Release Notes
Release date: 3 November 2023
"Develop et impera" with the latest update to UiPath® Apps: VB expressions.
In UiPath® Apps, you can now use VB expressions (lambdas) to bind control values to data and to transform data, as is also the case of the UiPath® Studio family. You can create dynamic and responsive user interfaces that can react to user input in real time. If you've used our existing expression language, this approach should be familiar to you, with the added benefit of having the full power of VB.
To use the new capability, simply select the VB as the expression language when creating a new app. The existing expression language is called Legacy, and you can continue to use it until you gain full trust in the efficiency of VB expressions.
Although you can continue to use the Legacy expression language to design your app, we recommend transitioning to VB, and here are some top benefits of doing so:
Unparalleled customization: With VB's robust and versatile set of tools, you can tailor calculations, functions, and operations to fit your business requirements.
Enhanced data processing: Deep dive into your datasets and integrate VB expressions into your data processing methods to transform, filter, and validate data with ease.
Accelerated app development: Leverage the efficiency of VB expressions to speed up your app development, as you can write code more rapidly.
Superior user experience: Enhance your applications with responsive elements that engage your users by using dynamic and interactive features powered by VB expressions.
Try this quick example:
In terms of documentation, we moved the guide with the legacy expression language to a new Apps publication. The publication is called Legacy - Apps User Guide for Automation Cloud.
All product updates - new features, improvements, and bug fixes - will be documented in the new publication, which you can access at the existing URL. Therefore, any bookmarks or hyperlinks you were using to access the documentation now point to the guide with the VB expression language.
The How to chapter is work in progress, so thank you for your patience as we revise the examples to use the VB expression language.
We are excited to announce that the Apps in Folders feature is now available. With the release of this feature, apps are always published to an Orchestrator tenant, similar to processes. After they are published to a tenant, apps can be deployed in folders.
The Apps page enables you to deploy a published app, manage previously deployed apps, keep all your apps up to date with the most recent versions, run a deployed app, and go directly to an app project.
For more information on how to use apps in folders, check the Apps section in the Orchestrator guide.
- Build: apps that you can edit or build.
- Run: apps that you can run.
For more information, check the Using App Studio page.
You asked, we listened: now your app responds instantly to user input. To make this happen, build your workflow using two new UiPath® Studio activities - App Request Trigger and Handle Apps Request - and the new UiPath® Apps rule - Trigger Workflow.
App Request Trigger and Handle Apps Request activities are included in a dedicated Studio template called Apps-Workflow communication.
The Trigger Workflow rule instantly passes on data you input to the process, then instantly updates the app UI with the output received from the process.
Working with this combo (activities + rule) facilitates instant communication between UiPath® Apps and an attended robot, eliminating the traditional delay in process start-up. Therefore, initiating a process from your app keeps the communication channel open for rapid back-and-forth until you close the Apps session.
Ensure consistent and accurate user input by implementing the Input Mask property for Textbox controls. You can even use REGEX for precise guidance.
Learn more about this functionality in our documentation.
Column headers for tables are now freezed, allowing you to scroll to the bottom of the table while keeping the headers in focus.
The enhanced Edit Grid control now supports creating, updating, and deleting data table arguments for processes. Manipulate Datatable data type within the Edit Grid control by using these methods:
VB method |
Example |
UpdateRowAt(index, row) |
Now, when you import an application, the Name field gets populated with the name of the imported app.
While building If-Then-Else rules you could not delete a single If condition.
Disabled rules could not be collapsed.
When you renamed your organization, invitations sent to new users would still display the previous name. Now, such invitations include the new organization name.
Occasionally, Table controls failed to display all columns at runtime. The issue is now fixed.
You could not clear selections in Edit Grid controls using the Reset values rule. The issue no longer reproduces.
Occasionally, publishing an app generated the following error “No trace ID for this error”. This was caused by a 400 Bad request response of an API endpoint, which is now fixed.
In public apps, when you uploaded a file to Data Service using the File Uploader control, its name was hardcoded as
. Now, the name of the upload matches that of the selected file.
- Apps and VB expressions
- Quick start with VB expressions
- Documentation
- Apps in folders
- Apps in Folders
- New Apps Home page
- Real time communication between Apps and attended robots
- Controlling the input of your users
- Controls improvements
- Accessing control options
- Locked table headers
- Edit Grid supports Datatable data type manipulation
- Enhanced app import
- Numeric keypad for mobile app users
- Bug fixes