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Communications Mining Automation Cloud Release Notes
Last updated Aug 26, 2024

February 2024

29 February


  • There is now a callout message on the The Train and Validation pages, recommending you to use text search on a limited basis. As a result, you identify specific examples for labels with minimal or no training examples. This helps the model, by giving it enough context to make predictions for these labels that can be validated using other training modes, such as the Teach Label.
  • The Train tab now displays additional progress indicators for core model training requirements. Once you meet these requirements, you can view more detailed information on the overall performance and individual contributing factors for the model rating.

8 February


The Modify Dashboards permission is now available, allowing you to create, edit, and delete Dashboards within a Project. These actions were previously linked to the Modify Datasets permission.

If you previously had the Modify Datasets permission or currently have the Dataset Admin permission, you are automatically granted the new Modify Dashboards permission.

  • 29 February
  • Improvements
  • 8 February
  • Improvement

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