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Linux 版 Automation Suite 安装指南

上次更新日期 2025年2月7日

无法在 Automation Suite 2024.10.0 中还原部分备份


尝试在 Automation Suite 2024.10.0 中还原备份会导致以下错误:
time="2024-11-18T08:13:48Z" level=info msg="Listing restore from namespace velero"
time="2024-11-18T09:28:35Z" level=info msg="Restore rst-000001-as wait for completion failed at namespace velero: restore PartiallyFailed"
Error: could not restore backup: restore PartiallyFailedtime="2024-11-18T08:13:48Z" level=info msg="Listing restore from namespace velero"
time="2024-11-18T09:28:35Z" level=info msg="Restore rst-000001-as wait for completion failed at namespace velero: restore PartiallyFailed"
Error: could not restore backup: restore PartiallyFailed

出现此问题的原因是 Dapr 同步问题。 我们在 Automation Suite 2024.10.1 中修复了此问题。



  1. 要检查还原过程是否由于 Dapr 同步问题而失败,请执行以下步骤:

    1. 通过运行以下命令检查挂钩是否失败:
      velero restore describe <restore-name>velero restore describe <restore-name>
      HooksAttempted:   1
      HooksFailed:      1HooksAttempted:   1
      HooksFailed:      1
    2. 如果挂钩失败,请运行以下命令来检查还原过程的日志:
      velero restore logs <restore-name> | grep 'dapr\\" not found'velero restore logs <restore-name> | grep 'dapr\\" not found'
      如果 Dapr 同步问题导致挂钩失败,则命令的输出类似于以下示例:
      'App cert-manager is synced and healthy'\n++ date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z\n+ echo '[INFO] [2024-11-18T04:28:35-0500]: App cert-manager is synced and healthy'\n+ for app in ${apps[@]}\n+ set +x\nError from server (NotFound): \"dapr\" not found\n\x1b[0;31m[ERROR][2024-11-18T04:28:35-0500]:\x1b[0m Failed to fetch argocd app=dapr\n" hookCommand="[/bin/bash -c OP=restore RESTORE_NAME=mytstbackup bash /script/]" hookContainer=backup-hook-service hookName=restore-rke2-hook hookOnError=Fail hookPhase=post hookSource=spec hookTimeout="{5h0m0s}" hookType=exec logSource="pkg/podexec/pod_command_executor.go:180" pod=uipath-infra/backup-hook-service-78769845d7-x8hkq restore=velero/rst-000001-as 'App cert-manager is synced and healthy'\n++ date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z\n+ echo '[INFO] [2024-11-18T04:28:35-0500]: App cert-manager is synced and healthy'\n+ for app in ${apps[@]}\n+ set +x\nError from server (NotFound): \"dapr\" not found\n\x1b[0;31m[ERROR][2024-11-18T04:28:35-0500]:\x1b[0m Failed to fetch argocd app=dapr\n" hookCommand="[/bin/bash -c OP=restore RESTORE_NAME=mytstbackup bash /script/]" hookContainer=backup-hook-service hookName=restore-rke2-hook hookOnError=Fail hookPhase=post hookSource=spec hookTimeout="{5h0m0s}" hookType=exec logSource="pkg/podexec/pod_command_executor.go:180" pod=uipath-infra/backup-hook-service-78769845d7-x8hkq restore=velero/rst-000001-as
  2. 要解决还原过程部分失败的问题,请执行以下步骤:

    1. 通过运行以下命令修改挂钩配置:
      kubectl get cm -n uipath-infra backup-hook-script-cm -o yaml  | sed "s/alerts auth cert-manager dapr event-listener gatekeeper goldpinger logging/alerts auth cert-manager event-listener gatekeeper goldpinger logging/g"  | kubectl apply -f -kubectl get cm -n uipath-infra backup-hook-script-cm -o yaml  | sed "s/alerts auth cert-manager dapr event-listener gatekeeper goldpinger logging/alerts auth cert-manager event-listener gatekeeper goldpinger logging/g"  | kubectl apply -f -
    2. 使用uipathctl工具重新运行还原过程。
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