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StudioX User Guide

Last updated Nov 18, 2024

Project Templates

Project templates can speed up automation design when used as a starting point for new automation projects. StudioX comes with a number of built-in templates and enables you to use custom templates from other sources, such as the organization-wide and UiPath Marketplace template feeds. In addition, you can create and publish your own custom templates.

Using Templates

You can view all available project templates in the Templates tab in StudioX Backstage View.

Recently used templates are listed at the top. You can search for templates by name and description, select whether to include prerelease versions, or filter templates by location.

The following template locations are available:

  • All - All locations.
  • Built-in - Templates that come installed with Studio.
  • Official - Templates from the official UiPath feed.
  • Orchestrator - Organization-wide templates feed, available when connected to Orchestrator.
  • Local - The local user feed, by default: C:\Users\User\Documents\UiPath\.templates. The location can be defined by selecting Settings > Locations in StudioX Backstage view.

To create a project based on a template:

  1. Click the template. A window with details about the template opens.
  2. Select the version to use from the lower-left corner of the window (by default, the latest version), and then click Use Template.

Built-in Templates

A number of templates are included by default in StudioX. Each template is a fully functional project that automates a set of common tasks and can be used as is to learn more about how to design automation projects, or as a starting point for your own automations. Annotations added to the activities in each template contain additional information about the purpose of the activities and how you can configure them.

To create a new project based on a built-in template, in StudioX Backstage View, select the Start tab, and then select one of the entries under New from Template.

The following project templates are available by default in StudioX:

  • Complete Word Template from Excel and Email - Starting from an Excel file with user data and a Word document with placeholder text, the automation creates a separate Word document for each user with data copied from Excel, and emails each of the files to its intended user.
  • Create PowerPoint Presentation from Data Scraping - Scrapes data from a website and uses it to create a PowerPoint presentation.
  • Create Rich HTML Email - Adds an Excel table, a picture, and formatted text to a Word document and adds the document as an HTML body in a Send Outlook Email activity.
  • Download File from Website - Downloads a CSV file from a website and writes the contents of the file to a newly created Excel file.
  • Enter Excel Data Into Website - Enters new suppliers on a web page by copying data row by row from an Excel file with information about suppliers.
  • Save Outlook Attachments - Goes through the emails in the Inbox and saves all the attachments with the .xls and .xlsx file extensions to a folder inside your Documents folder. The automation stops after the first 50 emails are processed.
  • Split Excel Sheet Into Multiple Sheets - Filters an Excel sheet by each of the values in a column and copies the results of the filters to separate sheets.

Creating a Template

You can create custom templates and publish them for personal use or for sharing within your organization.

To create a new project template:

  1. In StudioX Backstage View, select the Start tab, and then, under New, select Template. The New Template window is displayed.
  2. Provide the following information:

    • Name - Enter a name for the template.
    • Location - Browse to a location on your hard drive where to create the template. The default location is C:\Users\User\Documents\UiPath\.templates.
    • Description - Optionally, enter a brief description to provide more details about the template.

  3. Click Create.
  4. A pop-up is displayed with information about customizable fields. Click Continue and optionally, check the Don't show again checkbox.
  5. Add and configure the desired activities.
  6. For input fields that you want to become configurable, click Plus docs image on the right side of the field, then, from the menu select Mark as Customizable.
  7. Test your project by running it, and then save it.

Customizable Fields

Customizable fields allow you to create a template with sample data that is cleared when the template is published. This makes it easier to then create tasks with your own data from that template.

When creating a template, you may have fields that should become configurable once the template is published. As an example, this can be useful when creating a template using Excel activities where the file used and the range selected can change according to what is being automated.

For those instances, you can mark fields as customizable by clicking Plus on the right side of the field, then selecting Mark as Customizable.

This marks the field with an icon. You can still use fields marked as customizable as any other field, so you can run and test the project with your own values.

Once the template is published, the value in this field is cleared. If you reopen the template after saving it, your test values are kept and you can continue editing.

If you decide you’d like this field not to be configurable and maintain the values, select Plus > Unmark as customizable.

Publishing a Template

Publishing templates is similar to publishing projects, with the exception that the wizard contains an additional step where to enter template information. To publish a template, select Publish in the StudioX Design tab ribbon and then fill in the required information.

For more detailed instructions, see About Publishing Automation Projects in the Studio Guide.

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