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Orchestrator release notes for Public Sector

September 2024

September 25, 2024

Side panel layout updates

In an effort to improve the readability of the queue items side panel, we have changed its layout to a row format, and have made several minor font tweaks.

These updates aim to solve a rendering issue which caused content to have too little space in the old side by side layout to accommodate values. The underlying issue stemmed from a rendering change meant to account for any whitespace formatting coming from automations or raw content.

September 23, 2024

Changes to the count parameter

The count parameter in the Jobs and QueueItems endpoints is no longer true by default for Enterprise tenants. To retrieve this information for jobs and queue items requests, add $count=true to the URL.

September 17, 2024

Applying size limits on large data fields

Starting today, we are rolling out size limits on large data fields to Enterprise tenants. The change will gradually go into effect over the course of a week. These are the new limits:
  • Progress - limited to 104,857 characters
  • AnalyticsData/Analytics - limited to 10 KB
  • OutputData/Output - limited to 100 KB
  • SpecificContent/SpecificData - limited to 500 KB
  • ProcessingException - Reason - limited to 102,400 characters
  • ProcessingException - Details - limited to 102,400 characters
Additionally, the $top filter is now also limited to a maximum of 100 records.

You can read more about these in Large data fields.

Removing the account authentication endpoint

The api/Account/Authenticate endpoint has been removed. We recommend using external applications and personal access tokens instead.

Find out more about external applications.

New options on the Processes page

The Processes page now includes two new options: View Logs and View Jobs. The options allow you to easily access the logs and jobs associated to a specific process.

September 9, 2024

Launching the Orchestrator Credentials Proxy 2.1.1

The release of the Orchestrator Credentials Proxy 2.1.1 brings two important fixes:
  • The error message displayed when you tried to use an encrypted appsettings.Production.json, which stated that a file or assembly could not be loaded, no longer occurs.
  • The BeyondTrust Password Safe - Team Passwords credential store would sometimes not work as expected when the Folder Path Prefix parameter was used.

Renaming robot accounts

You can now rename your robot account after creating it.

Since the username of a robot account is permanent, and cannot be changed after it is set, the Username column also remains unchanged. For example, if you rename the robot from Test to Test1, only the Name column updates with the new value, leaving the Username unchanged. For more information, refer to Adding robot accounts.

Removing host license endpoints

We have removed all /odata/HostLicenses endpoints, as they were outdated, and inaccessible by Automation Cloud. However, there is no disruption to API compatibility.

Deprecation timeline

We recommend that you regularly check the deprecation timeline for any updates regarding features that will be deprecated and removed.

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