Orchestrator User Guide
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Oct 17, 2024


To easily view your licenses from a centralized location, Robot licensing is available in Orchestrator, in the License page.

Robot Usage

If you want to assess whether there's room for maximizing licensing efficiency, you have the possibility to consult historical licensing data on the License page, namely on the Robot Usage section. Here you can see the maximum number of licenses used concurrently by each type of Robot, filter out data by crossing the type, or adjust the time interval as desired.

Note that the graph is only populated for used licenses (Robots executed jobs) and it takes one day for the Robot usage information to be displayed here. Data is kept and displayed here even if you renew or remove your license.

Licensing Permissions

Bear in mind that in order to perform various license-related actions you need several permissions:

  • Edit or Create on License - enables you to upload licenses.
  • View on License - enables the See More buttons on the License page, thus allowing you to see details about the licensed Robots in their corresponding page. Keep in mind that the View Robots button is not enabled on these pages unless you also have View permissions on Robots.
  • Delete on License - enables you to remove licenses.

    Note: Please note that it is possible to have more Robots defined on a machine than the number of runtimes allocated to that machine.

Types of Licenses


Attended - A user consumes a license when it is defined in Orchestrator, regardless of the number of machines it is defined on. However, the user cannot connect from more than one machine at a time. Please take into account this only works with Active Directory users. If you have local users, each of them is counted and consumes a license.

For example, if you have 10 users on a machine and they are all defined as Attended in Orchestrator, then 10 Attended licenses are consumed. If you have the same user defined on 10 different machines, then only 1 license is consumed.

The Attended page displays all the usernames that have been defined as Robots in Orchestrator, along with the last login time, the number of machines they are assigned to and if the users are currently connected. Lastly, a list of all the Robots defined on a specific username can be displayed, by clicking the View Robots button.

Automation Developer

Automation Developer is an Attended license. In Orchestrator, this license allows you to connect your Studio or StudioX to Orchestrator.

The right to use Studio or StudioX is granted in one of two ways:

  1. using a local license for Studio


  2. by connecting Studio or StudioX to Orchestrator, in which case it consumes one of the licenses available for the tenant.

    Note: It is not possible to start multiple jobs on robots licensed with an Automation Developer license if they have the same Active Directory username, but are on different machines. If you do so, only one robot executes the indicated job.

Unattended or NonProduction

In this model of licensing, we count the maximum number of Unattended/NonProduction Robots that are able to execute processes simultaneously. This number is given by the total number of runtimes (execution slots) allocated to all the online machines. You can distribute the licenses across all your machines.


The Testing license works similar to the Unattended license where we count the maximum number of Testing robots that are able to execute tests simultaneously. Aside from test cases, testing robots can execute RPA processes intended for non-production environments only. This number is given by the total number of runtimes allocated to all the online machines. You can distribute the licenses across all your machines.

Please note that it is not possible to allocate more runtimes than there are available. For example, if you have 4 remaining runtimes available, and 2 already allocated to a machine, then you can only allocate a maximum of 6 runtimes to that machine.

In the License page, the total number of runtimes available on all online machines is displayed. Remember that a machine consumes the licenses as soon as the Robot Service is started. To prevent instant license consumption, disable the machine from the corresponding License page. Please note that you cannot use either Studio or the Robot on a disabled machine.

You can assign a machine a custom number of runtimes, which determine the number of Unattended/NonProduction licenses consumed if the UiPath Robot service is running on the machine. The number of Robots defined on a machine is not at all dependent on the number of runtimes.

For example, if on a machine with 5 Robots, you assign only 3 runtimes, it means only 3 licenses are consumed. If you execute 5 jobs or schedule all the Robots on that machine, the following occurs:

  1. 3 jobs are executed on the first 3 licensed Robots;
  2. the remaining 2 unlicensed Robots are placed in a pending state;
  3. the first 3 Robots release their licenses;
  4. the remaining 2 Robots are licensed and they execute the assigned jobs.

If on a machine you have only one Unattended/NonProduction Robot and assign its machine 30 runtimes, then 30 licenses are consumed if that machine is online.

If on a Windows 10 machine, you have 10 users (Robots) on it, you can only execute one process at a time, and you have to leave the number of runtimes to its default value, 1. If you assign more than 1 runtime to a Windows workstation machine and try to execute multiple jobs at the same time, errors are thrown.

If the UiPath Robot service is running on a given machine, it is displayed as licensed. If there are no more licenses available, the machine is not going to be licensed.

All the machines that have Robots defined as Unattended are listed in the Unattended or NonProduction page, along with the number of allocated runtimes, the number of defined and running Robots, and the machine's license status. Additionally, you can edit the number of runtimes allocated to a machine, and display a list of the Robots defined on that machine.

Note: If a machine is online but it is not licensed, it tries to acquire a runtime with each heartbeat.
  • Robot Usage
  • Licensing Permissions
  • Types of Licenses
  • Attended
  • Automation Developer
  • Unattended or NonProduction
  • Testing

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