Automation Hub API 指南
发出 Automation Hub API 调用
Define the token as a bearer -H 'Authorization: Bearer [Tenant ID]/ [Token_generted_from_the_Open API_page].
If an App Key was defined when generating the token, it's mandatory that you apply it using the following key: x-ah-openapi-app-key: [defined app key]
Adding x-ah-openapi-auth: openapi-token key in the header is mandatory as it indicates the token type.
The easiest way to build the Automation URL is by using the process_slug.
For example, if the process_slug is: process_slug": "onboarding-of-new-employee"
Then the URL for that automation is: https://{yourDomain}/automationhub_/process_slug/onboarding-of-new-employee
The request should look as in the following example:
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [Tenant ID/Token]
x-ah-openapi-app-key: [API key if added]
x-ah-openapi-auth: openapi-token
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [Tenant ID/Token]
x-ah-openapi-app-key: [API key if added]
x-ah-openapi-auth: openapi-token
按照生成 API 令牌页面中所述,使用“令牌”列后面提供的“复制到剪贴板”选项,从 Automation Hub 中复制您的 [租户 ID\令牌] 值并将其粘贴到“开放式 API”页面中。
If an App Key is included for your token, a Copy to Clipboard option becomes available after the App Key column. Use it to copy-paste your [App Key] value.
进行 Automation Hub API 调用所需的 [令牌] 的有效期会受限制。如果令牌过期,请从与令牌对应的“操作”列中访问“操作”>“编辑”选项,以编辑到期日,或者按照生成令牌页面中所述生成新令牌。否则,您将收到 401 状态代码。