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Assistant User Guide

Last updated Dec 4, 2024

UiPath Assistant on Mac

The UiPath Assistant is available on macOS and allows users to access, manage, or run cross-platform automations, and connect the Robot to Orchestrator.

Note: The UiPath Assistant is compatible with MacOS version 10.15 (Catalina) and newer.


The UiPath Assistant and Robot are available for MacOS as a DMG file. Depending on your environment, you can choose the x64 or arm64 version.

Installation steps:

  1. Download the DMG file from the Featured Download section in the Automation Cloud Resource Center.

    • Download for Intel Macs - x64
    • Download for Apple Silicon
  2. Double-click the DMG file to make its content available.
  3. Drag the application from the DMG window into the Applications directory to install it.
  4. Wait for the copy process to finish.

Connecting to Orchestrator

There are two ways of connecting the Robot and UiPath Assistant to Orchestrator:

Note: When using the UiPath Assistant and Robot on MacOS, local feeds are not supported. Automations are retrieved from Orchestrator and only the cross-platform ones are available. The same applies for the Marketplace Widget when used in the Assistant on MacOS.

Chrome Extension

When run on MacOS, processes that use web automations in browsers require the Google Chrome Extension to work.

When the Assistant is launched for the first time, if the extension is not detected, a prompt is displayed on the Assistant home page to install it. Additionally, you can add the extension from the UiPath extensions section of the Preferences menu in the Assistant.

Once the installation is complete, the browser must be restarted and the extension enabled manually.

Testing Processes on MacOS

When designing a process for MacOS in Studio, the testing is done using Remote Debugging and connecting to the specific MacOS machine.


UiPath Assistant logs are found in the combined.logs file from the /Users/john.doe/Library/Application Support/UiPath/ folder.

These logs contain all actions done by the user in the Assistant and any errors. Other specific Assistant files can be found in that folder as well.

Known Issues and Limitations

When using the Assistant on MacOS, the following features are not available:

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