Test Suite
  • Notas de versão - Test Manager
    • Notas de versão - Test Manager
  • Notas de versão do Studio
  • Notas de versão do Orchestrator
  • Notas de versão integrações do CI/CD
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Notas de versão do Test Suite
Última atualização 29 de abr de 2024

Notas de versão integrações do CI/CD

This section offers updates on the native integrations with ALM tools that Test Manager offers, as well as updated on CI/CD pipelines that allow you to deploy testing projects and manage them, as part of UiPath®'s Test Suite. The following are the available native and CI/CD integrations to work on your testing projects using other components of Test Suite:

Pipeline de CI/CDDescription
Atlassian JiraIntegre sua instância do Atlassian Jira ao Test Manager para adicionar relatórios de defeitos e atribuir histórias e requisitos aos seus testes. A integração funciona com todos os tipos de projeto do Jira.
Xray para JiraThe Xray Test Management for Jira integration provides an alternative to managing your tests using the Test Manager.
Azure DevOpsIntegre o Azure DevOps ao Test Manager para suportar seus esforços de gerenciamento de testes, planejamento ágil ou rastreamento de defeitos. Por meio dessa integração, você pode sincronizar seus itens de trabalho com o Test Manager.
ServiceNow™Integrate ServiceNow™ with UiPath® Test Manager to manage and automate tests throughout the development life-cycle.
WebhooksO Test Manager fornece webhooks que permitem que ferramentas externas se inscrevam para eventos no Test Manager.
Integração do RedmineIf you use Redmine as your project planner, the integration with UiPath® Test Manager allows you to synchronize test relevant requirements between Test Manager and your Redmine instance.
UiPath® CLIA command-line interface (CLI) that allows you to execute certain pre-defined tasks for RPA package management and testing. The purpose of the UiPath® CLI is to easily integrate those capabilities with third-party tools like GitLab, Jenkins, and many others, without a plugin.
Extensão do Azure DevOpsThis extension allows you to build and deploy UiPath® automation processes, as well as run UiPath® automated test cases.
Plug-in do JenkinsThis plugin allows you to build and deploy UiPath® automation processes, as well as run UiPath® automated test cases.

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