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Test Suite 用户指南
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated 2024年11月11日

Licensing Test Manager

For Test Manager to work, within the context of Test Suite™, you need the following license types:
  • Platform: offers Test Manager as a service within your organization.
  • Tester - Named User: allows a user to utilize Test Manager. Every individual user requires a separate license. For example, if your team has 10 users, each of them will require their own license, meaning you will need a total of 10 licenses.


You need a Platform license to enable the Test Manager service within your organization.

To check if you have a Platform license that includes Test Manager:

  1. 导航至管理员选项卡。
  2. 选择许可证
  3. 切换到机器人和服务选项卡。

If you already have a Platform license, that includes Test Manager, then you can perform the following steps for enabling Test Manager in your organization and tenant:

  1. 导航至管理员选项卡。
  2. Select the tenant for which you want to enable Test Manager.
  3. 转到“服务”
  4. Select Add Services and then select Test Manager.

Tester - Named User 许可证

After you enable the Test Manager service on a tenant, you additionally need to allocate the Tester - Named User licenses to all users who should use Test Manager. The Tester - Named User license is commonly integrated into licensing bundles, such as the Automation Developer - Named User bundle.

要分配 Tester - Named User 许可证,请执行以下操作:

  1. 导航到“管理员”,然后转到“许可证”。
  2. 转到“用户”选项卡。
  3. 在“查看许可证”部分中,检查您的组织可用的 Tester - Named User 许可证的数量。
  4. 根据您分配许可证的方式(为用户或一组用户),执行以下步骤:
    • 对于用户:
      1. 展开“向用户分配许可证”部分。
      2. 对于所需的用户,选择“编辑许可证分配”
      3. 选择“Tester - Named User”
      4. 选择“保存”以确认许可证分配。
    • 对于一组用户:
      1. 展开“向用户分配许可证”部分。
      2. 对于所需的组,选择“编辑组分配规则”
      3. 选择“Tester - Named User”
      4. 选择“保存”以确认许可证分配。


  • 平台许可证
  • Tester - Named User 许可证


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