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Robot User Guide

Last updated Oct 25, 2024

Installing Terraform

This page provides instructions for the installation of Terraform v0.12.3. You may choose to download the most recent, or another, version of Terraform but you must then also upgrade the scripts according to the Terraform Upgrade Guide.


  1. Download the Terraform installation archive for your Windows version (e.g. or
  2. Upzip the package to your desired directory, for example C: erraform.
    Note: Terraform runs as a single binary named terraform.exe. All other files in the package can be safely deleted.
  3. Set the Terraform binary to be available from the Path system variable as follows:
  4. Open Windows Control Panel and select System and Security.
  5. Click System and select Advanced system settings from the left menu. The System Properties window is displayed.
  6. From the Advanced tab, click Environment Variables. The Environment Variables window is displayed.
  7. From the System variables pane, select the Path variable and click Edit. If the Path variable does not exist, click New. The New/Edit environment variable window is displayed.
  8. Add the Terraform directory to the new or existing variable. In our example, C: erraform\.
  9. Click OK on all Control Panel windows to close them.

    Note: These instructions are applicable to Windows 10 and Windows 8. If using Windows 7, the Advanced system settings are reached by right-clicking the Computer icon and selecting Properties.
  10. Open an elevated command prompt and run Terraform.


  1. Download the Terraform installation archive for your machine (e.g. ,, or
    For example: $ wget
  2. Install unzip, if not already present. For example:
  3. if using Debian/Ubuntu: $ sudo apt-get install unzip.
  4. if using CentOS/Redhat: $ sudo yum install unzip.
  5. Unzip the installation package. For example: $ unzip
    Note: Terraform runs as a single binary named terraform.exe. All other files in the package can be safely deleted.
  6. Set the Terraform path: $ sudo mv terraform /usr/local/bin/.

Verify the Installation

You can verify a successful installation by executing the terraform command to display the usage information:

  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Verify the Installation

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