  • 简介
    • 关于 Autopilot
  • 最佳实践
    • 编写有效的提示
    • Autopilot limitations
  • Autopilot for developers
  • Autopilot for testers
  • 数据隐私
Autopilot 用户指南
Last updated 2024年7月2日

关于 Autopilot

Autopilot™ is a set of AI-powered experiences designed to automate and streamline various day-to-day tasks. Its diverse functionalities handle both general productivity and department-specific tasks across an array of business areas.

Autopilot 了解文档、屏幕、通信和流程等各种元素的上下文,并相应地执行操作。

全平台 Autopilot

Autopilot provides different experiences, tailored to the specific needs and requirements of different user personas:

  • Autopilot for developers
  • Autopilot for testers

以下 UiPath 产品中提供了面向开发者的 Autopilot:

  • StudioStudioXStudio Web中,您可以通过描述所需结果来生成工作流和表达式。
  • Apps中,您可以在其中增强低代码应用程序开发流程。

Autopilot for testers is available in the following UiPath products:

  • Test Manager中,您可以从质量方面(例如清晰度、一致性和完整性)评估用户故事等需求,生成包含分步说明的手动测试用例,并获得有关失败测试用例的可行见解。
  • Studio中,您可以自动化手动测试用例并生成综合测试数据。


无论您使用哪种特定的 Autopilot 工具或与之交互,都有一些核心功能适用于不同的用例。 以下是主要特征:

  • AI 驱动: Autopilot 使用人工智能来准确解释输入并执行相应的任务。 这使您能够使用自然语言与 Autopilot 进行交互。
  • Automation generation: Autopilot can automate a wide range of tasks, from data extraction and paperwork processing, to more complex operations. It can interpret your requests, convert them to workflows or applications, and suggest fixes.
  • 自助体验和辅助体验: Autopilot 涵盖自助体验和辅助体验:
  • Cross-application compatibility: Autopilot is designed to work seamlessly across both web-based and desktop applications, and it accepts inputs from various sources, and integrating with popular apps such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and many more.
  • Comprehensive data processing: Autopilot can analyze large volumes of data, generate useful insights, and suggest actions based on analysis. Its ability to handle various data types from multiple sources can significantly impact your decision-making processes.
  • 简化自动化: Autopilot 具有用户友好且直观的界面,无论您的技术熟练程度如何,任何人都可以使用。
  • Contextually aware: Autopilot goes beyond just understanding prompts. It understands the context of your requests, and provides the basis for optimal results.
  • Process optimization: Autopilot is not just designed to perform tasks, but to perform them optimally. It learns from experience, enhances efficiency, and consistently aims for the best possible output.
  • Compliance: To ensure compliance with company policies, data governance and privacy controls are available to IT admins.

启用/禁用 Autopilot

Autopilot is enabled by default for all users.

可以通过 Automation Ops 策略控制 Studio Web 中的 Autopilot 功能。 要定义禁用部分或所有 Autopilot 功能的 Studio Web 监管策略,请执行以下操作:

  1. 在 Automation Ops 中添加新的 Studio Web 策略(有关更多信息,请参阅 Automation Ops 指南中的“监管”)。
  2. 在新策略中,导航到“”选项卡(有关每个 Autopilot 设置的更多信息,请参阅Studio Web 策略设置)。
  3. Disable some or all Autopilot capabilities, then save your policy.
Autopilot capabilities in Studio and StudioX can be controlled either via Automation Ops policies or via the file-based governance model (by editing the EnableGenerativeAiParam parameter).

To define a policy in Automation Ops that disables Autopilot capabilities for Studio or StudioX:

  1. 确保您使用的是最新的 Studio 或 StudioX 策略模板。
  2. 添加新的 Studio 或 StudioX 策略。
  3. 在“设计”选项卡下,禁用“启用生成式 AI ” 设置,然后保存策略。

Autopilot capabilities in Test Manager and Apps are controlled by configuring the AI Trust Layer policy.


Autopilot activities are measured and licensed through Autopilot actions. One such action is counted from the time you click a button or write a prompt, up until the time you receive a result from that click or prompt. An example of an action is Generate tests in Test Manager, or Generate code in Studio Desktop.

Important: To benefit from Autopilot actions, make sure that the User License Management option is enabled in your organization settings. Find out more about user license management.


Autopilot actions are consumed by all products where Autopilot is available, and are included by default in existing SKUs and plans, as follows:

  • 企业版计划中,每个许可证都包含每个用户每月 600 个 Autopilot 操作:

    • Automation Developer - 已命名用户
    • Citizen Developer - Named User
    • Tester - Named User
  • 在所有可用计划中,每位用户每天可以执行 5 次 Autopilot 操作。


Autopilot 操作在每个月的第一天重置。

如果您在月底前用完这 600 项操作,则开始从每日池中使用。

For details on the number of Autopilot actions available for consumption, check out the Plan breakdown.

有关应用程序如何使用 Autopilot 操作的详细信息,请参阅 Apps 指南中的Autopilot 许可页面。


This guide serves as a high-level overview of the Autopilot initiative, designed to help you familiarize yourself with the general aspects of the framework, its particular tools, and the benefits they bring.

该计划中涉及的每个工具都具有针对不同用户角色量身定制的特定功能和增强功能。 为了捕获这些错综复杂的详细信息,本指南提供了各个产品文档,其中包含完整的最新信息。

特定于产品的发行说明中记录了每个 Autopilot 工具的进度和引入的更改。 因此,要跟踪 Autopilot 在特定产品中的开发情况,请查看该特定产品的发行说明。

  • 全平台 Autopilot
  • 功能
  • 启用/禁用 Autopilot
  • 许可
  • 可用性
  • 消耗
  • 关于本指南


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