  • Notas de versão
    • 2020.10.1
    • 2020.10.2
    • 2020.10.3
    • 2020.10.4
    • 2020.10.5
    • 2020.10.6
    • 2020.10.7
    • 2020.10.8
    • 2020.10.9
    • 2020.10.10
    • 2020.10.11
    • 2020.10.12
    • 2020.10.14
    • 2020.10.15
    • 2020.10.16
    • 17/10/2020
    • 18/10/2020
    • 2020.10.19
    • 2020.10.20
    • 2020.10.21
Importante :
A tradução automática foi aplicada parcialmente neste conteúdo. A localização de um conteúdo recém-publicado pode levar de 1 a 2 semanas para ficar disponível.
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Fora do período de suporte

Orchestrator Release Notes

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Última atualização 12 de dez de 2023


Data de lançamento: 12 dezembro de 2022

Correções de bugs

Correções de vulnerabilidades de segurança

  • Corrigimos um problema que fazia com que a senha usada para se conectar a um provedor de bucket de armazenamento fosse armazenada no banco de dados. Isso ocorria ao criar ou editar um bucket de armazenamento. A senha podia ser recuperada por um administrador de SQL com acesso de leitura ao banco de dados ou por qualquer pessoa com permissão para Visualizar a Auditoria pela API.
  • Corrigimos um problema que fazia com que as senhas dos armazenamentos de credenciais fossem armazenadas no banco de dados. As senhas podiam ser recuperadas por um administrador de SQL com acesso de leitura ao banco de dados ou por qualquer pessoa com permissão para Visualizar a Auditoria pela API.
  • Corrigimos um problema que fazia com que códigos de licenças ficassem visíveis na resposta retornada por chamadas que recuperavam todos os dados de auditoria.
  • Corrigimos um problema que fazia com que senhas de feeds fossem armazenadas no banco de dados. Isso ocorria ao criar um feed externo para manutenção dos pacotes de automação.

Use esse script para limpar quaisquer senhas exibidas nos logs existentes. O script pode ser executado antes de atualizar para essa versão.

DECLARE @serverVersion INT
SET @serverVersion = ISNULL(CAST(COALESCE(SERVERPROPERTY('ProductMajorVersion'),PARSENAME(CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('productversion') AS varchar(20)), 4)) as INT),0)IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 from [dbo].[Settings] WHERE [Name] = 'Migration.AuditCleanup.Buckets' AND [TenantId] IS NULL)
    IF @serverVersion >= 13 -- SQL Server 2016
        -- Remove just the password if json functions are supported
        EXECUTE sp_executesql N'
            UPDATE [dbo].[AuditLogs]
            SET [Parameters] = JSON_MODIFY([Parameters], ''$.bucketDto.Password'', NULL)
                [TenantId] IN (SELECT DISTINCT TenantId FROM [dbo].[Buckets] WHERE [StorageProvider] IN (''Amazon'',''Azure'',''Minio'',''S3Compatible'')) AND
                [ServiceName] = ''UiPath.Orchestrator.Web.Api.OData.Controllers.BucketsController'' AND
                CHARINDEX(''Password'', [Parameters]) > 0 AND
                NULLIF(JSON_VALUE([Parameters], ''$.bucketDto.Password''), '''') IS NOT NULL'
        -- Remove all parameters if json functions are not supported
        EXECUTE sp_executesql N'
            UPDATE [dbo].[AuditLogs]
            SET [Parameters] = ''''
                [TenantId] IN (SELECT DISTINCT TenantId FROM [dbo].[Buckets] WHERE [StorageProvider] IN (''Amazon'',''Azure'',''Minio'',''S3Compatible'')) AND
                [ServiceName] = ''UiPath.Orchestrator.Web.Api.OData.Controllers.BucketsController'' AND
                CHARINDEX(''Password'', [Parameters]) > 0'
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Settings] ([TenantId],[UserId],[Name],[Value],[CreationTime])
         VALUES (null,null,'Migration.AuditCleanup.Buckets','true',GETUTCDATE())
ENDIF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 from [dbo].[Settings] WHERE [Name] = 'Migration.AuditCleanup.CredentialStores' AND [TenantId] IS NULL)
    IF @serverVersion >= 13 -- SQL Server 2016
        -- Remove just the password if json functions are supported
        EXECUTE sp_executesql N'
            UPDATE [dbo].[AuditLogs]
            SET [Parameters] = JSON_MODIFY([Parameters], ''$.credentialStoreDto.AdditionalConfiguration'', NULL)
                [TenantId] IN (SELECT DISTINCT TenantId FROM [dbo].[CredentialStores] WHERE [Type] <> ''Database'') AND
                [ServiceName] = ''UiPath.Orchestrator.Web.Api.OData.Controllers.CredentialStoresController'' AND
                CHARINDEX(''AdditionalConfiguration'', [Parameters]) > 0 AND
                ISJSON([Parameters]) = 1 AND
                NULLIF(JSON_VALUE([Parameters], ''$.credentialStoreDto.AdditionalConfiguration''), '''') IS NOT NULL
            -- Some records are truncated, so not valid JSON
            UPDATE [dbo].[AuditLogs]
            SET [Parameters] = ''''
                [TenantId] IN (SELECT DISTINCT TenantId FROM [dbo].[CredentialStores] WHERE [Type] <> ''Database'') AND
                [ServiceName] = ''UiPath.Orchestrator.Web.Api.OData.Controllers.CredentialStoresController'' AND
                CHARINDEX(''AdditionalConfiguration'', [Parameters]) > 0 AND
                ISJSON([Parameters]) = 0'
        -- Remove all parameters if json functions are not supported
        EXECUTE sp_executesql N'
            UPDATE [dbo].[AuditLogs]
            SET [Parameters] = ''''
                [TenantId] IN (SELECT DISTINCT TenantId FROM [dbo].[CredentialStores] WHERE [Type] <> ''Database'') AND
                [ServiceName] = ''UiPath.Orchestrator.Web.Api.OData.Controllers.CredentialStoresController'' AND
                CHARINDEX(''AdditionalConfiguration'', [Parameters]) > 0'
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Settings] ([TenantId],[UserId],[Name],[Value],[CreationTime])
         VALUES (null,null,'Migration.AuditCleanup.CredentialStores','true',GETUTCDATE())
ENDIF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 from [dbo].[Settings] WHERE [Name] = 'Migration.AuditCleanup.PackageFeedApiKey' AND [TenantId] IS NULL)
    IF @serverVersion >= 13 -- SQL Server 2016
        -- Remove just the password if json functions are supported
        EXECUTE sp_executesql N'
            UPDATE [dbo].[AuditLogEntities] 
            SET [CustomData] = JSON_MODIFY([CustomData], ''$.ApiKey'', NULL)
                [EntityId] IS NULL AND
                [EntityName] = ''UiPackageFeed'' AND 
                CHARINDEX(''ApiKey'', [CustomData]) > 0 AND 
                JSON_VALUE([CustomData], ''$.ApiKey'') IS NOT NULL'
        -- Remove just the password if json functions are supported
        EXECUTE sp_executesql N'
            UPDATE [dbo].[AuditLogEntities] 
            SET [CustomData] = ''''
                [EntityId] IS NULL AND
                [EntityName] = ''UiPackageFeed'' AND 
                CHARINDEX(''ApiKey'', [CustomData]) > 0'
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Settings] ([TenantId],[UserId],[Name],[Value],[CreationTime])
        VALUES (null,null,'Migration.AuditCleanup.PackageFeedApiKey','true',GETUTCDATE())
ENDIF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 from [dbo].[Settings] WHERE [Name] = 'Migration.AuditCleanup.PackageFeedBasicPassword' AND [TenantId] IS NULL)
    IF @serverVersion >= 13 -- SQL Server 2016
        -- Remove just the password if json functions are supported
        EXECUTE sp_executesql N'
            UPDATE [dbo].[AuditLogEntities] 
            SET [CustomData] = JSON_MODIFY([CustomData], ''$.BasicPassword'', NULL)
                [EntityId] IS NULL AND
                [EntityName] = ''UiPackageFeed'' AND 
                CHARINDEX(''BasicPassword'', [CustomData]) > 0 AND 
                JSON_VALUE([CustomData], ''$.BasicPassword'') IS NOT NULL'
        -- Remove just the password if json functions are supported
        EXECUTE sp_executesql N'
            UPDATE [dbo].[AuditLogEntities] 
            SET [CustomData] = ''''
                [EntityId] IS NULL AND
                [EntityName] = ''UiPackageFeed'' AND 
                CHARINDEX(''BasicPassword'', [CustomData]) > 0'
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Settings] ([TenantId],[UserId],[Name],[Value],[CreationTime])
        VALUES (null,null,'Migration.AuditCleanup.PackageFeedBasicPassword','true',GETUTCDATE())
ENDIF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 from [dbo].[Settings] WHERE [Name] = 'Migration.AuditCleanup.LicenseKey' AND [TenantId] IS NULL)
    IF @serverVersion >= 13 -- SQL Server 2016
        EXECUTE sp_executesql N'
            UPDATE [dbo].[AuditLogs]
            SET [Parameters] = JSON_MODIFY([Parameters], ''$.licenseKey'', NULL)
                [ServiceName] = ''UiPath.Orchestrator.Web.Api.OData.Controllers.SettingsController'' AND 
                CHARINDEX(''licenseKey'', [Parameters]) > 0 AND
                ISJSON([Parameters]) = 1 AND
                JSON_VALUE([Parameters], ''$.licenseKey'') IS NOT NULL
            UPDATE [dbo].[AuditLogs]
            SET [Parameters] = ''''
                [ServiceName] = ''UiPath.Orchestrator.Web.Api.OData.Controllers.SettingsController'' AND 
                CHARINDEX(''licenseKey'', [Parameters]) > 0 AND
                ISJSON([Parameters]) = 0'
        EXECUTE sp_executesql N'
            UPDATE [dbo].[AuditLogs]
            SET [Parameters] = ''''
            [ServiceName] = ''UiPath.Orchestrator.Web.Api.OData.Controllers.SettingsController'' AND 
            CHARINDEX(''licenseKey'', [Parameters]) > 0'
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Settings] ([TenantId],[UserId],[Name],[Value],[CreationTime])
        VALUES (null,null,'Migration.AuditCleanup.LicenseKey','true',GETUTCDATE())
ENDDECLARE @serverVersion INT
SET @serverVersion = ISNULL(CAST(COALESCE(SERVERPROPERTY('ProductMajorVersion'),PARSENAME(CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('productversion') AS varchar(20)), 4)) as INT),0)
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 from [dbo].[Settings] WHERE [Name] = 'Migration.AuditCleanup.Buckets' AND [TenantId] IS NULL)
    IF @serverVersion >= 13 -- SQL Server 2016
        -- Remove just the password if json functions are supported
        EXECUTE sp_executesql N'
            UPDATE [dbo].[AuditLogs]
            SET [Parameters] = JSON_MODIFY([Parameters], ''$.bucketDto.Password'', NULL)
                [TenantId] IN (SELECT DISTINCT TenantId FROM [dbo].[Buckets] WHERE [StorageProvider] IN (''Amazon'',''Azure'',''Minio'',''S3Compatible'')) AND
                [ServiceName] = ''UiPath.Orchestrator.Web.Api.OData.Controllers.BucketsController'' AND
                CHARINDEX(''Password'', [Parameters]) > 0 AND
                NULLIF(JSON_VALUE([Parameters], ''$.bucketDto.Password''), '''') IS NOT NULL'
        -- Remove all parameters if json functions are not supported
        EXECUTE sp_executesql N'
            UPDATE [dbo].[AuditLogs]
            SET [Parameters] = ''''
                [TenantId] IN (SELECT DISTINCT TenantId FROM [dbo].[Buckets] WHERE [StorageProvider] IN (''Amazon'',''Azure'',''Minio'',''S3Compatible'')) AND
                [ServiceName] = ''UiPath.Orchestrator.Web.Api.OData.Controllers.BucketsController'' AND
                CHARINDEX(''Password'', [Parameters]) > 0'
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Settings] ([TenantId],[UserId],[Name],[Value],[CreationTime])
         VALUES (null,null,'Migration.AuditCleanup.Buckets','true',GETUTCDATE())
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 from [dbo].[Settings] WHERE [Name] = 'Migration.AuditCleanup.CredentialStores' AND [TenantId] IS NULL)
    IF @serverVersion >= 13 -- SQL Server 2016
        -- Remove just the password if json functions are supported
        EXECUTE sp_executesql N'
            UPDATE [dbo].[AuditLogs]
            SET [Parameters] = JSON_MODIFY([Parameters], ''$.credentialStoreDto.AdditionalConfiguration'', NULL)
                [TenantId] IN (SELECT DISTINCT TenantId FROM [dbo].[CredentialStores] WHERE [Type] <> ''Database'') AND
                [ServiceName] = ''UiPath.Orchestrator.Web.Api.OData.Controllers.CredentialStoresController'' AND
                CHARINDEX(''AdditionalConfiguration'', [Parameters]) > 0 AND
                ISJSON([Parameters]) = 1 AND
                NULLIF(JSON_VALUE([Parameters], ''$.credentialStoreDto.AdditionalConfiguration''), '''') IS NOT NULL
            -- Some records are truncated, so not valid JSON
            UPDATE [dbo].[AuditLogs]
            SET [Parameters] = ''''
                [TenantId] IN (SELECT DISTINCT TenantId FROM [dbo].[CredentialStores] WHERE [Type] <> ''Database'') AND
                [ServiceName] = ''UiPath.Orchestrator.Web.Api.OData.Controllers.CredentialStoresController'' AND
                CHARINDEX(''AdditionalConfiguration'', [Parameters]) > 0 AND
                ISJSON([Parameters]) = 0'
        -- Remove all parameters if json functions are not supported
        EXECUTE sp_executesql N'
            UPDATE [dbo].[AuditLogs]
            SET [Parameters] = ''''
                [TenantId] IN (SELECT DISTINCT TenantId FROM [dbo].[CredentialStores] WHERE [Type] <> ''Database'') AND
                [ServiceName] = ''UiPath.Orchestrator.Web.Api.OData.Controllers.CredentialStoresController'' AND
                CHARINDEX(''AdditionalConfiguration'', [Parameters]) > 0'
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Settings] ([TenantId],[UserId],[Name],[Value],[CreationTime])
         VALUES (null,null,'Migration.AuditCleanup.CredentialStores','true',GETUTCDATE())
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 from [dbo].[Settings] WHERE [Name] = 'Migration.AuditCleanup.PackageFeedApiKey' AND [TenantId] IS NULL)
    IF @serverVersion >= 13 -- SQL Server 2016
        -- Remove just the password if json functions are supported
        EXECUTE sp_executesql N'
            UPDATE [dbo].[AuditLogEntities] 
            SET [CustomData] = JSON_MODIFY([CustomData], ''$.ApiKey'', NULL)
                [EntityId] IS NULL AND
                [EntityName] = ''UiPackageFeed'' AND 
                CHARINDEX(''ApiKey'', [CustomData]) > 0 AND 
                JSON_VALUE([CustomData], ''$.ApiKey'') IS NOT NULL'
        -- Remove just the password if json functions are supported
        EXECUTE sp_executesql N'
            UPDATE [dbo].[AuditLogEntities] 
            SET [CustomData] = ''''
                [EntityId] IS NULL AND
                [EntityName] = ''UiPackageFeed'' AND 
                CHARINDEX(''ApiKey'', [CustomData]) > 0'
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Settings] ([TenantId],[UserId],[Name],[Value],[CreationTime])
        VALUES (null,null,'Migration.AuditCleanup.PackageFeedApiKey','true',GETUTCDATE())
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 from [dbo].[Settings] WHERE [Name] = 'Migration.AuditCleanup.PackageFeedBasicPassword' AND [TenantId] IS NULL)
    IF @serverVersion >= 13 -- SQL Server 2016
        -- Remove just the password if json functions are supported
        EXECUTE sp_executesql N'
            UPDATE [dbo].[AuditLogEntities] 
            SET [CustomData] = JSON_MODIFY([CustomData], ''$.BasicPassword'', NULL)
                [EntityId] IS NULL AND
                [EntityName] = ''UiPackageFeed'' AND 
                CHARINDEX(''BasicPassword'', [CustomData]) > 0 AND 
                JSON_VALUE([CustomData], ''$.BasicPassword'') IS NOT NULL'
        -- Remove just the password if json functions are supported
        EXECUTE sp_executesql N'
            UPDATE [dbo].[AuditLogEntities] 
            SET [CustomData] = ''''
                [EntityId] IS NULL AND
                [EntityName] = ''UiPackageFeed'' AND 
                CHARINDEX(''BasicPassword'', [CustomData]) > 0'
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Settings] ([TenantId],[UserId],[Name],[Value],[CreationTime])
        VALUES (null,null,'Migration.AuditCleanup.PackageFeedBasicPassword','true',GETUTCDATE())
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 from [dbo].[Settings] WHERE [Name] = 'Migration.AuditCleanup.LicenseKey' AND [TenantId] IS NULL)
    IF @serverVersion >= 13 -- SQL Server 2016
        EXECUTE sp_executesql N'
            UPDATE [dbo].[AuditLogs]
            SET [Parameters] = JSON_MODIFY([Parameters], ''$.licenseKey'', NULL)
                [ServiceName] = ''UiPath.Orchestrator.Web.Api.OData.Controllers.SettingsController'' AND 
                CHARINDEX(''licenseKey'', [Parameters]) > 0 AND
                ISJSON([Parameters]) = 1 AND
                JSON_VALUE([Parameters], ''$.licenseKey'') IS NOT NULL
            UPDATE [dbo].[AuditLogs]
            SET [Parameters] = ''''
                [ServiceName] = ''UiPath.Orchestrator.Web.Api.OData.Controllers.SettingsController'' AND 
                CHARINDEX(''licenseKey'', [Parameters]) > 0 AND
                ISJSON([Parameters]) = 0'
        EXECUTE sp_executesql N'
            UPDATE [dbo].[AuditLogs]
            SET [Parameters] = ''''
            [ServiceName] = ''UiPath.Orchestrator.Web.Api.OData.Controllers.SettingsController'' AND 
            CHARINDEX(''licenseKey'', [Parameters]) > 0'
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Settings] ([TenantId],[UserId],[Name],[Value],[CreationTime])
        VALUES (null,null,'Migration.AuditCleanup.LicenseKey','true',GETUTCDATE())

Leia a orientação de segurança para o UiPath Orchestrator - Exposição de Informações Confidenciais.

Correção geral

  • Corrigimos um vazamento de arquivo temporário que poderia fazer com que o servidor Orchestrator ficasse sem espaço livre em disco.

Problemas conhecidos

A lista de usuários disponíveis aos quais você pode atribuir tarefas não filtra os usuários que não possuem as permissões necessárias. A seleção desse usuário resulta em uma falha de atribuição de tarefa.

Linha do tempo de depreciação

Recomendamos que você verifique regularmente o cronograma de descontinuidade para ver se há atualizações relacionadas a funcionalidades que serão descontinuadas e removidas.

  • Correções de bugs
  • Correções de vulnerabilidades de segurança
  • Correção geral
  • Problemas conhecidos
  • Linha do tempo de depreciação

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