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Last updated 2024年11月11日


This quickstart guide provides you with a comprehensive introduction to Test Manager, empowering you to efficiently manage and execute test cases for your Studio projects. Test Manager offers a robust test management solution with support for multiple test frameworks, integration with various source control systems, and advanced reporting capabilities.

Follow these steps to get started with Test Manager:
  1. Create a project in Test Manager, or import an existing project.


  2. 为您的测试用例创建需求。
  3. Create test cases either in Studio, or directly in Test Manager.
  4. 创建测试集并向其分配测试用例。
  5. 执行测试。
  6. 分析测试结果。


It is very common to use specialized requirements management tools to manage requirements like user stories, epics, or other artifacts. Test Manager supports the synchronization of requirements from external tools as well as the creation of requirements from within Test Manager. In a Test Manager project, there can be requirements that are synced from external tools as well as requirements that were created in Test Manager.
  1. 在“ 测试设计 ” 菜单中,导航到“ 要求 ” 页面。

  2. 单击 “创建需求”。 系统将显示“ 创建需求 ” 窗口。
  3. 相应地填写字段:
    • 名称 ” - 需求的名称。
    • 说明 -(可选)向需求添加任何说明。 要添加格式化文本,请使用 Markdown 语法。
    • (可选)添加任意数字对象标签。
  4. 单击 “创建”。 您的新要求将显示在“ 要求 ” 页面中。
    提示: 上传文档



  1. 选择“更多选项”,找到要复制的需求,然后单击“克隆”。
  2. 选择要克隆的信息,然后选择“确认”。


Test Manager provides a set of features for creating, managing, and executing test cases for your projects. This guide walks you through the process of creating test cases, assigning automations to them, adding manual steps, and linking requirements.


Build your testing portfolio, and create test cases within Test Manager:

  1. Open your project in Test Manager and navigate to the Test Cases section.
  2. 选择“创建测试用例”并配置测试用例详细信息,例如名称、版本、说明和标签。
  3. 选择“确认”,测试用例将显示在“测试用例”下。


To establish traceability between test cases and requirements, you can assign test cases to requirements in Test Manager.

  1. 打开所需的测试用例。
  2. 转到“任务”,然后选择“分配给需求”。
  3. 选择要将测试用例关联到哪个需求。
  4. 选择“分配”以保存更改。

将 Studio 自动化分配至测试用例

Test cases in Test Manager can include both manual steps and a Studio automation. The automations are created in Studio as test cases, using the available activities. You need to assign Studio automations to test cases from Test Manager, to use automated executions.

To link an automation created in Studio to a test case in Test Manager:

  1. Integrate Studio with Test Manger, and configure the Test Manager Settings from the Studio Design ribbon.
  2. Select Link to Test Manager.
  3. 配置测试用例信息,例如:
    • Project: Select your project. If you did not set a default project for Test Manager, see Integrating with Studio.
    • 测试:从下拉列表中选择测试用例。
    • Name: Enter a name only if you create a new test case in Test Manager.
    • Requirement: Leave this field blank if you don't want to link the test case to an existing requirement. The name is read-only in Test Manager. Alternatively, you can select a Requirement from the dropdown list if you want to assign the test case to a specific requirement in Test Manager.



Visit Manual test cases to learn how to add manual steps to test cases inside Test Manager.


In Test Manager, you have the option to upload relevant documents as attachments to test cases.

  1. Open your project in Test Manager.
  2. 导航到以下工件之一:

    • 要求
    • 测试用例
    • 测试集
  3. 单击列表中的条目以将其打开。
  4. 转到“许可证”选项卡。
  5. 单击“添加文档”按钮,然后选择一个文件,或将其直接拖放到页面中。


“附加文档”活动 在 Studio 自动化中添加“附加文档”活动。 执行后,附件将显示在“ 执行” 页面上的“ 附件” 选项卡中。


  1. 选择“更多选项”,找到要复制的需求,然后单击“克隆”。
  2. 选择是否要克隆相关信息,例如文档、标签或分配给需求的用例。
  3. 选择“克隆”以保存更改。

Managing test cases

Test Manager provides a range of actions that can be performed on individual test cases:

  • 选择测试用例的键时查看测试用例的概述。这将跳转到“概述”页面。
  • 访问测试用例最新结果的日志。选择测试用例的“打开执行日志”,您可以查看有关最新测试执行的详细信息。
  • 删除测试用例。
  • 取消关联自动化。
  • 克隆测试用例。

Creating test sets

Test Sets in Test Manager are used to group test cases and define which tests should be executed together in a single run. They provide a way to organize tests based on their purpose and execution requirements. To create a test set, follow the steps below:

Creating test sets

  1. Open your project in Test Manager, and select Test Sets.
  2. 选择“创建测试集”。
  3. 填写有关测试集的信息,例如名称、描述、测试集是否应显示活动覆盖率(“启用 RPA 活动覆盖率计算”)和标签。
  4. 选择“创建”以保存更改。



  • 使用静态分配 - 手动选择要关联的测试用例。

  • 使用动态分配 - 输入要分配的测试用例的标签。每当启动执行时,所有至少分配了一个选定标签的测试用例都将添加到该执行中。



可以将测试集设置为从默认或指定的执行文件夹运行。 这使您可以以专有方式执行该特定文件夹中的测试用例。 此外,您还可以选择指定仅从中运行测试用例的特定包及其版本。 要使用此功能,请执行以下步骤:

  1. 检查租户级别设置:
    1. Visit Test Manager, select Settings from the header, and then go to the General tab.
    2. 检查 “允许旧版执行上下文”设置:
      • 如果启用该设置: 在不使用特定执行文件夹的情况下运行测试用例。
      • 如果设置已禁用: 测试用例只能从特定的 Orchestrator 执行文件夹以及指定的包和版本运行。
  2. 在项目设置中设置默认的执行文件夹:
    1. 转到项目设置,然后选择“自动化”选项卡。
    2. 设置默认执行文件夹。


  3. 选择测试集的执行文件夹:
    1. 导航到“测试集”并打开测试集。
    2. 在 “测试用例”选项卡中,选择 “选择自动化”。
    3. 从“执行文件夹”下拉列表中选择首选文件夹。
    4. 选择“保存”以应用更改。
  4. 选择特定包和版本:
    1. 在测试集的“测试用例”选项卡中,再次选择“选择自动化”。
    2. 可以使用以下选项:
      • 自动选择包:根据分配给测试集的测试用例,选择文件夹中所有可用的包及其最新版本。
      • 添加自动化:允许您从相应的下拉列表中手动选择包及其版本。 使用“选择”确认每个包- 版本配对。

Linking Orchestrator test sets

You can link your test sets from Orchestrator and execute them in Test Manager. To achieve this, you first need to create the test set in Orchestrator, and assign only automated test cases to it.

注意:从 2025 年 4 月开始,此功能将被弃用。请访问 Orchestrator 即将弃用的内容,了解有关此项弃用的更多信息。
在 Orchestrator 中创建测试集后,请按照以下步骤操作:
  1. Open your project in Test Manager.
  2. 导航到“测试集”,然后导航到“关联”。
  3. 从列表中选择一个测试集,然后单击“关联”。


  1. 找到要复制的测试集,选择“更多选项”,然后选择“克隆”。
  2. 选择是否要克隆相关信息,例如文档标签
  3. 选择克隆



In Test Manager, you have the option to execute tests manually or using automations. Manual test executions are performed directly in Test Manager, while automated executions are initiated through Test Manager and carried out via Orchestrator. Before executing test cases, it is necessary to create a test set, which will be used for the execution.


Automated execution refers to test sets created in Test Manager with linked test cases from Studio. Before executing automated tests in Test Manager, make sure you have created the test sets in Orchestrator.

You can execute all test sets using the Execute Automated option. Orchestrator is invoked for test cases linked to Test Manager. To execute test sets linked from Orchestrator, ensure that you create the test sets in Orchestrator.


  1. Open your project in Test Manager and then navigate to Test Sets.
  2. 选择一个测试集,然后单击垂直省略号。
  3. 选择“执行自动化”。


Manual execution applies to test sets created in Test Manager, including test cases with manual steps. Manual execution can be performed for both Test Manager test sets and linked test sets from Orchestrator.


  1. Open your project in Test Manager and then navigate to Test Sets.
  2. 选择一个测试集,然后单击垂直省略号。
  3. 选择“手动执行”。系统将在新窗口中打开手动执行助理。确保您的弹出窗口阻止程序允许打开窗口。



Execution in Test Manager provide insights about the execution of test sets. Below you have a breakdown of how you can analyze and work with test results.


Open Execution in Test Manager to view a list of test executions. Each test execution represents the execution of a test set. The executions are sorted based on the finish date, with ongoing and pending executions displayed at the top.




  • 绿色:通过的测试用例。
  • 红色:失败的测试用例。
  • 灰色 - 没有明确结果的测试用例,例如尚未在正在进行的测试集中执行的用例。


执行日志执行日志包含基本信息,包括断言、日志、执行详细信息、受影响的需求和附件。 在“执行”页面中选择测试用例键以访问执行日志。
缺陷管理集成If you have an external defect management system integrated with Test Manager, you can create defect reports directly from the execution logs. Open a test case log, select Tasks, and then Create Defect.
缺陷同步Test Manager allows synchronization of execution results with external tools as part of an ALM tool integration. This synchronization ensures that execution details, logs, timestamps, and other relevant information are shared with the integrated tool.
创建和取消链接缺陷在 “执行”页面中,您可以通过访问测试用例日志,选择 “任务”,然后选择 “创建缺陷”来创建缺陷。 此外,您可以选择取消缺陷与外部工具的关联,该操作会将测试执行结果与外部工具的条目分离。


  • 识别手动或自动化测试结果。
  • 跟踪正在进行的测试执行的进度。
  • 打开已执行的测试集以查看详细信息。
  • 检查与测试执行相关的日志和附件。
  • Create defects in your defect management system directly from Test Manager if you have an ALM tool integration.


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