Task Mining
Task Mining
上次更新日期 2024年4月16日


  • 在本文档中,参与录制流程的公司员工称为“用户”
  • 客户一词是指已签署 Task Mining 系统安装和使用协议的公司及其他各种组织。
  • 当被指定为平台管理员的公司员工启用时,Task Mining 使用的录制应用程序会捕获应用程序的屏幕截图、键盘操作、单击和移动。
  • 针对已在计算机上安装录制应用程序的每个用户进行录制。
  • 符合用户定义的人员或被指定为平台管理员的公司员工若同时是程序正在捕获和处理之数据的拥有者,则这些人员称为数据主体

Task Mining 提供对劳动力的日常持续活动的见解和发现,因此需要访问权限以持续记录用户执行的操作。 这些操作由机器学习 (ML) 算法汇总执行并进行分析,以生成结果,这些结果可能包含记录期间记录的任何及所有操作,并受其影响。 产品的 ML 算法依赖于持续提取客户数据,才能提供预期的服务。

  • Task Mining 的目的是帮助客户了解用户的日常工作,并发现自动化机会。 为了实现此目的,Task Mining 需要有足够的有关用户执行的操作的数据。 只能从使用 允许/拒绝列表在项目级别配置的应用程序或网站记录数据。 Task Mining 要求记录是连续的,以便包含有关用户已执行操作的足够信息。

  • 为了提供全面的结果,Task Mining 需要了解用户操作的时间关系。 因此,Task Mining 要求连续记录。

  • 用户可以随时暂停录制,还可以查看正在录制的应用程序和系统交互的完整列表。

After capturing the data, UiPath® will save the data in a highly secured storage. Customers can request for their data to be removed from our system. In this case, the data will be deleted as per the customer’s request and the customer will be notified as soon as the request is completed.

UiPath® will be using the data for two main purposes, namely:

  1. 分析数据以确定可操作性。

  2. 分析数据,以确定机器学习算法是否正常运行。

Although UiPath® does not explicitly require any personal data, it is expected to receive any kind of personal data since the screens of the users will be captured and, as a result, a DPA is attached by default to any agreement concluded with any customer. UiPath® is expressly forbidding the processing of Health Information and Credit Card information.


As a result, the customer has the possibility to request the deletion or extraction of the data that it is being manually sent to UiPath® by submitting a request in this respect to UiPath® Support.

The personal data received by UiPath® is the property of the customers (or the users) and they are the only ones who can decide what data is being processed and for what purpose. The users are in full control over the processing of their data, as they have access to view and edit the data collected and stored locally on the device. Each user can pause the recording application and also see the full list of applications and system interaction that is being recorded.


Informing data subjects is the responsibility of the customer as UiPath® has no technical possibility of identifying or taking consent from data subjects.


  • 无论是传输数据还是静态数据,这些发出的数据都会经过加密处理。
  • 在录制过程中,用户可以随时暂停。暂停时间最长为 1 小时,但暂停实例不受限制。
  • 管理员和用户只能定义他们希望在录制过程中捕获的应用程序。

在处理阶段,系统会自动对个人可识别信息 (PII)数据进行掩码。


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