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Test Suite User Guide

Last updated Nov 11, 2024

Creating Test Cases

In this scenario, you can learn how to create a test configuration in SAP Solution Manager, create a test case in Studio, and deploy a newly created process to Orchestrator.

To create test configuration and test cases, follow these procedures:

  1. Create Test Configuration
  2. Create Test Cases
  3. Publish Test Case to Orchestrator
  4. Deploy Process in Orchestrator

Create Test Configuration

To prepare for the test case creation, you need to create a test configuration for your business process.

  1. Use SAP Logon to connect to your SAP Solution Manager System.
  2. Start SAP Fiori Launchpad with help of transaction /n/UI2/FLP.
  3. Navigate to Project and Process Management > Solution Documentation.

  4. Select your business process scenario and navigate to the process step that contains the transaction (executable) you want to automate.
  5. Right-click the executable Create Sales Order.
  6. Navigate to New > Test Cases > Test Configuration (Create).

  7. Fill in the following test configuration details:
    • Enter a technical name for the new Test Configuration andTest Script.
    • Select UiPath®as a Test Tool.
    • Enter Version number .
    • Enter the Title of new Test Configuration.
    • Choose a Local Object to save the Test Configuration in the $TMP package.
  8. Click Ok to confirm.
    Note: The Test Configuration and Test Script names must begin with the letter Z, and they must not contain any special characters nor spaces.

  9. Click Save to save the Test Configuration.

Create Test Cases

Use Studio to create your test case.

  1. In the newly created test configuration window, click Launch UiPath® to open Studio.

  2. Choose one of the available options to start creating the test case.

  3. In the Project Settings window configure the following details:
    • Enter your Test Manager URL.
    • Select the Default Project where the current and future test cases are automatically created.

  4. Click Ok to confirm. You need to configure the Project Settings only once for each Studio project that will be used for the SAP Solution Manager Integration.

    The test case is created in Studio and the relevant information from Test Configuration about the System Under Test (SUT) is transferred to the test case, in the Variables section. Subsequently, the test case is created in Test Manager in a predefined SolMan project.

  5. Start creating test automation in Studio.
  6. Click Return to SAP Solution Manager to save the test case in Studio and finalize the Test Configuration creation in SAP Solution Manager. This button is available only if the SAP Solution Manager Plugin is installed on your machine. For more information, see Configuring User Machine.

    Studio is disabled and the control is handed over to SAP Solution Manager. Studio is now waiting for a new command to create, edit, or to display the Test Configuration.

    • Click "Disconnect" to disconnect from SAP Solution Manager and work in Studio in the standalone mode
    • The changes in Test Case will be not synchronized with SAP Solution Manager.
    • The test case must be opened from test configuration to get all arguments synchronized with SAP Solution Manager.
  7. Click Refresh to update the data in the Test Configuration.

  8. Click Close in the Test Configuration window to complete the creation process.

    The test case is assigned to the solution documentation and its corresponding transaction.

Deploy Process in Orchestrator

For the last step, you need to assign the previously created process to your execution environment.

  1. Log in to Orchestrator and go to Processes.
  2. Click Add to configure a new process. For more information see Managing Processes.
  3. Choose the previously created process and assign it to your execution environment.

  4. Click Create to confirm. The automation is ready from the UiPath® side.

    You need to perform the Deploy Process action only once for each process.

Editing Test Case

You can edit and modify test cases through Studio.

  1. Use SAP Logon to connect to your SAP Solution Manager system.
  2. Start SAP Fiori Launchpad with help of transaction /n/UI2/FLP.
  3. Navigate to Project and Process Management > Solution Documentation.
  4. Go to the business process that contains your test configuration.
  5. Navigate to Test Configuration > Edit.
  6. Click Launch UiPath® to open Studio.
  7. Edit your test case.
  8. Once ready, save the work and to return back by clicking Return to SAP Solution Manager.
    Note: Keep in mind to publish the latest test case version to Orchestrator.

Displaying Test Case

You can review the test case flow in read-only mode through Studio.

  1. Use SAP Logon to connect to your SAP Solution Manager system.
  2. Start SAP Fiori Launchpad with help of transaction /n/UI2/FLP.
  3. Navigate to Project and Process Management > Solution Documentation.
  4. Go to the business process that contains your test configuration.
  5. Navigate to Test Configuration > Display.
  6. Click Launch UiPath® to open Studio. Studio opens in Read-only mode. Modifications are not allowed.
  7. To return, click Return to SAP Solution Manager

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