Test Suite User Guide
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Oct 21, 2024

Import project

You can import projects from external sources to conduct testing operations through Test Manager. Use this feature to transfer entire testing projects from different Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) systems to Test Manager.

How it works

Importing the project follows a schema that converts external system projects (e.g., testing applications) into a format that can be read by Test Manager. This includes objects such as requirements, test cases, test sets, test results, labels, custom fields, and attachments. The import process is done asynchronously.


  • New Object IDs (GUIDs) are generated during import in Test Manager.
  • Time stamps (Created Time,Updated Time) are maintained.
  • Created By, and Updated By refer to the user who submitted the project import request. We do not maintain the original user who created the artifact in the ALM system.
  • File attachments exceeding the size limits (90 MB) are skipped.

Who can import projects

Any user having a valid Test Manager License can import projects.

For more information see User and Group Access Management.

Getting the schema version

You need the schema version to build the TMH file. Retrieving the schema version involves using API calls in Swagger. To retrieve the schema version, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Swagger, using the Test Manager endpoint that you currently use. To connect Swagger to your Test Manager, visit API References
  2. Go to the ProjectMigrationSchema request.
  3. Execute GET /api/v2/migration/schema/versions and copy the version generated in the Response Body.
  4. Input the copied schema version as a parameter for GET /api/v2/migration/schema/{schemaVersion} and execute the API.
  5. Select Download file from the Response body section.

Results: A ZIP file is downloaded, that has the schema of different testing artifacts in the TMH file. The ZIP file contains the following folders and files:

  • An attachments folder - contains subfolders corresponding to the attachments associated with each object, object Id is folder name (test cases, test sets, requirements, test executions, etc.).
  • An objects folder - contains subfolders corresponding to all types of objects available in Test Manager.
  • A JSON manifest file - holds basic metadata about your WebExtension.
  • A readme.txt file - contains instructions for preparing data that goes inside the folders.

Preparing the TMH file

When you are preparing your TMH files for import, we recommend using a file size that does not exceed 2GB. By keeping the file size within this limit, you can avoid the import process from being aborted midway.
Specify all objects that you want to import into JSON files, following the sample schemas inside each subfolder.

Example: To specify a Test Case, use the sample schema below:

  "testCases": [
      "id": "string (100)",
      "version": "string (100)",
      "name": "string (100)",
      "inputParams": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "automationId": "string (100)",
      "automationTestCaseName": "string (100)",
      "automationProjectName": "string (100)",
      "foreignRef": "string",
      "connectorTestCaseId": "string",
  "testCases": [
      "id": "string (100)",
      "version": "string (100)",
      "name": "string (100)",
      "inputParams": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "automationId": "string (100)",
      "automationTestCaseName": "string (100)",
      "automationProjectName": "string (100)",
      "foreignRef": "string",
      "connectorTestCaseId": "string",

Make sure to change the data between parentheses with the data corresponding to your Test Case.

  1. After creating JSON files for each object from a project, add them to the corresponding subfolder in the objects folder. You can name the JSON files however you want, but the names of the subfolders must stay the same

    Example: Add the JSON files that contain data about Test Cases to the testcases subfolder.

    Important: If you have a large number of objects to import, split them into multiple files, such as testcases-1.json, and testcases-2.json. We recommend adding a maximum number of 500 files per subfolder.
  2. Add the attachment files associated with the objects under the attachments folder, using the following folder hierarchy: /attachments/object-id/file name.
    • object-id - replace this with the ID of the associated object.
    • file name - replace this with the name of the attachment.

Who can import projects

Any user having a valid Test Manager License can import projects.

For more information see User and Group Access Management.

Importing a project in Test Manager

Prepare the exported TMH file and then review the project import details in Test Manager.
Important: When you are preparing your TMH files for import, we recommend using a file size that does not exceed 2GB. By keeping the file size within this limit, you can avoid the import process from being aborted midway.
  1. Sign in to Test Manager.
  2. Click Import project.
  3. Add the TMH file. Project details are automatically fetched and listed in the Objects in project section so you can review before starting the import process.
  4. (Optional) Edit project name, prefix and description.
  5. Include automation information for test cases is automatically selected so you can import automation and other relevant information. For example, an automation linked to a test case will be imported to Test Manager with all the details and test case steps.
  6. Review information and click Import to start the process.
    Note: Importing the project typically takes around 10-15 minutes, but it might take longer for larger projects.

The imported project shows up in the Projects page, grayed out until the process is completed.

Importing into an existing project in Test Manager

  1. Sign in to Test Manager.
  2. Select Import project.
  3. Add the TMH file that you downloaded here

    Project details are automatically fetched and listed in the Objects in project file section so you can review before starting the import process.

  4. Select Existing project under Target.
  5. Select the target project, where the data is imported, from the Project dropdown.
    • If you have TMH files of bigger sizes, you can split it into multiple files, and import them separately inside the same target project.
    • If you export multiple projects, you can import them back inside an existing project.
  6. Include automation information for test cases is automatically selected so you can import automation and other relevant information. For example, an automation linked to a test case will be imported to Test Manager with all the details and test case steps.
  7. Review information and select Import to start the process.
    Warning: The Test Results field is always 0, because test results are not exported.

  8. Go to the Attachments tab of the new project, where you will be able to view:
    1. logs for the migration steps (ZIP file)
    2. logs for the migrated objects (ZIP file)

Post-import steps

Post-import steps

Review the import project report displayed in Test Manager as a notification after the process is completed. The import summary PDF file shows the status of the imported objects. You can investigate individual objects that haven't been imported in object migration log csv file. If the project import fails, contact UiPath® Support.

Viewing automation information

To view information about the automation that generated a specific test case:
  1. In the Import project page, select Include automation information for test cases at the bottom.
  2. Finish the import, and filter through the imported test cases, applying the automationcleared label filter.
  3. Open every returned test case, and go to the Details tab to retrieve the information about the automation that generated the test case.

The automation information displayed in the Details tab includes:

  • AutomationId
  • AutomationProjectName
  • AutomationTestCaseName

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