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Debugging Your Automation Project
Debugging ist der Prozess der Identifizierung und Beseitigung von Fehlern, die das ordnungsgemäße Funktionieren des Projekts verhindern. Es wird empfohlen, das Debugging während der Entwurfsphase des Automationsprojekt auf Aktivitäts-, Datei- und Projektebene durchzuführen.
Debugging can be performed using several options, defined in the ribbon and explained below.
To start debugging your project, click the Debug tab to access the debugging options available in StudioX. You can start the debug process by clicking Debug ribbon button or using F5.
The default action under the Run/Debug ribbon button can be configured from Backstage View > Settings > Design > Run/Debug Default Behavior option. Pick from Debug File, Run File, Debug Project, or Run Project, as the default action when clicking the button.
StudioX provides several different actions to help with the debugging process, located in the Debug ribbon tab.
Use Next Step to debug activities one at a time. When this action is triggered, the debugger opens and highlights the activity before it is executed. The keyboard shortcut for Next Step is F11.
Retry re-executes the previous activity, and throws the exception if it's encountered again. The activity which threw the exception is highlighted and details about the error are shown in the Debugging panel.
The Ignore action can be used to ignore an encountered exception and continue the execution from the next activity so that the rest of the project can be debugged.
Diese Aktion ist nützlich, wenn man die Aktivität, die die Ausnahme ausgelöst hat, überspringt und den verbleibenden Teil des Projekts weiter debuggt.
Restart is available after an exception was thrown and the debug process is paused. The action is used for restarting the debugging process from the first activity of the project.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass bei dieser Option nach Verwendung der Aktion Ab dieser Aktivität ausführen das Debugging ab der zuvor angegebenen Aktivität neu gestartet wird.
Breakpoints are used to purposely pause the debugging process on an activity which may trigger execution issues. You can set a condition and/or hit count to a simple breakpoint and turn it into a conditional one. Adding logging results turns the conditional breakpoint in a conditional tracepoint. Adding only a logging message transforms the breakpoint to a simple tracepoint.
Read more about Breakpoints and how to use them in our in the StudioX guide.
Break allows you to pause the debugging process at any given moment. The activity which is being debugged remains highlighted when paused. Once this happens, you can choose to Continue, Next Step, or Stop the debugging process.
The Execution Trail ribbon button is disabled by default. When enabled, it shows the exact execution path at debugging. As the process is executed, each activity is marked in the Designer panel, showing you the execution as it happens:
- executed activities are marked in green;
- partially executed activities are marked in orange;
- activities that threw an exception are marked in red.
Aktivitäten, die nicht ausgeführt wurden, werden in keiner Weise gekennzeichnet;
Wenn aktiviert, werden UI-Elemente bei der Fehlersuche hervorgehoben. Die Option kann sowohl mit regulärer als auch schrittweiser Fehlersuche verwendet werden.
If enabled, debugged activities are displayed as Trace logs in the Output panel. Note that the Highlight Elements and Log Activities options can only be toggled before debugging, and persist when reopening the automation project.
Logs are automatically sent to Orchestrator if connected, but you can have them stored locally by disabling the Allow Development Logging option from the Robot Settings tab in the Add or Edit user window.
Das Deaktivieren von Protokollaktivitäten (Log Activities) ist eine Möglichkeit, kleinere Protokolldateien an Orchestrator zu senden.
Der Debugger protokolliert standardmäßig Aktivitäten, sodass jeder Schritt im Panel Ausgabe (Output) erscheint. Wir empfehlen, ihn zwecks leichterer Nachverfolgung aktiviert zu lassen, wie Sie im Bild unten sehen können:
This debugging feature is disabled by default. When disabled in the ribbon, it throws the execution error and stops the debugging, highlights the activity which threw the exception, and logs the exception in the Output panel.
When enabled, the exception is logged in the Output panel and the execution continues.
folder where logs are locally stored. The naming format of log files is YYYY-DD-MM_Component.log (such as 2018-09-12_Execution.log, or 2018-09-12_Studio.log). Read more about logging in the Studio guide.