Admin Guide
Last updated Oct 21, 2024


A Widget refers to a plug-in integrated with the UiPath Assistant holding a functionality, for example, the Apps Widget, or your own custom one.

Widgets built by UiPath are distributed via the Official Feed while custom ones are published to the Orchestrator Library as a .nupkg file. In both cases, based on the governance policies, they are downloaded and installed in the UiPath Assistant.

The procedure to download a Widget goes through the following steps:

  1. UiPath Assistant reaches out to Automation Ops to fetch the Governance Policy.
  2. The UiPath Assistant looks in the Orchestrator Library Feed for the requested Widget.
  3. If the Widget is not found there, the Official NuGet Feed is used.

    Note: If both feeds are allowed, the UiPath Assistant prioritizes the Orchestrator Library Feed over the Official NuGet Feed.
  4. Widget is downloaded and added to the UiPath Assistant.
Note: For UiPath Widgets (Apps, Marketplace, Automation Store), you don't need to specify a certain version.

  • Any error encountered related to a widget is displayed in the widget sections.
  • In order to see a new widget, you need to Quit and restart the UiPath Assistant or sign out and sign back in.

Apps Widget

The Apps Integration Widget allows you to access your UiPath Apps directly from the UiPath Assistant and start them just like any other automation.

After you have the widget in Assistant, the available apps appear in the UiPath Assistant right under the Automations list and they work in a similar way. Clicking on them displays more details such as a description, owner, creation date and version. From the contextual menu, you can also use the “Send to desktop” feature and simply create a desktop shortcut for the app.

The Apps Widget is enabled by default for all UiPath Assistant 2021.10 users, and appears in the UiPath Assistant as a new section.

To not display the Apps Widget to users, you need to create and deploy a policy in Automation Ops that disables the Apps Widget. For this, when creating the policy, set the Is Enabled field to No.
Note: At least one App has to be published for the Apps Widget to appear in the UiPath Assistant.

Custom Widgets

To learn more about Custom Widgets in the UiPath Assistant, see the Assistant Widget Creator repository in GitHub.

Marketplace Widget

The UiPath Marketplace Widget provides an easy way for business users to access ready-to-go automations that are published in the UiPath Marketplace. With multiple reusable listings covering numerous industries and use cases, you no longer need to build everything from scratch over and over again.

All of this is available in the UiPath Assistant through the Marketplace Widget.

Important: UiPath Assistant v2021.10 and newer is needed to use the Marketplace Widget.

The Marketplace Widget is enabled by default for all UiPath Assistant v2021.10 users, and appears in the UiPath Assistant as a new tab in the header.

Installing Automations from Marketplace

In order to use an automation from the Marketplace, you need to go to the Marketplace Widget tab, select the automation you want to use and click on Install.

The automation gets added to your Personal Workspace in Orchestrator and you'll be able to run it just like any other automation.


The Marketplace Widget makes use of the Personal Workspace configured in Orchestrator to install automations.

The Personal Workspace is required and needs to be enabled for the user.

Note: The Marketplace Widget is available for offline users to browse for ready-to-go automations, but they must Sign In in order to install any of them.

Updating Marketplace Automations

When a new version of an automation gets published in Marketplace, a note appears under the automation name and you are able to install the update directly from the UiPath Assistant by opening the Details Panel and clicking on Update. The change is also pushed to the Orchestrator Personal Workspace.

In the Automation Details panel, a new tab describes what's included in the updated version.

Sorting Automations

In the Marketplace widget, the list of ready-to-go automations can be sorted by the following options:

  • Recommended (Default).
  • Alphabetical.
  • Rating.
  • Most Downloaded.
    Note: This feature is available starting with Marketplace Widget 1.2.0 which is compatible with UiPath Assistant 2021.12 version and higher.

Details Panel

Field Descriptions

Selecting an automation opens the details panel where you can find additional information such as:

  • Title (clicking on the title opens the automation page in Marketplace in a browser window)
  • Automation Description
  • Reviews (rating and user reviews)
  • Number of Downloads
  • Author
  • Last Update Date
  • Media: Videos & Images
  • Compatibility
  • License
  • Dependencies
  • Supported by Publisher
  • Documentation
  • Feedback (Write a review, Ask a question)
Note: Depending on the automation, some fields might not be available.


  • Install
  • View
  • Update

    If an automation is already installed, the Install button changes to View.

    If an automation has a new version published in Marketplace, the Update button is displayed.

Configuring Input Parameters

Automations that use configurable parameters can be edited from the details panel of the UiPath Assistant.

Deploying the Marketplace Widget

Just like the Apps Widget, the deployment of the Marketplace Widget is handled through Automation Ops Policies.

Note: In order to not display the Marketplace Widget to users, you need to create and deploy a policy that disables the Marketplace Widget (Is Enabled set to No). In the scenario where Automation Ops is not used, you must modify the local file as described here.

To filter the content displayed in the Marketplace Widget, enable the 'Only UiPath content' check box. This will show only the automations produced by UiPath .

Disabling the Marketplace Widget

Through Automation Ops

The Marketplace Widget can be disabled through Automation Ops by removing the check from the "Is enabled" checkbox in the policy.

Without Automation Ops

On Windows

If you aren't using Automation Ops, you must add the UIPATH_DISABLE_MARKETPLACE_WIDGET environment variable on the client machine with the value set to True.

On MacOS

To disable the Marketplace widget on MacOS, run the following command to set the UIPATH_DISABLE_MARKETPLACE_WIDGET variable on the machine: launchctl setenv UIPATH_DISABLE_MARKETPLACE_WIDGET TRUE .
Important: The UIPATH_DISABLE_MARKETPLACE_WIDGET environment variable overwrites the Automation Ops policy.

Automation Store Widget

The Automation Store widget provides users easy access to internal ready-to-go automations available in the Automation Store directly from the UiPath Assistant.


To use the Automation Store widget, the following conditions must be met:

  • The Assistant must be connected to a tenant that has Automation Store enabled and some automations deployed.
  • UiPath Assistant version 2021.10 or later is installed.
  • A policy is configured in Automation Ops to deploy this widget to your Assistant.
    Note: Automation Store is available only with an enterprise license or under an enterprise trial.
    Important: The Automation Store widget is only available if you are both connected and signed in to an Orchestrator server URL.

Installing an Automation

All automations available in the Automation Store can be found on the UiPath Assistant homepage, in the Automation Store section. To add an automation to your list of processes, select the automation and click Install.

Important: When the Automation Store Widget is used on MacOS, only cross-platform automations can be run. Automations not built for cross-platform fail with the following error when started: The process cannot run on macOS because it is not compatible with this platform.

Field Descriptions for Automations

Selecting an automation displays additional information about it, as described in the following table.




The title of the automation. Clicking the title takes you to the Automation Store webpage for the specific automation.


Displays the category of the automation (e.g. HR, Finance, IT).


Description of the automation provided by the author.


The average rating of the automation based on user feedback.


The total number of reviews.


The name of the person who built the automation.

Number of downloads

How many people downloaded the automation.

Avg savings a month

How many hours, on average, the automation saves the business user.


Media provided by the author for the automation, if available.


What applications are used in the automation (e.g. Excel, Outlook).

Send a review or question

Click this link to go to the Automation Store webpage where you can add a review or a question about the automation.


This section displays custom tags added for the automation.

Updating an Installed Automation

If an update is available for an automation added from the Automation Store, the Update tab is displayed when you select the automation from the list. Select the Update tab and then click the Update button to get the latest version.

Sharing an Idea in Automation Hub

If you know of a repetitive task or a process that could be automated, you can easily go to Automation Hub and share your idea directly from the Assistant by clicking the Submit an Idea tile from the Launchpad.

This opens a questionnaire in Automation Hub that enables you to add details about your automation idea and submit it for review.

You can enable or disable the "Automation Hub: Submit an Idea" menu from the Launchpad section in the Preferences menu in the UiPath Assistant.

Deploying the Automation Store Widget

Just like for any other widget, the Automation Store Widget deployment is handled through Automation Ops policies.

Action Center Widget

The Action Center widget helps you see and complete your Action Center tasks directly from UiPath Assistant.


To use the Action Center widget, the following conditions must be met:

  • UiPath Assistant and Robot version 2022.10 or later are installed.
  • UiPath Assistant connected to a tenant that has UiPath Action Center enabled.
  • At least one Pending, Unassigned or Compete action in Action Center in the last 30 days for the Assistant to display the My Actions section.
  • When using Automation Ops (via Cloud or Automation Suite): An Assistant Product Policy must be deployed via Automation Ops, with the Action Center enabled.
  • When using the on premises version of Action Center, you must manually configure the Action Center URL in the actionCenterUrl parameter of the agent-settings.json file.
    To find the value of the Action_Center_URL from the env.json file:
    • Navigate to the Installation Folder.
    • Go to ActionCenter/Actions/environments/env.json.
    • From the PostLogoutRedirectUri key, retrieve the correct Action_Center_URL.
    The format for the PostLogoutRedirectUri is Action Center URL"/actions. For example, if the PostLogoutRedirectUri is, then the corresponding Action Center URL is

How to Use It

On the Launchpad, under My Actions, you can find the total count of your unassigned, pending, and completed actions for the last 30 days.

If you are using Assistant in a single column, your Actions will be displayed under My Actions.

Click on the total count number to go to the related category in the Action Center portal. In the Action Center portal, you can see the expanded view of your actions, and perform your tasks. You can filter actions by several criteria, and you can search for actions using the search bar in the upper left corner.

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