Document Understanding 用户指南
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated 2024年9月12日


要创建完整的文档处理解决方案,必须将在传统和新式体验中开发的模型集成到文档处理自动化中。自动化是一个流程,用于管理从不同来源自动收集文档的逻辑,实施数字化、分类、提取和验证等处理逻辑以及业务逻辑。您可以通过以下方式使用 UiPath™ Document UnderstandingTM 构建执行这些功能的自动化:

  • Studio 或 Studio Web 中的机器人流程自动化 (RPA) 活动
  • 使用 Document Understanding Cloud API 的 API

For an in-depth comparison between automation types, visit Automations in Document Understanding™.


UiPath Document Understanding activities are a set of Studio activities designed to assist robotic process automation (RPA) developers build document processing solutions. You can currently choose between two types of activities for your Document Understanding projects:
  • “智能 OCR”活动
    注意:即将推出对“智能 OCR”活动的支持。
  • Document Understanding 活动


此外,您还可以使用一组活动来帮助您与 PDF 文件交互。有关更多信息,请查看 PDF 活动指南。

Document Understanding Cloud API

You can use API calls as an alternative to the robotic process automation (RPA) approach. API calls allow you to retrieve detailed information about your project, including the extractors and classifiers used. They also enable the use of digitization APIs, data classification and extraction from documents using specialized models, and validation of previously digitized, classified, and extracted information.

有关如何使用 Document Understanding API 的更多信息,请查看 Document Understanding API 指南

  • 活动
  • Document Understanding Cloud API


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