- Primeros pasos
- Ejemplos Utilizar la API de Document Understanding™ Cloud
- Licencia
- Solución de problemas
- Solicita esquemas de respuesta
- Códigos de respuesta de error de las API de Document Understanding Cloud
Códigos de respuesta de error de las API de Document Understanding Cloud
Dependiendo de tu caso de uso, puedes utilizar dos tipos de llamadas para las API de Document UnderstandingTM Cloud: síncronas (sincronizada) y asíncronas (asíncrona).
Los problemas comunes relacionados con las API de Document UnderstandingTM Cloud se describen en esta página.
- Código de error: código específico que identifica el tipo de error.
- Mensaje de error: explicación detallada que describe de qué se trata el error.
- Código de error: código específico que identifica el tipo de error.
- Mensaje de error: explicación detallada que describe de qué se trata el error.
(devuelto por la operación de inicio), la ruta de resultados devolverá persistentemente un 202
estado (aplicable incluso a solicitudes no correctas) y los detalles del error estarán en el cuerpo de la respuesta.
Para obtener más detalles y ejemplos adicionales, consulta la documentación de Swagger.
- Si utilizas las API síncronas de clasificación o extracción, se muestra un error
404, Code:[DocumentIdNotFound]
. - Si utilizas las API asíncronas para la clasificación o la extracción, el resultado obtenido devolverá un error
200, Code:[DocumentIdNotFound]
En ambas situaciones, se genera el siguiente mensaje de error:
Cannot perform the operation for the given documentId: Ensure it is correct, the
digitization is successful (retrieving the digitization result), and not more than 7 days
since the digitization call passed (case in which, it expired).
, que se muestra de la siguiente manera: Code: [DigitizationErrorCode], Message: "DigitizationErrorMessage"
. El código de error y el mensaje correspondiente pueden tener uno de los siguientes valores:
[UnsupportedContentTypeError]", "Content type of the input document is not supported."
[UnexpectedPdfStructureError]", "Invalid or corrupt PDF structure."
[InvalidImageSizeError]", "Image size of the input document is not supported."
[UnableToProcessContentError]", "Unable to process document contents."
[ContentTypeMismatchError]", "Declared content-type of the input document does not match the binary content type."
[PasswordProtectedPdfError]", "Password protected PDFs are not supported."
[MaximumNumberOfPagesPerDocumentLimitExceededError]", "Maximum number of pages for digitization exceeded."
[InvalidRequestData]", "The form data in the request is invalid. Expected is a multi-part form data, with either one part consisting of the document to be digitized, or two named parts: File - the document, DigitizationResult - the digitization result, with content type application/json."
[UnexpectedDigitizationResultStructure]", "The digitization result object is invalid and non-serializable."
[InvalidDom]", "The provided DOM is invalid. Make sure the DOM is correctly built, including valid non-overlapping indices, well formed boxes and polygons and valid values for all properties."
[MismatchingDomAndContent]", "The provided DOM and content do not match. Make sure the DOM was generated on the provided document."
[MismatchingDomAndText]", "The provided DOM and text do not match. Make sure the text and DOM were generated on the same document."
[PreprocessingOptionIncompatibleWithDigitizationResult]", "Using the preprocessing option while also providing a digitization result input is not supported."
[InvalidOcrApiKeyError]", "OCR Api key is invalid."
[OcrTooManyRequestsError]", "OCR request quota exceeded."
[ExternalOcrTooManyRequestsError]", "OCR request quota exceeded."
[GoogleBillingNotEnabled]", "Google OCR billing is not enabled. Please enable billing in your Google Cloud Platform account."
[GoogleApiKeyExpired]", "Google OCR Api Key Expired."
[InvalidOcrUrlError]", "The provided OCR URL is invalid or malformed."
[InvalidResponseFromOcrEngineError]", "Invalid response received from the OCR engine. Please set another OCR engine for the project you are using."
[UnsupportedContentTypeError]", "Content type of the input document is not supported."
[UnexpectedPdfStructureError]", "Invalid or corrupt PDF structure."
[InvalidImageSizeError]", "Image size of the input document is not supported."
[UnableToProcessContentError]", "Unable to process document contents."
[ContentTypeMismatchError]", "Declared content-type of the input document does not match the binary content type."
[PasswordProtectedPdfError]", "Password protected PDFs are not supported."
[MaximumNumberOfPagesPerDocumentLimitExceededError]", "Maximum number of pages for digitization exceeded."
[InvalidRequestData]", "The form data in the request is invalid. Expected is a multi-part form data, with either one part consisting of the document to be digitized, or two named parts: File - the document, DigitizationResult - the digitization result, with content type application/json."
[UnexpectedDigitizationResultStructure]", "The digitization result object is invalid and non-serializable."
[InvalidDom]", "The provided DOM is invalid. Make sure the DOM is correctly built, including valid non-overlapping indices, well formed boxes and polygons and valid values for all properties."
[MismatchingDomAndContent]", "The provided DOM and content do not match. Make sure the DOM was generated on the provided document."
[MismatchingDomAndText]", "The provided DOM and text do not match. Make sure the text and DOM were generated on the same document."
[PreprocessingOptionIncompatibleWithDigitizationResult]", "Using the preprocessing option while also providing a digitization result input is not supported."
[InvalidOcrApiKeyError]", "OCR Api key is invalid."
[OcrTooManyRequestsError]", "OCR request quota exceeded."
[ExternalOcrTooManyRequestsError]", "OCR request quota exceeded."
[GoogleBillingNotEnabled]", "Google OCR billing is not enabled. Please enable billing in your Google Cloud Platform account."
[GoogleApiKeyExpired]", "Google OCR Api Key Expired."
[InvalidOcrUrlError]", "The provided OCR URL is invalid or malformed."
[InvalidResponseFromOcrEngineError]", "Invalid response received from the OCR engine. Please set another OCR engine for the project you are using."
, que se muestra de la siguiente manera: Code: [DigitizationFailedServerError], Message: Internal Server Error
Si te encuentras con este error, recomendamos ponerte en contacto con el equipo de soporte de UiPath®.