permissions for the target folder, task creation fails and throws a critical error. View more info on Folder Permissions.
  • Reference - The name used as reference for future filtering of the actions. This field supports string values only.
  • Form File Path - input the relative path to the form JSON file that you saved inside the current project.


  • Storage Bucket Name - The storage bucket you want to use for large data files referenced in the form data.
  • Storage Folder Path - The full path to the folder in the specified storage bucket. This field supports strings and String variables only.

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