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Autopilot for Everyone user guide

Last updated Feb 19, 2025

Interacting with Autopilot answers

For every answer Autopilot provides, you can either up vote it or down vote it, or copy the answer to clipboard. By voting the answers you help Autopilot improve the way it operates.


You cannot undo a vote.

If the feedback functionality is disabled by your admin, you cannot see the feedback form.

Upvoting answers

If you are happy with an answer provided by Autopilot, you can upvote it.

  1. Select the Up vote option. Autopilot displays a quick form to gather additional info of why you found the answer useful.

  2. Provide additional information in the text field.

  3. The option to Include current conversation text and screenshot is selected by default. If you want to exclude these details, clear the check box.

  4. To send your opinion to UiPath, select Submit.

  5. To dismiss the review, select Skip.

Downvoting answers

If the answer provided by Autopilot is unsatisfying, you can downvote it.

  1. Select the Down vote option. Autopilot displays a quick form to gather additional info of why you found the answer not useful.

  2. Select what type of mistake you believe the answer contains: Bug, Harmful content, Wasn't helpful, Inaccurate, Automation Failed, Other Suggestion.

  3. Provide additional information in the text field.

  4. The option to Include current conversation text and screenshot is selected by default. If you want to exclude these details, clear the check box.

  5. To send your opinion to UiPath, select Submit.

  6. To dismiss the review, select Skip.

Copying answers

Use the Copy to Clipboard button to quickly copy the selected answer to your clipboard.

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