Task Mining
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Task Mining
Last updated Apr 16, 2024


From the Team tab, you can invite users to your project's recording initiative and manage their accounts. On the Team tab you can also configure the project's team of users and assign specific roles. See also:

Inviting recording users


To add a user to a project in Task Mining, the user needs to:

  • Have an active account in Automation Cloud™. If a user's Cloud invitation is in Pending status, they can be invited to a Task Mining project, but the user cannot sign in to the recording application until they complete the Automation Cloud™ registration.
  • Be registered in the Task Mining tenant. If the user account is not displayed in the Task Mining User Invitation form it means that the user is not registered in the Automation Cloud™ tenant.

Follow the steps below to invite a user to record data.

  1. Open the project for which you want to invite a user to record data.

  2. Go to the Team tab.

  3. Select +Invite.

  4. In the Users field, start typing the name or email address of the user you want to invite. The users that match your search entry are listed.

  5. Select the user from the list.


    You an invite up to 10 users to a project. It is recommended to invite 2-7 users.

  6. In the Recorder type field, indicate whether you want to send a link to the installer. If you select the MSI installer option, the Recorder Installer Link is included in the invitation email that is sent to the user.
  7. Select Invite.

    A confirmation message is displayed and an email containing the link to download the recording application is sent to the selected user.

Inviting a user who is on another project

There may be instances in your organization where a recording user you wish to add to a Task Mining project has recorded or is recording for another Task Mining project. Depending on whether the recording user is actively recording for another project, as a project administrator, you will be asked to complete a few additional steps to add them. Below is a description of the different scenarios.

The user is recording on another project

If you invite a user who has started recording, or is pending recording, in another Unassisted Task Mining project, a warning message is displayed, since users cannot be concurrently recording for multiple projects at the same time.

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If you want to add the user to your project, you need to ask approval from the project administrator of the project for which the user is recording.

Select Show users' assignment to see the projects to which the user is assigned.

  1. In the message box, select the user for which you want to request approval.

  2. Select Request approval. A notification message is displayed.

When the request is approved, you will receive an email that the request is approved. The user's recording in the other project will automatically stop. At this point, the user will be added to your project and can start recording for your project. If the request is denied, the user will stay in their other project. In this case, you will receive an email to inform you that the request was denied.
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The user is currently not recording on the other project

If you invite a user who is assigned to another Unassisted Task Mining project but is currently not recording, because the recording has stopped or paused, the user is added to your project. In this case, an email is sent to the project administrator of the project to which the user was previously assigned.


If a user is invited to the other project, but not has started recording yet, the user is also added to your project.

A user from your project is invited to join another project

There may be instances in your organization where a user has recorded or is recording for your Task Mining project is invited to join another Task Mining project. Depending on whether the recording user is actively recording for your project, as a Project Administrator, you will be notified and asked to approve the request. Below is a description of the different scenarios.

The user is recording

When a user who is currently recording for your project is invited to join an other project, you will receive an email with a request to confirm the user joining the other project.
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To allow the user to join the other project, select Approve. This will open your project in Task Mining where you have to confirm the approval.
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After you approve the request, current recording of the user will automatically be stopped and the user will be added to the new project.
You will receive an email to inform you about the user joining the other project.
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The status of the user will change to Pending in your project. At any time, the user can decide to come back, log in and start recording for your project.

If you do not want to stop the user recording at this stage, select Deny. This will open your project in Task Mining where you have to confirm the deny.
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When you confirm the deny of the request, the user will continue recording for your project. In this case, an email is sent to the project manager of the other project with the message that you denied the request.
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The user is currently not recording

When a user from your project is invited to join an other project, and the user is currently not recording, because the recording has stopped or paused, the user is added to the new project. In this case, you will receive an email to inform you about the user joining the other project.
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If you do not agree to the user joining the other project, select Contact admin to open your mailbox and send an email to the Project Administrator of the project to which the user is added. This enables you to gather more details on the reasons the user was invited to the other project and to coordinate with the other Project Administrator.

The status of the user will change to Pending in your project. At any time, the user can decide to come back, log in and start recording for your project.

User status, details, and activity review

The recording status and the application activity are displayed individually for each user in a tabular format. This includes the following columns:

  • Status - the recording status of the user. The following statuses are available:

    • Invited – users who have been invited but did not accept the invitation yet.
    • Recording – users for whom the recording application is turned on and capturing data.
    • Paused - users that have temporarily stopped the capturing process.

    • Stopped – users for whom the capturing process has not been started or has been stopped.
    • Error - users for whom the capturing process has registered an error and cannot continue.
    • Pending - users who did not accept the recording consent.
    • Stopped - No consent - users who declined the recording consent.
  • Details - provide information about the current user status. It can indicate errors, alerts, pause instances, or consent status. See also Troubleshooting.
  • Last Active - the last time the user's recording application was active.
  • Time Captured - the total amount of time when the user's recording application was on and recording.
  • Data Captured - the total amount of data captured by the user.
  • Ready for Analysis - the percentage of captured data successfully archived and ready to be analyzed. Displayed as a percentage of actions processed/data captured.
  • Uploaded - the percentage of captured / uploaded data.

  • The data collected from the users is uploaded to the Task Mining Cloud storage where the data is processed to become ready for analysis.
  • The telemetry is calculated on the server and updated periodically via real time notifications or when you refresh the Team page.

Users recording with multiple devices

For a user who is recording the data for the project with multiple devices, the data from the different recordings is aggregated and uploaded as a single dataset. In case of any errors, the log information in the Details contains information on the device on which the error occurred that you can use for further analysis.

User Details and Actions

For each user account, you have access to a set of Actions to manage their information and recording process.

Follow the steps below to delete a user.

  1. Open the project for which you want to delete a user.

  2. Go to the Team tab.

  3. In the Recording users list, locate the user for which you want to mange the information.

  4. Select the icon to open the context menu.

Below is a description of the actions.

  • Restart Desktop App remotely restarts the Desktop App to retry recording if errors occurred.
  • Start Recording remotely starts selected users that are in Stopped status.
  • Stop Recording remotely the recording application from the user's machine.
  • Delete the user fom the project. See also Deleting a User.

  • Download logs option enables you to download the recorder logs, queue logs, and magma logs for the selected user if their status is labeled with error.

Deleting a User

Follow the steps below to delete a user.

  1. Open the project for which you want to delete a user.

  2. Go to the Team tab.

  3. In the Recording users list, locate the user you want to delete.

  4. Select the icon to open the context menu, and select Delete.

    A confirmation message is displayed.

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  5. Choose whether you want to Keep Data or Delete Data when deleting the user. Below is a description of the available options.



Keep Data

The user's traces and data will remain accessible in existing analysis results.

Delete Data

The user's traces will remain in existing analysis results, but you may not be able to access the images of the user's actions.
Note: When you select the Delete Data option, future analysis for the project will not include the user's data either.

The user is removed from the list of Recording users on the Team page.

Assigning Project administrators and Business analysts

You can grant access to the current project with other users in your organization to collaborate on the project. For example, if you are a Business Analyst and you want to collaborate on the project with a colleague Business Analyst.

You can assign the Project administrator or Business analyst role to a user or group. This enables you to manage access for the current project.


You need to have the Project Admin or the Business Analyst role to assign roles to other users or groups.

  • If you have the Project Admin role, you can assign Project Admin, or Business Analyst roles.

  • If you have the Business Analyst role, you can share the project and assign the Business Analyst role.

Follow these steps to assign a project-level role to a user, several users, or a group.

  1. On the Team tab, select +Assign role.
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  2. Select the project-level role you want to assign. The Assign role panel is displayed.
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  3. In the Add Users & Groups field, enter the email address of the user, or the name of the group to which you want to assign the selected role.

  4. Select Assign.

The user or group is listed in the Project administrators and Business analysts list on the Team tab along with the assigned project-level role.

Removing a User of Group


When you remove a user or group, the individual user, or the users that are part of the group do no longer have the assigned permissions for the project.

Follow these steps to remove a user or group.

  1. In the Project administrators and Business analysts list, select the user or group you want to remove.

  2. Select Remove. A confirmation message is displayed.
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  3. Select Proceed anyway to remove the selected user or group.

The user, or group, is removed from the Project administrators and Business analysts list on the Team tab and no longer has permissions on the project.

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