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Test Manager user guide

Last updated Mar 13, 2025

Bulk operations

You can use bulk operations on test cases, requirements, test sets or test results. For example, you can delete multiple test cases or test sets in one request, or labels can be added/removed from multiple objects. Bulk label operations are not currently supported for Execution, will be added in future.

Deleting objects

You can perform a bulk delete to remove objects such as requirements, test cases, test sets, and test results. Deleting objects is permanent and irreversible.

To delete multiple objects, follow this procedure:

  1. Log in to Test Manager and navigate to either Requirements,Test Cases,Test Sets, or Execution.
  2. Select the objects that you want to remove and click Delete in the action panel. Alternatively, you can select the checkbox in the column header to select all objects.
  3. Click Delete to confirm your action. Selected objects will be deleted.
    Important: When you delete an object, it is removed from any other associated objects. For example, if you delete requirements that are linked to a test case, the association between the objects is going to be removed. Similarly, the association is removed when you delete test cases that are assigned to a test set.

Editing labels

You can add, remove, and clear labels for multiple objects. For example, you can provide a label for all of your test cases running a Verify Expression activity, so you can later search them by this label. Default labels such as manual or automated are system-assigned and cannot be removed.

Adding Labels

  1. Log in to Test Manager and navigate to either Requirements,Test Cases, or Test Sets.
  2. Select the objects for which you want to add a label and click Edit labels in the action panel. Alternatively, you can select the checkbox in the column header to select all objects.
  3. Select Add labels and enter a new label in the form field.
  4. Press Enter to add the label. You can add multiple labels at once.
  5. (Optional) You can type in labels that have been already created to open the dropdown list. The list shows the matches from the labels created for all other objects in the current project.
  6. (Optional) Select Replace existing labels if you want to substitute all existing labels with new ones. System-assigned labels, if any, will not be substituted.
  7. Click Add to confirm your action. Labels will be added to selected objects.

Removing Labels

  1. Log in to Test Manager and navigate to either Requirements,Test Cases, or Test Sets.
  2. Select the objects for which you want to remove labels and click Edit labels in the action panel. Alternatively, you can select the checkbox in the column header to select all objects.
  3. Type in labels that have been already created to open the dropdown list. The list shows the matches from the labels already associated with the selected objects.
  4. Click Remove to confirm your action. Labels will be removed from selected objects.

Clearing All Labels

  1. Log in to Test Manager and navigate to either Requirements,Test Cases, or Test Sets.
  2. Select the objects for which you want to clear all labels and click Edit labels in the action panel. Alternatively, you can select the checkbox in the column header to select all objects.
  3. Click Clear all labels and select Clear all to confirm your action. All the labels, except system-assigned labels, will be removed from selected objects.

Removing users and groups

  1. Open Test Manager in Automation CloudTM.
  2. Open a project.
  3. Navigate to Project Settings > Manage Access.
  4. Select the users or groups that you want to remove. Alternatively, you can select the checkbox in the column header to select all objects.
  5. Click Remove users/groups
  6. Confirm your action. The selected users and groups are removed from the project.

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