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AI Center 用户指南

Automation CloudAutomation SuiteStandalone
上次更新日期 2025年2月14日


  1. 在 Automation Suite 或新 AI Center 环境中创建具有相同名称的租户。
  2. 在第一台计算机(也称为来源计算机)上生成 storage-cred.json 文件。
  3. 在第二台计算机上生成 storage-creds.json 文件。
  4. 配置执行脚本的计算机。
  5. 运行迁移脚本。

第 1 步

在 Automation Suite 或新的 AI Center 环境中为要迁移的每个租户创建相应的租户。

第 2 步


  1. 使用 SSH 连接到要迁移的计算机。
  2. 通过执行以下命令生成 storage-cred.json 文件:
    chmod 777
    chmod 777
    如果在运行上述脚本后显示以下错误消息,请运行 bash -1 命令,然后再次尝试运行上述脚本。
    docs image
生成的文件 (storage-creds.json) 将用于后续步骤。确保在本地复制并保存文件的内容。

步骤 3

此步骤需要在第二台计算机上运行,即在 Automation Suite 环境中运行的计算机。

  1. 在 Automation Suite 计算机上打开端口 22。
  2. 使用 SSH 连接到 Automation Suite 计算机。
  3. 运行以下命令:
    sudo su
    export KUBECONFIG=/etc/rancher/rke2/rke2.yaml PATH=$PATH:/var/lib/rancher/rke2/binsudo su
    export KUBECONFIG=/etc/rancher/rke2/rke2.yaml PATH=$PATH:/var/lib/rancher/rke2/bin
  4. 通过执行以下命令下载凭据文件:
    chmod 777
    chmod 777
生成的文件 (storage-creds-sf.json) 将用于后续步骤。确保在本地复制并保存文件的内容。

步骤 4

在完成以下步骤之前,请在 Automation Suite 环境中手动创建一个具有相同名称的租户。无论必须迁移哪个租户,都必须在 Automation Suite 中创建相应的租户。


  1. 运行以下命令以下载迁移脚本。这将从公共 git 存储库下载脚本:
    sudo su 
    cd ~
    mkdir migration
    cd migration
    git clone
    cd ai-customer-scripts
    git checkout stable
    cd platform
    chmod 777 -R sfmigration
    cd ~/migration/ai-customer-scripts/platform/sfmigration/storagemigration/sudo su 
    cd ~
    mkdir migration
    cd migration
    git clone
    cd ai-customer-scripts
    git checkout stable
    cd platform
    chmod 777 -R sfmigration
    cd ~/migration/ai-customer-scripts/platform/sfmigration/storagemigration/
  2. SOURCE_CREDENTIAL_FILE 文件中的内容替换为 storage-creds.json 中的内容(请参阅步骤 2)。
  3. TARGE_CREDENTIAL_FILE 文件中的内容替换为 storage-creds-sf.json 中的内容(请参阅步骤 3)。
  4. 通过运行以下命令转到基本目录:
    cd ~/migration/ai-customer-scripts/platform/sfmigration/cd ~/migration/ai-customer-scripts/platform/sfmigration/
  5. 替换 input.json 文件中的详细信息。为便于参考,凭据在 input.json 文件中标记为 TO-BE-REPLACED
下面提到了带有每个字段说明的示例 JSON 文件:
"SRC_AIC_INSTALLATION_VERSION": "TO-BE-REPLACED", // Values can be : 20.10 OR 21.4
"SRC_SERVER": "TO-BE-REPLACED",   // Replicated SQL Server host
"SRC_PKGMANAGER_DB_NAME": "TO-BE-REPLACED", // Replicated SQL Server Pkgmanager DB name
"SRC_PKGMANAGER_DB_SCHEMA": "ai_pkgmanager", // Replicated SQL Server Pkgmanager DB schema, Note : Please check schema in case of multiple dbs in replicated
"SRC_PKGMANAGER_DB_USERNAME": "TO-BE-REPLACED", // Replicated SQL Server Pkgmanager DB Username
"SRC_PKGMANAGER_DB_PASSWORD": "TO-BE-REPLACED",  // Replicated SQL Server Pkgmanager DB Password
"SRC_TRAINER_DB_NAME": "TO-BE-REPLACED", // Replicated SQL Server AI-Trainer DB Name
"SRC_TRAINER_DB_SCHEMA": "ai_trainer", // Replicated SQL Server AI-Trainer DB Schema, Note : Please check schema in case of multiple dbs in replicated
"SRC_TRAINER_DB_USERNAME": "TO-BE-REPLACED", // Replicated SQL Server AI-Trainer DB Username
"SRC_TRAINER_DB_PASSWORD": "TO-BE-REPLACED",// Replicated SQL Server AI-Trainer DB Password
"DESTINATION_SERVER": "TO-BE-REPLACED", // Destination SQL Server host i.e ServiceFabric SQL Server host
"DESTINATION_DB_NAME": "TO-BE-REPLACED", // Destination SQL Server DB Name
"DESTINATION_DB_USERNAME": "TO-BE-REPLACED", // Destination SQL Server Username
"DESTINATION_DB_PASSWORD": "TO-BE-REPLACED", // Destination SQL Server Password
"SRC_TENANT_ID": "TO-BE-REPLACED", // Source Tenant Id i.e tenant UUID in replicated environment
"DESTINATION_TENANT_ID": "TO-BE-REPLACED", // Destination Tenant Id i.e Tenant UUID in the destination environment
"DESTINATION_ACCOUNT_ID": "TO-BE-REPLACED" // Destination Account UUID Id , host if Migrating to ServiceFabric standalone environment otherwise provide the actual Account UUID
"SRC_AIC_INSTALLATION_VERSION": "TO-BE-REPLACED", // Values can be : 20.10 OR 21.4
"SRC_SERVER": "TO-BE-REPLACED",   // Replicated SQL Server host
"SRC_PKGMANAGER_DB_NAME": "TO-BE-REPLACED", // Replicated SQL Server Pkgmanager DB name
"SRC_PKGMANAGER_DB_SCHEMA": "ai_pkgmanager", // Replicated SQL Server Pkgmanager DB schema, Note : Please check schema in case of multiple dbs in replicated
"SRC_PKGMANAGER_DB_USERNAME": "TO-BE-REPLACED", // Replicated SQL Server Pkgmanager DB Username
"SRC_PKGMANAGER_DB_PASSWORD": "TO-BE-REPLACED",  // Replicated SQL Server Pkgmanager DB Password
"SRC_TRAINER_DB_NAME": "TO-BE-REPLACED", // Replicated SQL Server AI-Trainer DB Name
"SRC_TRAINER_DB_SCHEMA": "ai_trainer", // Replicated SQL Server AI-Trainer DB Schema, Note : Please check schema in case of multiple dbs in replicated
"SRC_TRAINER_DB_USERNAME": "TO-BE-REPLACED", // Replicated SQL Server AI-Trainer DB Username
"SRC_TRAINER_DB_PASSWORD": "TO-BE-REPLACED",// Replicated SQL Server AI-Trainer DB Password
"DESTINATION_SERVER": "TO-BE-REPLACED", // Destination SQL Server host i.e ServiceFabric SQL Server host
"DESTINATION_DB_NAME": "TO-BE-REPLACED", // Destination SQL Server DB Name
"DESTINATION_DB_USERNAME": "TO-BE-REPLACED", // Destination SQL Server Username
"DESTINATION_DB_PASSWORD": "TO-BE-REPLACED", // Destination SQL Server Password
"SRC_TENANT_ID": "TO-BE-REPLACED", // Source Tenant Id i.e tenant UUID in replicated environment
"DESTINATION_TENANT_ID": "TO-BE-REPLACED", // Destination Tenant Id i.e Tenant UUID in the destination environment
"DESTINATION_ACCOUNT_ID": "TO-BE-REPLACED" // Destination Account UUID Id , host if Migrating to ServiceFabric standalone environment otherwise provide the actual Account UUID
已填充示例参考值的 input.json 文件示例:
        "SRC_SERVER": "",
        "SRC_PKGMANAGER_DB_NAME": "aifabric",
        "SRC_PKGMANAGER_DB_SCHEMA": "ai_pkgmanager",
        "SRC_TRAINER_DB_NAME": "aifabric",
        "SRC_TRAINER_DB_SCHEMA": "ai_trainer",
        "SRC_TRAINER_DB_USERNAME": "test",
        "SRC_TRAINER_DB_PASSWORD": "test",
        "DESTINATION_DB_NAME": "AutomationSuite_AICenter",
        "DESTINATION_PKGMANAGER_DB_SCHEMA": "ai_pkgmanager",
        "DESTINATION_TRAINER_DB_SCHEMA": "ai_trainer",
        "DESTINATION_DB_USERNAME": "test",
        "DESTINATION_DB_PASSWORD": "test",
        "TENANT_MAP": [
                        "SRC_TENANT_ID": "d1eb428c-e188-46bf-a1dd-8908f90b4084",
                        "DESTINATION_TENANT_ID": "03527165-b242-4b98-834f-2eb3e5957223",
                        "DESTINATION_ACCOUNT_ID": "8cd64e27-12f4-427c-a575-dd4f2ea82551"
        "SRC_SERVER": "",
        "SRC_PKGMANAGER_DB_NAME": "aifabric",
        "SRC_PKGMANAGER_DB_SCHEMA": "ai_pkgmanager",
        "SRC_TRAINER_DB_NAME": "aifabric",
        "SRC_TRAINER_DB_SCHEMA": "ai_trainer",
        "SRC_TRAINER_DB_USERNAME": "test",
        "SRC_TRAINER_DB_PASSWORD": "test",
        "DESTINATION_DB_NAME": "AutomationSuite_AICenter",
        "DESTINATION_PKGMANAGER_DB_SCHEMA": "ai_pkgmanager",
        "DESTINATION_TRAINER_DB_SCHEMA": "ai_trainer",
        "DESTINATION_DB_USERNAME": "test",
        "DESTINATION_DB_PASSWORD": "test",
        "TENANT_MAP": [
                        "SRC_TENANT_ID": "d1eb428c-e188-46bf-a1dd-8908f90b4084",
                        "DESTINATION_TENANT_ID": "03527165-b242-4b98-834f-2eb3e5957223",
                        "DESTINATION_ACCOUNT_ID": "8cd64e27-12f4-427c-a575-dd4f2ea82551"
备注: 可通过以下步骤获取 SRC_TENANT_ID
  • 单击 AI Center 应用程序主页上的 UiPath™ 徽标。
  • 右键单击浏览器并转到“检查”。打开“检查”窗口后,检查项目 API 调用的“网络”选项卡。租户 ID 可在“预览”部分中查看。
  • 在执行脚本的计算机中添加 Automation Suite 计算机的对象存储的 DNS。这可以在创建 Automation Suite 环境的管道的扩展程序选项卡中找到。
    sudo bash -c "echo "LB_IP objectstore.DNS_NAME" >> /etc/hosts"sudo bash -c "echo "LB_IP objectstore.DNS_NAME" >> /etc/hosts"

步骤 5

转到使用情况目录中下载 sfmigration 的文件夹,运行以下命令:
cd ~/migration/ai-customer-scripts/platform/sfmigration/
 ./ input.jsoncd ~/migration/ai-customer-scripts/platform/sfmigration/
 ./ input.json
  • 第 1 步
  • 第 2 步
  • 步骤 3
  • 步骤 4
  • 步骤 5


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