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Test Suite User Guide

Last updated Dec 18, 2024

Service Connection Configuration

You can use the service connection in Azure Pipelines to connect to UiPath Orchestrator services so you can execute automation tasks.

For more information, see Manage service connections.


Before you start configuring the UiPath Orchestrator service connection, consider the following:

  • If you run Orchestrator on your premises, you can use the Basic Authentication method.
  • For Orchestrator Cloud versions (SaaS), you can use the External Authentication method, to register the plugin in Automation Cloud™ or Automation Suite.
  • If your Orchestrator instance is deployed in the Microsoft Azure Marketplace (PaaS), you need to access Orchestrator and Identity Server information.

    For more information, see Azure Marketplace Deployment.

Configuring UiPath Orchestrator Service Connection

To add Orchestrator to Azure DevOps, you need to add and configure a service connection, as follows:

  1. Open your Azure DevOps project (e.g., https://yourCompany.visualstudio.com/yourProject).
  2. Navigate to Project Settings > Service connections.
  3. Click New service connection and use the search function to find UiPath Orchestrator Connection.
  4. Click Next and choose an authentication method.
  5. Skip to one of the authentication methods and then come back to continue the configuration.
  6. Configure the following service connection settings:
    • Service connection name and Description: Enter a name for your service connection and add an optional description.
    • Grant access permission to all pipelines: Select this option to grant permissions for project-level pipelines.

Basic Authentication

You can use this method if your Orchestrator instance runs on your premises. Configure the following settings for this authentication method:

  • Orchestrator URL: Add the Orchestrator Public URL to which the Identity Server connects. (e.g., https://orchestrator.yourDomain.local)
  • Username and Password: Enter your Orchestrator username and password. If you use federated authentication in your organization, you need to add the username as follows: yourDomain\yourUsername.
  • Tenant: Add your provisioned tenant.

After you complete the basic authentication settings, go back to step 6 in Configuring UiPath Orchestrator service connection to complete the service connection setup.

Token Based Authentication

For token based authentication, configure the following settings:

  • Orchestrator URL: Add the Orchestrator Public URL to which the Identity Server connects. (e.g., https://orchestrator.yourDomain.local).
  • Account Name: Add your organization’s unique URL.
  • API Key: You can find the API key in Automation Cloud™ or Automation Suite, under Tenants > API Access. For more information, see Viewing API Access Information.
  • Tenant: Add your provisioned tenant.

After you complete the token based authentication settings, go back to step 6 in Configuring UiPath Orchestrator service connection to complete the service connection setup.

External Application

You can use this method if your Orchestrator instance runs in the cloud or through Automation Suite. For this authentication method, you need to configure an external application and provide scopes in Automation Cloud™ or Automation Suite.

  1. Log in to Automation Cloud™ or Automation Suite as Administrator and navigate to Admin > External Applications.
  2. Click Add Application and configure the following settings:
  • Application Name: Enter a name for your application.
  • Application Type: Set this value to Confidential application.
  • Resources: Configure the following application scopes:
  1. Click Add Scopes.
  2. Select Orchestrator API Access as Resource
  3. Select the following scopes:

    • OR.Folders
    • OR.BackgroundTasks
    • OR.TestSets
    • OR.TestSetExecutions
    • OR.TestSetSchedules
    • OR.Settings.Read
    • OR.Robots.Read
    • OR.Machines.Read
    • OR.Execution
    • OR.Assets
    • OR.Users.Read
    • OR.Jobs
    • OR.Monitoring

      You can use this code block to copy the list of applicatin scope

       OR.Folders OR.BackgroundTasks OR.TestSets OR.TestSetExecutions OR.TestSetSchedules OR.Settings.Read OR.Robots.Read OR.Machines.Read OR.Execution OR.Assets OR.Users.Read OR.Jobs OR.MonitoringOR.Folders OR.BackgroundTasks OR.TestSets OR.TestSetExecutions OR.TestSetSchedules OR.Settings.Read OR.Robots.Read OR.Machines.Read OR.Execution OR.Assets OR.Users.Read OR.Jobs OR.Monitoring
  4. Click Save.

    • Redirect URL: You can leave this field blank.
  5. Click Add to register the application.

    • An application ID and a Secret are generated at the end. Keep this information in a secure location and at hand for later use.
    • If you generate and use a new Secret, the old one is going to be invalidated.

After you complete the external application registration in Automation Cloud™ or Automation Suite, you can configure the following settings:

  • Orchestrator URL: Add the Orchestrator Public URL to which the Identity Server connects. (e.g., https://orchestrator.yourDomain.local).
  • Identity URL (only for Orchestrator deployed in Azure Marketplace): Add the Identity Server URL. You can find it in the Overview section of your App Service.

    For cloud Orchestrators, the Identity URL field must be left blank.

  • Account Name: Add your organization’s unique URL. This is optional if your Orchestrator is deployed in the Azure Marketplace.
  • Application ID and Secret: Add the Application ID and Secret generated through the external app registration.
  • Application Scopes: Add the scopes that you registered as Resources for the external app.
  • Tenant: This is optional if your Orchestrator is deployed in the Azure Marketplace.

After you complete the external application settings, go back to step 6 in Configuring UiPath Orchestrator service connection to complete the service connection setup.

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