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- uipathctl cluster maintenance is-enabled
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- uipathctl cluster migration import
- uipathctl cluster migration run
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- uipathctl snapshot restore history
- uipathctl snapshot restore logs
- Gerenciamento de certificados
- uipathctl config additional-ca-certificates
- uipathctl config additional-ca-certificates get
- uipathctl config additional-ca-certificates update
- uipathctl config argocd ca-certificates
- uipathctl config argocd ca-certificates get
- uipathctl config argocd ca-certificates update
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- uipathctl config saml-certificates rotate
- uipathctl config saml-certificates update
- uipathctl config tls-certificates
- uipathctl config tls-certificates get
- uipathctl config tls-certificates update
- uipathctl config token-signing-certificates
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uipathctl manifest apply
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Guia de referência do uipathctl
Última atualização 11 de nov de 2024
uipathctl manifest apply
Carregue a configuração encontrada no PATH, e aplique-a ao cluster.
O comando executa uma comparação entre o estado atual do cluster e o estado desejado, e aplica as alterações ao cluster.
Quando o sinalizador
está presente, a lista substitui a seleção encontrada no arquivo de entrada. O sinalizador é mutuamente exclusivo com o sinalizador --only
. Quando a chave exclude_components
está presente no arquivo de entrada, os componentes encontrados na lista são excluídos dos componentes instalados. Ele tem a maior prioridade sobre todos os outros sinalizadores e não é mutuamente exclusivo com nenhum deles.
uipathctl manifest apply PATH [flags]
uipathctl manifest apply PATH [flags]
# Apply the configuration found in input.json, using the versions found in versions.json
uipathctl manifest apply input.json/cluster_config.json --versions versions.json
# Apply the configuration and specify the kubeconfig file to use
uipathctl manifest apply input.json/cluster_config.json --kubeconfig cluster.kubeconfig --versions versions.json
# Simulate the apply command and print on stdout the result of the operation
uipathctl manifest apply --dry-run input.json/cluster_config.json --versions versions.json
# Apply the configuration but skip the components installed directly by helm
uipathctl manifest apply --skip-helm input.json/cluster_config.json --versions versions.json
# Apply the configuration overriding the initial list of components
uipathctl manifest apply --override automation_hub,orchestrator --versions versions.json
# Apply the configuration found in input.json, using the versions found in versions.json
uipathctl manifest apply input.json/cluster_config.json --versions versions.json
# Apply the configuration and specify the kubeconfig file to use
uipathctl manifest apply input.json/cluster_config.json --kubeconfig cluster.kubeconfig --versions versions.json
# Simulate the apply command and print on stdout the result of the operation
uipathctl manifest apply --dry-run input.json/cluster_config.json --versions versions.json
# Apply the configuration but skip the components installed directly by helm
uipathctl manifest apply --skip-helm input.json/cluster_config.json --versions versions.json
# Apply the configuration overriding the initial list of components
uipathctl manifest apply --override automation_hub,orchestrator --versions versions.json
--continue-on-error if true, continue applying the manifest even if an error occurs
--dependencies-only if true, only dependencies will be applied
--dry-run if true, just print the result of the command, without applying it
--fail-on-version if true, fail if the version of the component is not found in the versions file
-h, --help help for apply
--no-wait if true, return immediately after the ArgoCD applications are created
--only strings optional exclusive list of components to apply
--override strings optional list to override the components enabled in input.json/cluster_config.json file
--skip-dependencies if true, dependencies will be skipped
--skip-helm if true, skip components installed directly by helm
--versions string path to versions file
--continue-on-error if true, continue applying the manifest even if an error occurs
--dependencies-only if true, only dependencies will be applied
--dry-run if true, just print the result of the command, without applying it
--fail-on-version if true, fail if the version of the component is not found in the versions file
-h, --help help for apply
--no-wait if true, return immediately after the ArgoCD applications are created
--only strings optional exclusive list of components to apply
--override strings optional list to override the components enabled in input.json/cluster_config.json file
--skip-dependencies if true, dependencies will be skipped
--skip-helm if true, skip components installed directly by helm
--versions string path to versions file
--context string name of the kubeconfig context to use
--kubeconfig string kubectl configuration file (default: ~/.kube/config)
--log-format string log format. one of [text,json] (default "text")
--log-level string set log level. one of [trace,debug,info,error] (default "error")
--timeout duration timeout of the command (default 1h0m0s)
--context string name of the kubeconfig context to use
--kubeconfig string kubectl configuration file (default: ~/.kube/config)
--log-format string log format. one of [text,json] (default "text")
--log-level string set log level. one of [trace,debug,info,error] (default "error")
--timeout duration timeout of the command (default 1h0m0s)