- Notas relacionadas
- Primeros pasos
- Acceso y permisos
- Interactuar con Insights
- Exportación de datos históricos
- Registros
- Rendimiento y escalabilidad

The Insights team is excited to present a new release.
To give you a brief overview, 2022.10 comes with two new Templates, the ability to restrict user data by the folders they have permissions to in Orchestrator, improvements to existing templates to provide additional metrics for measuring your automation program, reduced installation complexity via scripts, and the ability to export historical modeled data to external tools to user for analysis and dashboard.
If you've tried Cloud Insights, you might recognize some of the updates.
You can now keep track of your automation benefits outside of Insights using your own reporting tools such as Power BI, Tableau, etc. Export historical Insights data covering Jobs, Queues, Robot Logs, Process Manual Values, and Queue Manual Values to add it to your business data. The data export is done through a SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) package that you need to deploy and configure in your environment.
A new template to calculate ROI based on transactions via queues is now available.
Consulta Colas de ROI empresarial
Ahora puede capturar una instantánea de su plantilla robótica y el uso del RPA atendido mediante la plantilla de Informes atendidos. Para profundizar en las métricas, consulta este blog escrito por el equipo de producto de Insights .
Insights installation time has been trimmed down by adding two scripts covering the initial steps for preparing the Linux and Windows environments.
You can now choose to enable a tenant-level setting that restricts the data that Insights users can access based on the folders they have access to in Orchestrator. Use this feature to make sure that users are only able to view data that's relevant to them.
Para aplicar restricciones de datos en función de los permisos de carpetas de Orchestrator, consulta Permisos de carpetas.
Long running workflows are now supported through a new Jobs measure called Total Suspended Time in Seconds. You can use this measure to report the accurate robot utilization time for a long running job. For example, you can measure a job’s total runtime by subtracting the time spent in Suspended state from the job duration in seconds.
Additionally, Time in Pending in Seconds now includes the time a job spends between the Resumed state and the In Progress state.
La plantilla Retorno de la inversión empresarial ahora resta el tiempo que un trabajo ha estado en estado Suspendido de cada visualización del panel para admitir los flujos de trabajo de larga ejecución.
El mensaje sin procesar de los registros de robots quedará en desuso y ya no será compatible a partir de la versión 2023.4 (consulta la línea de tiempo de obsolescencia de Insights).
The deployment configuration of an Insights installation connected to an Orchestrator installed as PaaS on Azure App Service is now supported. The Insights feature can now be enabled as a parameter when you run the Orchestrator scripts to install Orchestrator on an Azure App Service.
en los scripts de OrchestratorInsights se ha probado a escala para proporcionar métricas sobre la introducción de datos, los procesos en segundo plano y los tiempos de carga del panel. Puedes revisar Rendimiento y escalabilidad.
Te recomendamos comprobar periódicamente la fecha de caducidad para ver las actualizaciones relativas a las características que quedarán obsoletas y serán eliminadas.