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Orchestrator release notes for Public Sector

August 2024

August 27, 2024

Queue item export update

You can now retrieve the exception details field when exporting queue items.

Removing host license endpoints

We have removed all /odata/HostLicenses endpoints, as they were outdated, and inaccessible by Automation Cloud. However, there is no disruption to API compatibility.

Bug fixes

  • When attempting to remove a license from the tenant's License tab, an error related to the HTTP failure response would occur. This issue was caused by the Remove button being displayed when, in fact, it should not have been available. To avoid further issues, we have removed both the Update and Remove buttons from the License tab.
  • You could not filter logs by MachineId in the RobotLogs table of the Orchestrator database.
  • The Process filter on the Logs page did not include the process names of automations that were run in Studio.

August 6, 2024

Increased audit search character limit

The character limit for searching in the tenant Audit window has been increased to 64.

Key-value pair enhancement

You can now create new values by using pre-existing ones.

In a property (i.e., a key-value pair), you can now choose a previously created value and simply edit it to create a new one. This means that you no longer have to build new values from scratch.

This enhancement is particularly helpful when using long, intricate values, eliminating the risk for potential errors.

Enforcing Solutions permissions immutability

The Solutions Administrator and the Solutions Contributor roles cannot be altered in any way. To make sure that this is obvious in the interface, we have made a couple of visual changes:

  • The permissions included in these roles are still selected, but their checkboxes are now greyed out.

  • The Duplicate & customize contextual menu item for each Solutions role is greyed out.

Auto-retry for failed and abandoned transactions

We have split the auto-retry mechanism into two options, as follows:

  • Failed items - retries any queue items that fail after creating the queue.
  • Abandoned items - retries abandoned queue items based on the value specified in the Max # of retries field.

For more details, refer to Managing queues in Orchestrator.

Cloud robots upgraded to .NET 8 framework

Automation Cloud™ Robots virtual machines now run with Robot version 2024.10.1, which uses the .NET 8 framework.

However, the exact framework used depends on your VM pool's Software update settings:

  • Machines set to Instant auto-update (recommended) get an automatic upgrade to .NET 8-framework Robots.

  • Machines set to Delayed auto-update continue using .NET 6-framework Robots until the next Robot version is released. This may cause errors when running Studio Web or Studio 2024.10.1 projects. To avoid these errors, change the upgrade mechanism to Instant auto-update (recommended). For details, refer to the compatibility matrix.

Bug fixes

The screen reader version of the Create new menu included items that were greyed out in the user interface. Now, if a menu item is not available for any reason, the screen reader also skips it.

Deprecation timeline

We recommend that you regularly check the deprecation timeline for any updates regarding features that will be deprecated and removed.

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