Autopilot for everyone - User Guide
Last updated Oct 21, 2024

Interacting with Autopilot for everyone

Prerequisites to use Autopilot in Assistant

Before interacting with Autopilot in Assistant, ensure the following check points:

  • UiPath Assistant and Robot version 2024.10.5 or above, Enterprise edition, is installed on your machine
  • You are part of an Enterprise plan and hold a user license that enables attended automations, such as Automation Developer, Citizen Developer, Automation Express, or Attended User
  • Autopilot for everyone is installed in your Automation Cloud™ tenant
  • You have access to the Autopilot folder in the tenant
  • The personal workspace is enabled for your account

Downloading and installing UiPath Assistant

Use one of the following installers, based on your operating system:

Launching Autopilot for everyone

Once the installation of Autopilot for everyone is complete, open UiPath Assistant and sign in to the tenant that hosts Autopilot.

  1. Assistant installs Autopilot, and the Autopilot tab appears to the left of the Home tab.
  2. Autopilot displays the welcoming screen, where you may provide data about yourself, such as Role, Department, Location, and you can add a profile picture. You can always adjust this information from the Settings section of Autopilot.
  3. Select Next to enter the chat window.

Prompt-to-response flow

There is a predefined interaction flow that Autopilot follows to answer each query:

1. Creating the prompt

When you type your prompt into the chat box, you can also upload images or valid files. By hitting Send, Autopilot receives your prompt, reviews it, and determines any valid future actions.

2. Determining actions

Once Autopilot receives the prompt, it analyzes its intent, along with any images or files, and determines which (if any) actions it should perform to answer your query.

3. Executing pre-response actions

A pre-response action is an automation or a data source query that Autopilot runs in the background before responding to the query. This helps collect any information or context needed to provide a relevant answer.

If Autopilot decides it should use pre-response actions to help answer your request, it can perform up to six pre-response actions automatically.

4. Suggesting non-pre-response actions

A non-pre-response action is an automation which is not configured as a pre-response. If Autopilot decides to use a non-pre-response action, it recommends and sets up the automation to the user by inferring argument values from the conversation context. You can then validate the argument values and execute the automation. Only one non-pre-response action can be recommended at a time.

5. Responding to your query

Once all actions are complete, Autopilot generates a response. It may use information from pre-response actions, non-pre-response actions, and its LLM-trained knowledge. When the response includes a table, the Clipboard AI paste menu is displayed at the bottom of the table.

6. Adding citations

Any relevant citations, such as those sourced from actions, appear under the previously generated response.

7. Suggesting further prompts

Finally, Autopilot provides prompt suggestions based on the conversation so far. Select one of these prompt to send it to Autopilot.

Autopilot settings in Assistant

As a business user, you can customize the way Autopilot operates on your end. The available settings may be restricted by the configurations made at tenant-level.

To access the Autopilot settings, select the Settings icon at the top of the Autopilot window.


In this Settings section you can edit personal details, such as:

  • Profile picture

  • Name

  • Email

  • Role

  • Department

  • Location

Advanced settings

In this Settings section you can edit settings to customize Autopilot in helping with your daily tasks.

  • User notes - allows you to configure a personalized interaction with Autopilot. User notes are key-value pairs, where the key refers to a preferred Topic, and the Value should indicate the desired behavior from Autopilot. Select Add note to provide your own key-value pairs. To remove a user note, select the bin icon.

  • Data sources - provides the list of pre-response action data sources Autopilot can query when analyzing your request. To exclude a data source from Autopilot access, turn off the desired option. By default, Autopilot has access to all data sources available. Select Refresh to reload the list.

  • Automations - provides the list of out-of-the-box and custom automations Autopilot can run when analyzing your request. To exclude an automation from Autopilot access, turn off the desired option. By default, Autopilot has access to all out-of-the-box automations. If you added automations in Orchestrator for Autopilot to execute, select Refresh to reload the list.


If anything goes amiss in your interaction with Autopilot for everyone , you can access the logs.

Select Download logs, pick a location on your device, then share the downloaded file with your support team. The downloaded file contains the logs and the chat history for the current session.

To exit autopilot and interrupt the active chat session, select Exit Autopilot. This action stops Autopilot and returns you to the restart screen in the Autopilot tab. To restart Autopilot, select Restart.

Using a starting prompt

To get started, use starting prompts to instruct Autopilot on various tasks.

Autopilot has several default category-department pairs for starting prompts. Selecting specific departments reloads the list of available starting prompts.

Selecting the department

To see the starting prompts for a specific department, select the desired department from the dropdown menu above the chat, as illustrated in the following image. Once selected, the list of available categories and the corresponding starting prompts are reloaded.

Refreshing the list of available starting prompts

Each department-category pair may contain several starting prompts, not all visible in one go.

To refresh the list of available starting prompts, select the Refresh button.

Using a starting prompt

To use a starting prompt, select the one most relevant to your need. The text field in the chat gets populated with the content of the selected starting prompt. Provide files and replace placeholders, if required, then press Send. Autopilot receives your query and starts running the relevant automation to return a response.

Replacing placeholders in starting prompts

Some starting prompts may require additional data. Placeholders in starting prompts represent specific values you must provide. You can identify placeholders by the blue-highlight around them.

To replace a placeholder within the starting prompt:

  1. Select the placeholder.

  2. Write the value to replace it.

For example, you use the "What marketing events are happening in <<<City>>>," where <<<City>>> is the placeholder for a city name you must provide. Select <<<City>>>, then write "Bellevue". The prompt is now: "What marketing events are happening in <<<Bellevue>>>". After you select Send, Autopilot tells you whether there are any marketing events in the city.

Uploading and analyzing files

At any given time, you can upload files for Autopilot to analyze. You can use the upload icon in the chat box, or drag and drop the file directly into the chat box. When you select Send, Autopilot ingests the file and analyzes it, making the content of the file available for queries. Once the analysis is complete, you can ask Autopilot questions about the information in the file, and it would respond with the relevant details. Supported file formats for upload include CSV, JSON, TXT, PDF, PNG, JPG, JPEG, TIF, and TIFF.

  • Autopilot cannot understand PDFs that exceed five pages. It can search relevant sections within the PDF and provide answers based on that search. As a result, requests such as "summarize this document" could lead to inaccurate responses.

  • The data persists only in the current chat session. If you start a new chat, the information from the previous session cannot be retrieved.

Running automations

If Autopilot decides your prompt requires running an automation, it displays it in the chat. Selecting the automation means you agree that Autopilot should execute it. Autopilot then asks for the details the automation needs for a successful execution, such as connections or input arguments. When ready, select Run. Select Cancel to dismiss running the automation.

Setting up and managing Integration Service connections

If an Integration Service personal connection is required to run an automation that is not already configured, Autopilot displays the option to set it up within the chat. Once set up, you need to validate the connection. You can always create connections directly in the Integration Service.


We recommend storing your personal connections and data in your personal workspace in Orchestrator.

Interacting with Autopilot answers

For every answer Autopilot provides, you can either up vote it or down vote it, or copy the answer to clipboard. By voting the answers you help Autopilot improve the way it operates.


You cannot undo a vote.

If the feedback functionality is disabled by your admin, you cannot see the feedback form.

Upvoting answers

If you are happy with an answer provided by Autopilot, you can upvote it.

  1. Select the Up vote option. Autopilot displays a quick form to gather additional info of why you found the answer useful.

  2. Provide additional information in the text field.

  3. The option to Include current conversation text and screenshot is selected by default. If you want to exclude these details, clear the check box.

  4. To send your opinion to UiPath, select Submit.

  5. To dismiss the review, select Skip.

Downvoting answers

If the answer provided by Autopilot is unsatisfying, you can downvote it.

  1. Select the Down vote option. Autopilot displays a quick form to gather additional info of why you found the answer not useful.

  2. Select what type of mistake you believe the answer contains: Bug, Harmful content, Wasn't helpful, Inaccurate, Automation Failed, Other Suggestion.

  3. Provide additional information in the text field.

  4. The option to Include current conversation text and screenshot is selected by default. If you want to exclude these details, clear the check box.

  5. To send your opinion to UiPath, select Submit.

  6. To dismiss the review, select Skip.

Copying answers

Use the Copy to Clipboard button to quickly copy the selected answer to your clipboard.

Using suggested prompts

After Autopilot answers your query, it displays a list of follow-up prompts. These are called Suggested prompts, and their purpose is to guide you through the conversation.

To use a suggested prompt, select the one most relevant to your need.

Starting a new chat

To start a new chat, select the New chat button at the top of the chat window.

We recommend starting a new chat whenever you are starting a new topic.

Chat history

Chat history is a record of all interactions between you and Autopilot during a conversation session. While Autopilot can refer back to earlier parts of the same conversation to maintain context and provide relevant responses, it cannot access chat history from different sessions. This way, each interaction starts with a clean slate, ensuring unbiased responses. To provide relevant context across all sessions, you can add personal information and notes in the User notes section of Settings. To reference information from a previous conversation, you need to provide that context again in your new session.

Accessing chat history

To access the chat history in a session, select the menu icon next to the Autopilot title. The panel with the chat history opens. All chats are divided per day.


Chat history may be subject to limitations set by your admin.

Searching chat history

When you have many conversations with Autopilot, the chat history list may become lengthy. To narrow the list to several chats where you discussed a specific topic, use the Search history field to input specific keywords used in that conversation.

Renaming chat history entries

By default, the title of a chat entry is the initial prompt in that conversation, or an auto-generated summary of the conversation.

To quickly identify a conversation, you can rename the corresponding chat entry:

  1. Hover over the chat entry you want to rename. The Rename chat option becomes visible.
  2. Select Rename chat. A prompt is displayed.
  3. Write the new name for the chat, so that it provides context for the topic discussed with Autopilot.
  4. Select Save.

Deleting chat history entries

To delete a chat entry:

  1. Hover over the chat entry you want to delete. The Delete chat option becomes visible.
  2. Select Delete chat. A confirmation window is displayed.
  3. Select Delete.

Providing general feedback

We strongly encourage you to provide feedback for Autopilot, as your opinion drives innovation and you help Autopilot become more accurate and aligned with your needs.


Feedback may be unavailable if your admin has disabled this functionality.

To offer feedback on Autopilot:

  1. At the top of the Autopilot window, select the Feedback button next to the Settings icon. A feedback form opens.
  2. Select the type of feedback you want to offer: Bug, Performance Issue, Feature Request, Other Suggestion.
  3. Provide additional information in the text field.
  4. The option to Include a screenshot and text of last Autopilot interaction is selected by default. If you want to exclude these details, clear the check box.
  5. To send your opinion to UiPath, select Submit.
  6. To dismiss the feedback, select Cancel.

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