Last updated Jun 13, 2024

User licensing

User licenses are meant to be assigned to a user account to provide the right to use certain UiPath functionality or products.

For the full list of user license SKUs, see the UiPath Licensing Portal.

Most user licenses can be either a named user license or a multiuser license. For example, the Action Center SKU is available as Action Center - Named User or Action Center - Multiuser.

The main difference between these types is that a named user license is tied to a particular user account, while a multiuser license is designed to be shared by several employees with the same role who work in shifts.

Named User

Ties the usage of UiPath software to an individual user, enabling them to register any number of robots on any machine, as long as the same username is present on all of them. A named user license must be obtained for each user accessing the product or service.

For each Named User license, the user is entitled to leverage the licensed products from up to three devices (for example, their laptop, desktop, and mobile), as long as they use their licensed user account.

For example, an Automation Developer - Named User license provides a unique user with the right to use Studio, StudioX, attended robot, Data Service, Action Center, and Task Capture.

What the user can and cannot do within each product is further controlled using roles and permissions.


Note: This type of user license is no longer available for purchase for the UiPath Flex and UiPath Cloud plans. For the current list of available license SKUs, see UiPath Licensing.
This type of license can be displayed as Concurrent User in UiPath products that are at version 2020.10 or older.

Allows more than one individual to use UiPath software successively through the same license. This type of license is ideal for users who work in shifts, as licenses are consumed only when they use UiPath products.

Each multiuser license can be used by up to 3 distinct user accounts in succession - never at the same time.

A multiuser license is consumed, depending on its type, when:

  • UiPath Assistant is connected to Orchestrator
  • the robot is connected to Orchestrator

  • UiPath Studio or StudioX is running

As such, you can have, for instance, 150 automation users, but only use 50 multiuser licenses at a specific moment in time.

Note: If a license file contains licenses for all types of robots, the Concurrent ones are prioritized over the Named User ones. For example, if a license file contains both Attended Concurrent and Attended licenses, the Attended Concurrent ones are shown as available.
  • Named User
  • Multiuser

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