Importante :
Este contenido se ha localizado parcialmente a partir de un sistema de traducción automática. La localización de contenidos recién publicados puede tardar entre una y dos semanas en estar disponible.
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Guía de la API de Orchestrator

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Última actualización 18 de jun. de 2024

Solicitudes de transacciones

Nota: los elementos de la cola solo pueden ser procesados por robots. Por ejemplo, realizar una solicitud POST al punto final /odata/Queues/UiPathODataSvc.StartTransaction requiere información que solo está disponible para el Robot.

Ver el historial de un elemento

La siguiente llamada le permite ver todas las acciones por las que pasó un elemento de la cola específico.



Solicitar encabezados.





Código de respuesta

200 OK

Cuerpo de respuesta

    "@odata.context": "{OrchestratorURL}/odata/$metadata#QueueItemEvents",
    "@odata.count": 5,
    "value": [
            "QueueItemId": 1050203,
            "Timestamp": "2018-03-07T16:02:59.09Z",
            "Action": "Create",
            "Data": null,
            "UserId": 910,
            "UserName": "DocBot",
            "Status": "New",
            "ReviewStatus": "None",
            "ReviewerUserId": null,
            "ReviewerUserName": null,
            "Id": 18276
            "QueueItemId": 1050203,
            "Timestamp": "2018-03-07T18:15:04.46Z",
            "Action": "Status",
            "Data": null,
            "UserId": 910,
            "UserName": "DocBot",
            "Status": "InProgress",
            "ReviewStatus": "None",
            "ReviewerUserId": null,
            "ReviewerUserName": null,
            "Id": 20333
            "QueueItemId": 1050203,
            "Timestamp": "2018-03-07T18:15:05.07Z",
            "Action": "Edit",
            "Data": null,
            "UserId": 910,
            "UserName": "DocBot",
            "Status": "InProgress",
            "ReviewStatus": "None",
            "ReviewerUserId": null,
            "ReviewerUserName": null,
            "Id": 20334
            "QueueItemId": 1050203,
            "Timestamp": "2018-03-07T18:15:05.507Z",
            "Action": "Edit",
            "Data": null,
            "UserId": 910,
            "UserName": "DocBot",
            "Status": "Failed",
            "ReviewStatus": "None",
            "ReviewerUserId": null,
            "ReviewerUserName": null,
            "Id": 20335
            "QueueItemId": 1050203,
            "Timestamp": "2018-03-08T10:47:40.463Z",
            "Action": "Edit",
            "Data": null,
            "UserId": 583,
            "UserName": "admin",
            "Status": "Failed",
            "ReviewStatus": "None",
            "ReviewerUserId": 583,
            "ReviewerUserName": "admin",
            "Id": 21240
    "@odata.context": "{OrchestratorURL}/odata/$metadata#QueueItemEvents",
    "@odata.count": 5,
    "value": [
            "QueueItemId": 1050203,
            "Timestamp": "2018-03-07T16:02:59.09Z",
            "Action": "Create",
            "Data": null,
            "UserId": 910,
            "UserName": "DocBot",
            "Status": "New",
            "ReviewStatus": "None",
            "ReviewerUserId": null,
            "ReviewerUserName": null,
            "Id": 18276
            "QueueItemId": 1050203,
            "Timestamp": "2018-03-07T18:15:04.46Z",
            "Action": "Status",
            "Data": null,
            "UserId": 910,
            "UserName": "DocBot",
            "Status": "InProgress",
            "ReviewStatus": "None",
            "ReviewerUserId": null,
            "ReviewerUserName": null,
            "Id": 20333
            "QueueItemId": 1050203,
            "Timestamp": "2018-03-07T18:15:05.07Z",
            "Action": "Edit",
            "Data": null,
            "UserId": 910,
            "UserName": "DocBot",
            "Status": "InProgress",
            "ReviewStatus": "None",
            "ReviewerUserId": null,
            "ReviewerUserName": null,
            "Id": 20334
            "QueueItemId": 1050203,
            "Timestamp": "2018-03-07T18:15:05.507Z",
            "Action": "Edit",
            "Data": null,
            "UserId": 910,
            "UserName": "DocBot",
            "Status": "Failed",
            "ReviewStatus": "None",
            "ReviewerUserId": null,
            "ReviewerUserName": null,
            "Id": 20335
            "QueueItemId": 1050203,
            "Timestamp": "2018-03-08T10:47:40.463Z",
            "Action": "Edit",
            "Data": null,
            "UserId": 583,
            "UserName": "admin",
            "Status": "Failed",
            "ReviewStatus": "None",
            "ReviewerUserId": 583,
            "ReviewerUserName": "admin",
            "Id": 21240

Recuperar el tiempo de ejecución medio para una cola específica

La siguiente solicitud te permite ver el tiempo medio de ejecución de los elementos en una cola indicada.

Nota: este tipo de solicitud solo se puede filtrar según el nombre o la descripción de la cola, y no por el ID de la cola.


{OrchestratorURL}/odata/QueueProcessingRecords/UiPathODataSvc.RetrieveQueuesProcessingStatus?$filter=QueueDefinitionName eq 'DocQueue'

Código de respuesta

200 OK

Cuerpo de respuesta

    "@odata.context": "{OrchestratorURL}/odata/$metadata#Collection(UiPath.Core.Model.Queues.QueueProcessingStatus)",
    "@odata.count": 1,
    "value": [
            "ItemsToProcess": 682,
            "ItemsInProgress": 0,
            "QueueDefinitionId": 188,
            "QueueDefinitionName": "DocQueue",
            "QueueDefinitionDescription": null,
            "QueueDefinitionAcceptAutomaticallyRetry": true,
            "QueueDefinitionMaxNumberOfRetries": 5,
            "QueueDefinitionEnforceUniqueReference": false,
            "ProcessingMeanTime": 2.15,
            "SuccessfulTransactionsNo": 0,
            "ApplicationExceptionsNo": 0,
            "BusinessExceptionsNo": 883,
            "SuccessfulTransactionsProcessingTime": 0,
            "ApplicationExceptionsProcessingTime": 0,
            "BusinessExceptionsProcessingTime": 2.15,
            "TotalNumberOfTransactions": 883,
            "LastProcessed": "2018-03-07T18:20:29.3833333Z"
    "@odata.context": "{OrchestratorURL}/odata/$metadata#Collection(UiPath.Core.Model.Queues.QueueProcessingStatus)",
    "@odata.count": 1,
    "value": [
            "ItemsToProcess": 682,
            "ItemsInProgress": 0,
            "QueueDefinitionId": 188,
            "QueueDefinitionName": "DocQueue",
            "QueueDefinitionDescription": null,
            "QueueDefinitionAcceptAutomaticallyRetry": true,
            "QueueDefinitionMaxNumberOfRetries": 5,
            "QueueDefinitionEnforceUniqueReference": false,
            "ProcessingMeanTime": 2.15,
            "SuccessfulTransactionsNo": 0,
            "ApplicationExceptionsNo": 0,
            "BusinessExceptionsNo": 883,
            "SuccessfulTransactionsProcessingTime": 0,
            "ApplicationExceptionsProcessingTime": 0,
            "BusinessExceptionsProcessingTime": 2.15,
            "TotalNumberOfTransactions": 883,
            "LastProcessed": "2018-03-07T18:20:29.3833333Z"

Cambiar el revisor de un elemento de la cola

El siguiente ejemplo te permite cambiar el revisor del elemento de transacción fallida con el ID 1050200.

Nota: El valor del parámetro RowVersion cambia cada vez que se realiza una actualización en un elemento de la cola. Para recuperar esta información, realiza una llamada GET en el punto final /odata/QueueItems() , como {OrchestratorURL}/odata/QueueItems(1050200).



Solicitar encabezados.





Solicitar cuerpo

    "queueItems": [{
        "Id": 1050200, 
    "userId": 583
    "queueItems": [{
        "Id": 1050200, 
    "userId": 583

Código de respuesta

200 OK

Cuerpo de respuesta

    "@odata.context": "{OrchestratorURL}/odata/$metadata#UiPath.Application.Dto.BulkOperationResponseDto_1OfInt64",
    "Success": true,
    "Message": null,
    "FailedItems": []
    "@odata.context": "{OrchestratorURL}/odata/$metadata#UiPath.Application.Dto.BulkOperationResponseDto_1OfInt64",
    "Success": true,
    "Message": null,
    "FailedItems": []

Recuperar elementos de la cola con un estado de revisión indicado

Este ejemplo te permite extraer los dos primeros elementos de la cola que tienen el estado de Revisión establecido en En revisión.


{OrchestratorURL}/odata/QueueItems?$filter=ReviewStatus eq 'InReview'&$top=2

Solicitar encabezados.





Código de respuesta

200 OK

Cuerpo de respuesta

    "@odata.context": "{OrchestratorURL}/odata/$metadata#QueueItems",
    "@odata.count": 3,
    "value": [
            "QueueDefinitionId": 188,
            "OutputData": null,
            "Status": "Failed",
            "ReviewStatus": "InReview",
            "ReviewerUserId": 583,
            "Key": "e4760d27-a76d-4469-b7e6-fbda2f732b10",
            "Reference": "ActivityDescription",
            "ProcessingExceptionType": "BusinessException",
            "DueDate": null,
            "Priority": "High",
            "DeferDate": null,
            "StartProcessing": "2018-03-07T18:14:56.633Z",
            "EndProcessing": "2018-03-07T18:14:58.723Z",
            "SecondsInPreviousAttempts": 2,
            "AncestorId": null,
            "RetryNumber": 0,
            "SpecificData": "{\"DynamicProperties\":{\"Description\":\"Gets a specified credential by using a provided AssetName, and returns a username and a secure password.\"}}",
            "CreationTime": "2018-03-07T16:02:57.547Z",
            "Progress": null,
            "RowVersion": "AAAAAABDFiU=",
            "Id": 1050199,
            "ProcessingException": {
                "Reason": "because I say so",
                "Details": null,
                "Type": "BusinessException",
                "AssociatedImageFilePath": null,
                "CreationTime": "2018-03-07T18:14:58.723Z"
            "SpecificContent": {
                "Description": "Gets a specified credential by using a provided AssetName, and returns a username and a secure password."
            "Output": null
            "QueueDefinitionId": 188,
            "OutputData": null,
            "Status": "Failed",
            "ReviewStatus": "InReview",
            "ReviewerUserId": 583,
            "Key": "e90e8067-50fc-407a-9678-eede311f815a",
            "Reference": "ActivityDescription",
            "ProcessingExceptionType": "BusinessException",
            "DueDate": null,
            "Priority": "High",
            "DeferDate": null,
            "StartProcessing": "2018-03-07T18:14:54.85Z",
            "EndProcessing": "2018-03-07T18:14:57.103Z",
            "SecondsInPreviousAttempts": 2,
            "AncestorId": null,
            "RetryNumber": 0,
            "SpecificData": "{\"DynamicProperties\":{\"Description\":\"Gets a specified asset by using a provided AssetName. If the asset is not global, it must be assigned to the local robot in order to be retrieved.\"}}",
            "CreationTime": "2018-03-07T16:02:57.287Z",
            "Progress": null,
            "RowVersion": "AAAAAABDFiY=",
            "Id": 1050198,
            "ProcessingException": {
                "Reason": "because I say so",
                "Details": null,
                "Type": "BusinessException",
                "AssociatedImageFilePath": null,
                "CreationTime": "2018-03-07T18:14:57.103Z"
            "SpecificContent": {
                "Description": "Gets a specified asset by using a provided AssetName. If the asset is not global, it must be assigned to the local robot in order to be retrieved."
            "Output": null
    "@odata.context": "{OrchestratorURL}/odata/$metadata#QueueItems",
    "@odata.count": 3,
    "value": [
            "QueueDefinitionId": 188,
            "OutputData": null,
            "Status": "Failed",
            "ReviewStatus": "InReview",
            "ReviewerUserId": 583,
            "Key": "e4760d27-a76d-4469-b7e6-fbda2f732b10",
            "Reference": "ActivityDescription",
            "ProcessingExceptionType": "BusinessException",
            "DueDate": null,
            "Priority": "High",
            "DeferDate": null,
            "StartProcessing": "2018-03-07T18:14:56.633Z",
            "EndProcessing": "2018-03-07T18:14:58.723Z",
            "SecondsInPreviousAttempts": 2,
            "AncestorId": null,
            "RetryNumber": 0,
            "SpecificData": "{\"DynamicProperties\":{\"Description\":\"Gets a specified credential by using a provided AssetName, and returns a username and a secure password.\"}}",
            "CreationTime": "2018-03-07T16:02:57.547Z",
            "Progress": null,
            "RowVersion": "AAAAAABDFiU=",
            "Id": 1050199,
            "ProcessingException": {
                "Reason": "because I say so",
                "Details": null,
                "Type": "BusinessException",
                "AssociatedImageFilePath": null,
                "CreationTime": "2018-03-07T18:14:58.723Z"
            "SpecificContent": {
                "Description": "Gets a specified credential by using a provided AssetName, and returns a username and a secure password."
            "Output": null
            "QueueDefinitionId": 188,
            "OutputData": null,
            "Status": "Failed",
            "ReviewStatus": "InReview",
            "ReviewerUserId": 583,
            "Key": "e90e8067-50fc-407a-9678-eede311f815a",
            "Reference": "ActivityDescription",
            "ProcessingExceptionType": "BusinessException",
            "DueDate": null,
            "Priority": "High",
            "DeferDate": null,
            "StartProcessing": "2018-03-07T18:14:54.85Z",
            "EndProcessing": "2018-03-07T18:14:57.103Z",
            "SecondsInPreviousAttempts": 2,
            "AncestorId": null,
            "RetryNumber": 0,
            "SpecificData": "{\"DynamicProperties\":{\"Description\":\"Gets a specified asset by using a provided AssetName. If the asset is not global, it must be assigned to the local robot in order to be retrieved.\"}}",
            "CreationTime": "2018-03-07T16:02:57.287Z",
            "Progress": null,
            "RowVersion": "AAAAAABDFiY=",
            "Id": 1050198,
            "ProcessingException": {
                "Reason": "because I say so",
                "Details": null,
                "Type": "BusinessException",
                "AssociatedImageFilePath": null,
                "CreationTime": "2018-03-07T18:14:57.103Z"
            "SpecificContent": {
                "Description": "Gets a specified asset by using a provided AssetName. If the asset is not global, it must be assigned to the local robot in order to be retrieved."
            "Output": null

Añadir un elemento de la cola

El siguiente ejemplo nos permite añadir un elemento a la cola "DocQueue", con una prioridad alta, fechas de aplazamiento y vencimiento, y dos argumentos con valores. Todos los elementos agregados así tienen el estado Nuevo, al igual que la actividad Agregar elemento de la cola.

Ten en cuenta que el parámetro SpecificContent solo debe rellenarse con valores primitivos.



Solicitar encabezados.





Solicitar cuerpo

    "itemData": {
        "Priority": "High",
        "DeferDate": "2018-03-21T13:42:27.654Z",
        "DueDate": "2018-03-25T13:42:27.654Z",
        "Name": "DocQueue",
        "SpecificContent": {
            "Email": "obrian@uipath.com", 
            "Name": "O'Brian"
    "itemData": {
        "Priority": "High",
        "DeferDate": "2018-03-21T13:42:27.654Z",
        "DueDate": "2018-03-25T13:42:27.654Z",
        "Name": "DocQueue",
        "SpecificContent": {
            "Email": "obrian@uipath.com", 
            "Name": "O'Brian"

Código de respuesta

200 OK

Cuerpo de respuesta

    "@odata.context": "{OrchestratorURL}/odata/$metadata#queueItem/$entity",
    "QueueDefinitionId": 188,
    "OutputData": null,
    "Status": "New",
    "ReviewStatus": "None",
    "ReviewerUserId": null,
    "Key": "e9cb2205-0232-4b99-9556-52dc2e686663",
    "Reference": null,
    "ProcessingExceptionType": null,
    "DueDate": "2018-03-25T13:42:27.654Z",
    "Priority": "High",
    "DeferDate": "2018-03-21T13:42:27.654Z",
    "StartProcessing": null,
    "EndProcessing": null,
    "SecondsInPreviousAttempts": 0,
    "AncestorId": null,
    "RetryNumber": 0,
    "SpecificData": "{\"DynamicProperties\":{\"Email\":\"obrian@uipath.com\",\"Name\":\"O'brian\"}}",
    "CreationTime": "2018-03-21T15:31:27.2699068Z",
    "Progress": null,
    "RowVersion": "AAAAAABDGLk=",
    "Id": 1050947,
    "ProcessingException": null,
    "SpecificContent": {
        "Email": "obrian@uipath.com",
        "Name": "O'Brian"
    "Output": null
    "@odata.context": "{OrchestratorURL}/odata/$metadata#queueItem/$entity",
    "QueueDefinitionId": 188,
    "OutputData": null,
    "Status": "New",
    "ReviewStatus": "None",
    "ReviewerUserId": null,
    "Key": "e9cb2205-0232-4b99-9556-52dc2e686663",
    "Reference": null,
    "ProcessingExceptionType": null,
    "DueDate": "2018-03-25T13:42:27.654Z",
    "Priority": "High",
    "DeferDate": "2018-03-21T13:42:27.654Z",
    "StartProcessing": null,
    "EndProcessing": null,
    "SecondsInPreviousAttempts": 0,
    "AncestorId": null,
    "RetryNumber": 0,
    "SpecificData": "{\"DynamicProperties\":{\"Email\":\"obrian@uipath.com\",\"Name\":\"O'brian\"}}",
    "CreationTime": "2018-03-21T15:31:27.2699068Z",
    "Progress": null,
    "RowVersion": "AAAAAABDGLk=",
    "Id": 1050947,
    "ProcessingException": null,
    "SpecificContent": {
        "Email": "obrian@uipath.com",
        "Name": "O'Brian"
    "Output": null

Añadir varios elementos de la cola

Si estás asignado a varias carpetas, tu solicitud debe contener un encabezado HTTP que proporcione la FolderId o FolderPath de la cola deseada.Más detalles aquí.
Si no se incluye, la solicitud falla con el siguiente error: An organization unit is required for this action.

Los ejemplos siguientes nos permiten añadir varios elementos al mismo tiempo a la cola "DocTest" que se ha configurado para permitir solo referencias únicas. Una vez añadidos los elementos, todos tienen el estado Nuevo .

Se recomienda especificar el tipo de datos para el contenido de Datos específicos. Por ejemplo, si el campo Nombre contiene datos de tipo Cadena, debes añadir un par clave: valor adicional utilizando la siguiente sintaxis "Name@odata.type": "#string". Consulta los ejemplos siguientes.

El primer ejemplo es correcto, mientras que el último falla porque los elementos carecen de las referencias necesarias para las colas de referencia única.

Hay dos estrategias de carga que se pueden usar al añadir varios elementos de la cola:

  • AllOrNothing : añade elementos a la cola solo si no se encuentra un error. De lo contrario, no inserta nada y devuelve la fila donde se produjo el error.
  • ProcessAllIndependently : añade todos los elementos y devuelve una lista de todos los que fallaron.

    Las solicitudes fallidas devuelven 200 OK, ya que los elementos fallidos se devuelven en el cuerpo de la respuesta, como puedes ver en el segundo ejemplo.

    Las únicas solicitudes que no devuelven 200 OK son aquellas en las que los parámetros de entrada son incorrectos.

Solicitud completada con éxito



Solicitar encabezados.





Solicitar cuerpo

    "queueName": "DocTest",
    "commitType": "AllOrNothing",
    "queueItems": [{
            "Priority": "High",
            "SpecificContent": {
                "Name": "rêvé",
                "Name@odata.type": "#String"
            "DeferDate": "2019-03-14T12:20:13.290Z",
            "DueDate": "2019-03-14T12:20:13.290Z",
            "Reference": "ref4"
            "Priority": "High",
            "SpecificContent": {
                "Name": "même",
                "Name@odata.type": "#String"
            "DeferDate": "2019-03-14T12:20:13.290Z",
            "DueDate": "2019-03-14T12:20:13.290Z",
            "Reference": "ref5"
            "Priority": "High",
            "SpecificContent": {
                "Name": "Žao",
                "Name@odata.type": "#String"
            "DeferDate": "2019-03-14T12:20:13.290Z",
            "DueDate": "2019-03-14T12:20:13.290Z",
            "Reference": "ref6"
    "queueName": "DocTest",
    "commitType": "AllOrNothing",
    "queueItems": [{
            "Priority": "High",
            "SpecificContent": {
                "Name": "rêvé",
                "Name@odata.type": "#String"
            "DeferDate": "2019-03-14T12:20:13.290Z",
            "DueDate": "2019-03-14T12:20:13.290Z",
            "Reference": "ref4"
            "Priority": "High",
            "SpecificContent": {
                "Name": "même",
                "Name@odata.type": "#String"
            "DeferDate": "2019-03-14T12:20:13.290Z",
            "DueDate": "2019-03-14T12:20:13.290Z",
            "Reference": "ref5"
            "Priority": "High",
            "SpecificContent": {
                "Name": "Žao",
                "Name@odata.type": "#String"
            "DeferDate": "2019-03-14T12:20:13.290Z",
            "DueDate": "2019-03-14T12:20:13.290Z",
            "Reference": "ref6"

Código de respuesta

200 OK

Cuerpo de respuesta

  "@odata.context": "{OrchestratorURL}/odata/$metadata#UiPath.Application.Dto.BulkOperationResponseDto_1OfFailedQueueItemDto",
  "Success": true,
  "Message": null,
  "FailedItems": []
  "@odata.context": "{OrchestratorURL}/odata/$metadata#UiPath.Application.Dto.BulkOperationResponseDto_1OfFailedQueueItemDto",
  "Success": true,
  "Message": null,
  "FailedItems": []

Solicitud fallida



Solicitar encabezados.





Solicitar cuerpo

    "queueName": "DocTest",
    "commitType": "AllOrNothing",
    "queueItems": [{
            "Priority": "High",
            "SpecificContent": {
                "Name": "rêvé",
                "Name@odata.type": "#String"
            "DeferDate": "2019-03-14T12:20:13.290Z",
            "DueDate": "2019-03-14T12:20:13.290Z",
            "Priority": "High",
            "SpecificContent": {
                "Name": "même",
                "Name@odata.type": "#String"
            "DeferDate": "2019-03-14T12:20:13.290Z",
            "DueDate": "2019-03-14T12:20:13.290Z",
            "Priority": "High",
            "SpecificContent": {
                "Name": "Žao",
                "Name@odata.type": "#String"
            "DeferDate": "2019-03-14T12:20:13.290Z",
            "DueDate": "2019-03-14T12:20:13.290Z",
    "queueName": "DocTest",
    "commitType": "AllOrNothing",
    "queueItems": [{
            "Priority": "High",
            "SpecificContent": {
                "Name": "rêvé",
                "Name@odata.type": "#String"
            "DeferDate": "2019-03-14T12:20:13.290Z",
            "DueDate": "2019-03-14T12:20:13.290Z",
            "Priority": "High",
            "SpecificContent": {
                "Name": "même",
                "Name@odata.type": "#String"
            "DeferDate": "2019-03-14T12:20:13.290Z",
            "DueDate": "2019-03-14T12:20:13.290Z",
            "Priority": "High",
            "SpecificContent": {
                "Name": "Žao",
                "Name@odata.type": "#String"
            "DeferDate": "2019-03-14T12:20:13.290Z",
            "DueDate": "2019-03-14T12:20:13.290Z",

Código de respuesta

200 OK

Cuerpo de respuesta

    "@odata.context": "{OrchestratorURL}/odata/$metadata#UiPath.Application.Dto.BulkOperationResponseDto_1OfFailedQueueItemDto",
    "Success": false,
    "Message": "Some items have not been inserted.",
    "FailedItems": [{
        "Ordinal": 1,
        "ErrorCode": "TransactionReferenceRequired",
        "ErrorMessage": "Error creating Transaction. Reference is required for Unique Reference Queues."
    "@odata.context": "{OrchestratorURL}/odata/$metadata#UiPath.Application.Dto.BulkOperationResponseDto_1OfFailedQueueItemDto",
    "Success": false,
    "Message": "Some items have not been inserted.",
    "FailedItems": [{
        "Ordinal": 1,
        "ErrorCode": "TransactionReferenceRequired",
        "ErrorMessage": "Error creating Transaction. Reference is required for Unique Reference Queues."

Recuperación de transacciones según su estado e ID de robot

El siguiente ejemplo consulta la base de datos de Orchestrator para los primeros 10 elementos de la cola con el estado En curso que fueron procesados por el robot con el ID 749. Por último, se expande la información del Robot. Tenga en cuenta que la respuesta se ha truncado.


{OrchestratorURL}//odata/QueueItems?$top=10&$expand=Robot&$filter=Status eq 'InProgress' and Robot/Id eq 749

Solicitar encabezados.





Código de respuesta

200 OK

Cuerpo de respuesta

    "@odata.context": "{OrchestratorURL}/odata/$metadata#QueueItems",
    "@odata.count": 1752,
    "value": [
            "QueueDefinitionId": 188,
            "OutputData": null,
            "Status": "InProgress",
            "ReviewStatus": "None",
            "ReviewerUserId": null,
            "Key": "1c632cc1-44ab-4624-bace-6fbb5fd1c0cd",
            "Reference": "ActivityDescription",
            "ProcessingExceptionType": null,
            "DueDate": null,
            "Priority": "High",
            "DeferDate": null,
            "StartProcessing": "2018-03-07T15:05:05.113Z",
            "EndProcessing": null,
            "SecondsInPreviousAttempts": 0,
            "AncestorId": null,
            "RetryNumber": 0,
            "SpecificData": "{\"DynamicProperties\":{\"Description\":\"Checks if Stop was triggered in UiPath Orchestrator.\"}}",
            "CreationTime": "2018-03-05T18:39:16.06Z",
            "Progress": null,
            "RowVersion": "AAAAAABC3aA=",
            "Id": 1048065,
            "ProcessingException": null,
            "SpecificContent": {
                "Description": "Checks if Stop was triggered in UiPath Orchestrator."
            "Output": null,
            "Robot": {
                "LicenseKey": null,
                "MachineName": "MBOBOC",
                "Name": "DocBot",
                "Username": "UIPATH\\MADALINA.BOBOC",
                "Description": null,
                "Type": "NonProduction",
                "Password": null,
                "RobotEnvironments": "",
                "Id": 749,
                "ExecutionSettings": null
            "QueueDefinitionId": 188,
            "OutputData": null,
            "Status": "InProgress",
            "ReviewStatus": "None",
            "ReviewerUserId": null,
            "Key": "7dfa834b-8398-476e-bd18-b0fa51d4ddf6",
            "Reference": "ActivityDescription",
            "ProcessingExceptionType": null,
            "DueDate": null,
            "Priority": "High",
            "DeferDate": null,
            "StartProcessing": "2018-03-07T15:05:04.503Z",
            "EndProcessing": null,
            "SecondsInPreviousAttempts": 0,
            "AncestorId": null,
            "RetryNumber": 0,
            "SpecificData": "{\"DynamicProperties\":{\"Description\":\"Sets the status of a transaction item to Failed or Successful.\"}}",
            "CreationTime": "2018-03-05T18:39:15.627Z",
            "Progress": null,
            "RowVersion": "AAAAAABC3Z8=",
            "Id": 1048064,
            "ProcessingException": null,
            "SpecificContent": {
                "Description": "Sets the status of a transaction item to Failed or Successful."
            "Output": null,
            "Robot": {
                "LicenseKey": null,
                "MachineName": "MBOBOC",
                "Name": "DocBot",
                "Username": "UIPATH\\MADALINA.BOBOC",
                "Description": null,
                "Type": "NonProduction",
                "Password": null,
                "RobotEnvironments": "",
                "Id": 749,
                "ExecutionSettings": null
    "@odata.context": "{OrchestratorURL}/odata/$metadata#QueueItems",
    "@odata.count": 1752,
    "value": [
            "QueueDefinitionId": 188,
            "OutputData": null,
            "Status": "InProgress",
            "ReviewStatus": "None",
            "ReviewerUserId": null,
            "Key": "1c632cc1-44ab-4624-bace-6fbb5fd1c0cd",
            "Reference": "ActivityDescription",
            "ProcessingExceptionType": null,
            "DueDate": null,
            "Priority": "High",
            "DeferDate": null,
            "StartProcessing": "2018-03-07T15:05:05.113Z",
            "EndProcessing": null,
            "SecondsInPreviousAttempts": 0,
            "AncestorId": null,
            "RetryNumber": 0,
            "SpecificData": "{\"DynamicProperties\":{\"Description\":\"Checks if Stop was triggered in UiPath Orchestrator.\"}}",
            "CreationTime": "2018-03-05T18:39:16.06Z",
            "Progress": null,
            "RowVersion": "AAAAAABC3aA=",
            "Id": 1048065,
            "ProcessingException": null,
            "SpecificContent": {
                "Description": "Checks if Stop was triggered in UiPath Orchestrator."
            "Output": null,
            "Robot": {
                "LicenseKey": null,
                "MachineName": "MBOBOC",
                "Name": "DocBot",
                "Username": "UIPATH\\MADALINA.BOBOC",
                "Description": null,
                "Type": "NonProduction",
                "Password": null,
                "RobotEnvironments": "",
                "Id": 749,
                "ExecutionSettings": null
            "QueueDefinitionId": 188,
            "OutputData": null,
            "Status": "InProgress",
            "ReviewStatus": "None",
            "ReviewerUserId": null,
            "Key": "7dfa834b-8398-476e-bd18-b0fa51d4ddf6",
            "Reference": "ActivityDescription",
            "ProcessingExceptionType": null,
            "DueDate": null,
            "Priority": "High",
            "DeferDate": null,
            "StartProcessing": "2018-03-07T15:05:04.503Z",
            "EndProcessing": null,
            "SecondsInPreviousAttempts": 0,
            "AncestorId": null,
            "RetryNumber": 0,
            "SpecificData": "{\"DynamicProperties\":{\"Description\":\"Sets the status of a transaction item to Failed or Successful.\"}}",
            "CreationTime": "2018-03-05T18:39:15.627Z",
            "Progress": null,
            "RowVersion": "AAAAAABC3Z8=",
            "Id": 1048064,
            "ProcessingException": null,
            "SpecificContent": {
                "Description": "Sets the status of a transaction item to Failed or Successful."
            "Output": null,
            "Robot": {
                "LicenseKey": null,
                "MachineName": "MBOBOC",
                "Name": "DocBot",
                "Username": "UIPATH\\MADALINA.BOBOC",
                "Description": null,
                "Type": "NonProduction",
                "Password": null,
                "RobotEnvironments": "",
                "Id": 749,
                "ExecutionSettings": null

Recuperar comentarios de un elemento específico

El siguiente ejemplo muestra todos los comentarios del elemento de la cola con el ID 1050204, en orden ascendente de creación.



Solicitar encabezados.





Código de respuesta

200 OK

Cuerpo de respuesta

    "@odata.context": "{OrchestratorURL}/odata/$metadata#QueueItemComments",
    "@odata.count": 2,
    "value": [
            "Text": "needs review asap",
            "QueueItemId": 1050204,
            "CreationTime": "2018-03-08T13:41:49.167Z",
            "UserId": 583,
            "UserName": "admin",
            "Id": 320
            "Text": "fixed. excel hiccup.",
            "QueueItemId": 1050204,
            "CreationTime": "2018-03-08T13:46:48.613Z",
            "UserId": 901,
            "UserName": "dragomirmir",
            "Id": 321
    "@odata.context": "{OrchestratorURL}/odata/$metadata#QueueItemComments",
    "@odata.count": 2,
    "value": [
            "Text": "needs review asap",
            "QueueItemId": 1050204,
            "CreationTime": "2018-03-08T13:41:49.167Z",
            "UserId": 583,
            "UserName": "admin",
            "Id": 320
            "Text": "fixed. excel hiccup.",
            "QueueItemId": 1050204,
            "CreationTime": "2018-03-08T13:46:48.613Z",
            "UserId": 901,
            "UserName": "dragomirmir",
            "Id": 321

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