
Customer managed keys encryption

In the Customer Managed Key (CMK) architecture, UiPath products (such as Test Manager) generally encrypt sensitive customer data before they store it. When data access is required, the product or service requests the decryption key from your key management infrastructure. This gives you control over the UiPath encrypted data, as you can refuse to return the key.

Setting up customer-managed key for your organization

To set up a CMK to encrypt resources within your organization, including Test Manager resources, visit ALE with customer-managed keys, and perform the steps for enabling the CMK.

Protected resources

Besides the resources of other UiPath products, CMKs also protect Test Manager resources, which include the following:

  • Credentials used to integrate with third-party tools.
    Note: Credentials for deprecated third-party integrations cannot be protected using CMKs. For more details on the deprecation, visit the deprecation timeline.
  • Attachments uploaded to Test Manager projects.

Encryption specifications

For information on the specifications for encrypting Test Manager resources, visit the Encryption per service section.

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