- Visão geral
- Requisitos
- Pré-instalação
- Instalação
- Exemplo de saída: instalação do Automation Suite
- Pós-instalação
- Migração e atualização
- Monitoramento e alertas
- Administração de cluster
- Configuração específica do produto
- Configuração de parâmetros do Orchestrator
- Configuração do AppSettings
- Configuração do tamanho máximo da solicitação
- Substituição da configuração de armazenamento no nível do cluster
- Configuração do NLog
- Salvando logs do robô no Elasticsearch
- Configuração dos repositórios de credenciais
- Configuração da chave de criptografia por tenant
- Limpeza do banco de dados do Orchestrator
- Solução de problemas
Exemplo de saída: instalação do Automation Suite
Importante :
A tradução automática foi aplicada parcialmente neste conteúdo.
A localização de um conteúdo recém-publicado pode levar de 1 a 2 semanas para ficar disponível.
Automation Suite no guia de instalação do EKS/AKS
Última atualização 23 de jan de 2025
Exemplo de saída: instalação do Automation Suite
O seguinte exemplo mostra a saída que você pode obter após a instalação do Automation Suite. Para obter detalhes, consulte Instalação do Automation Suite.
ℹ️ [] Starting to apply the manifest
ℹ️ [redis] Starting creation of component redis...
ℹ️ [base] Installing helm component base...
✔️ [base] Installed helm component base
ℹ️ [istiod] Installing helm component istiod...
✔️ [istiod] Installed helm component istiod
ℹ️ [envoy-lua-lib] Installing helm component envoy-lua-lib...
✔️ [envoy-lua-lib] Installed helm component envoy-lua-lib
ℹ️ [istio] Starting creation of component istio...
ℹ️ [istio-configure] Installing helm component istio-configure...
✔️ [istio-configure] Installed helm component istio-configure
ℹ️ [gateway] Installing helm component gateway...
✔️ [gateway] Installed helm component gateway
ℹ️ [argocd] Installing helm component argocd...
✔️ [argocd] Installed helm component argocd
ℹ️ [cert-manager] Starting creation of component cert-manager...
ℹ️ [cert-manager] Creating Argo CD application for component cert-manager...
ℹ️ [cert-manager] Waiting for Argo CD application for component cert-manager to synchronize...
ℹ️ [sfcore] Starting creation of component sfcore...
ℹ️ [sfcore] Creating Argo CD application for component sfcore...
ℹ️ [sfcore] Waiting for Argo CD application for component sfcore to synchronize...
ℹ️ [platform] Starting creation of component platform...
ℹ️ [platform] Creating Argo CD application for component platform...
ℹ️ [notificationservice] Starting creation of component notificationservice...
ℹ️ [notificationservice] Creating Argo CD application for component notificationservice...
ℹ️ [webhook] Starting creation of component webhook...
ℹ️ [webhook] Creating Argo CD application for component webhook...
ℹ️ [robotube] Starting creation of component robotube...
ℹ️ [robotube] Creating Argo CD application for component robotube...
ℹ️ [orchestrator] Starting creation of component orchestrator...
ℹ️ [orchestrator] Creating Argo CD application for component orchestrator...
ℹ️ [action_center] Starting creation of component action_center...
ℹ️ [action_center] Creating Argo CD application for component action_center...
ℹ️ [apps] Starting creation of component apps...
ℹ️ [apps] Creating Argo CD application for component apps...
ℹ️ [asrobots] Starting creation of component asrobots...
ℹ️ [asrobots] Creating Argo CD application for component asrobots...
ℹ️ [automation_hub] Starting creation of component automation_hub...
ℹ️ [automation_hub] Creating Argo CD application for component automation_hub...
ℹ️ [automation_ops] Starting creation of component automation_ops...
ℹ️ [automation_ops] Creating Argo CD application for component automation_ops...
ℹ️ [dataservice] Starting creation of component dataservice...
ℹ️ [dataservice] Creating Argo CD application for component dataservice...
ℹ️ [insights] Starting creation of component insights...
ℹ️ [insights] Creating Argo CD application for component insights...
ℹ️ [test_manager] Starting creation of component test_manager...
ℹ️ [test_manager] Creating Argo CD application for component test_manager...
ℹ️ [gatekeeper] Starting creation of component gatekeeper...
ℹ️ [gatekeeper] Creating Argo CD application for component gatekeeper...
ℹ️ [auth] Starting creation of component auth...
ℹ️ [auth] Creating Argo CD application for component auth...
ℹ️ [monitoring] Starting creation of component monitoring...
ℹ️ [monitoring] Creating Argo CD application for component monitoring...
ℹ️ [opa-policies] Starting creation of component opa-policies...
ℹ️ [opa-policies] Creating Argo CD application for component opa-policies...
ℹ️ [network-policies] Starting creation of component network-policies...
ℹ️ [network-policies] Creating Argo CD application for component network-policies...
ℹ️ [logging] Starting creation of component logging...
ℹ️ [logging] Creating Argo CD application for component logging...
ℹ️ [pushgateway] Starting creation of component pushgateway...
ℹ️ [pushgateway] Creating Argo CD application for component pushgateway...
ℹ️ [alerts] Starting creation of component alerts...
ℹ️ [alerts] Creating Argo CD application for component alerts...
ℹ️ [reloader] Starting creation of component reloader...
ℹ️ [reloader] Creating Argo CD application for component reloader...
ℹ️ [reloader] Waiting for Argo CD application for component reloader to synchronize...
redis created
base updated
istiod updated
envoy-lua-lib updated
istio created
istio-configure updated
gateway updated
argocd updated
cert-manager created
sfcore created
platform created
notificationservice created
webhook created
robotube created
orchestrator created
action_center created
apps created
asrobots created
automation_hub created
automation_ops created
dataservice created
insights created
test_manager created
gatekeeper created
auth created
monitoring created
opa-policies created
network-policies created
logging created
pushgateway created
alerts created
reloader created
ℹ️ [] Starting to apply the manifest
ℹ️ [redis] Starting creation of component redis...
ℹ️ [base] Installing helm component base...
✔️ [base] Installed helm component base
ℹ️ [istiod] Installing helm component istiod...
✔️ [istiod] Installed helm component istiod
ℹ️ [envoy-lua-lib] Installing helm component envoy-lua-lib...
✔️ [envoy-lua-lib] Installed helm component envoy-lua-lib
ℹ️ [istio] Starting creation of component istio...
ℹ️ [istio-configure] Installing helm component istio-configure...
✔️ [istio-configure] Installed helm component istio-configure
ℹ️ [gateway] Installing helm component gateway...
✔️ [gateway] Installed helm component gateway
ℹ️ [argocd] Installing helm component argocd...
✔️ [argocd] Installed helm component argocd
ℹ️ [cert-manager] Starting creation of component cert-manager...
ℹ️ [cert-manager] Creating Argo CD application for component cert-manager...
ℹ️ [cert-manager] Waiting for Argo CD application for component cert-manager to synchronize...
ℹ️ [sfcore] Starting creation of component sfcore...
ℹ️ [sfcore] Creating Argo CD application for component sfcore...
ℹ️ [sfcore] Waiting for Argo CD application for component sfcore to synchronize...
ℹ️ [platform] Starting creation of component platform...
ℹ️ [platform] Creating Argo CD application for component platform...
ℹ️ [notificationservice] Starting creation of component notificationservice...
ℹ️ [notificationservice] Creating Argo CD application for component notificationservice...
ℹ️ [webhook] Starting creation of component webhook...
ℹ️ [webhook] Creating Argo CD application for component webhook...
ℹ️ [robotube] Starting creation of component robotube...
ℹ️ [robotube] Creating Argo CD application for component robotube...
ℹ️ [orchestrator] Starting creation of component orchestrator...
ℹ️ [orchestrator] Creating Argo CD application for component orchestrator...
ℹ️ [action_center] Starting creation of component action_center...
ℹ️ [action_center] Creating Argo CD application for component action_center...
ℹ️ [apps] Starting creation of component apps...
ℹ️ [apps] Creating Argo CD application for component apps...
ℹ️ [asrobots] Starting creation of component asrobots...
ℹ️ [asrobots] Creating Argo CD application for component asrobots...
ℹ️ [automation_hub] Starting creation of component automation_hub...
ℹ️ [automation_hub] Creating Argo CD application for component automation_hub...
ℹ️ [automation_ops] Starting creation of component automation_ops...
ℹ️ [automation_ops] Creating Argo CD application for component automation_ops...
ℹ️ [dataservice] Starting creation of component dataservice...
ℹ️ [dataservice] Creating Argo CD application for component dataservice...
ℹ️ [insights] Starting creation of component insights...
ℹ️ [insights] Creating Argo CD application for component insights...
ℹ️ [test_manager] Starting creation of component test_manager...
ℹ️ [test_manager] Creating Argo CD application for component test_manager...
ℹ️ [gatekeeper] Starting creation of component gatekeeper...
ℹ️ [gatekeeper] Creating Argo CD application for component gatekeeper...
ℹ️ [auth] Starting creation of component auth...
ℹ️ [auth] Creating Argo CD application for component auth...
ℹ️ [monitoring] Starting creation of component monitoring...
ℹ️ [monitoring] Creating Argo CD application for component monitoring...
ℹ️ [opa-policies] Starting creation of component opa-policies...
ℹ️ [opa-policies] Creating Argo CD application for component opa-policies...
ℹ️ [network-policies] Starting creation of component network-policies...
ℹ️ [network-policies] Creating Argo CD application for component network-policies...
ℹ️ [logging] Starting creation of component logging...
ℹ️ [logging] Creating Argo CD application for component logging...
ℹ️ [pushgateway] Starting creation of component pushgateway...
ℹ️ [pushgateway] Creating Argo CD application for component pushgateway...
ℹ️ [alerts] Starting creation of component alerts...
ℹ️ [alerts] Creating Argo CD application for component alerts...
ℹ️ [reloader] Starting creation of component reloader...
ℹ️ [reloader] Creating Argo CD application for component reloader...
ℹ️ [reloader] Waiting for Argo CD application for component reloader to synchronize...
redis created
base updated
istiod updated
envoy-lua-lib updated
istio created
istio-configure updated
gateway updated
argocd updated
cert-manager created
sfcore created
platform created
notificationservice created
webhook created
robotube created
orchestrator created
action_center created
apps created
asrobots created
automation_hub created
automation_ops created
dataservice created
insights created
test_manager created
gatekeeper created
auth created
monitoring created
opa-policies created
network-policies created
logging created
pushgateway created
alerts created
reloader created