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Guia de referência do uipathctl

Última atualização 11 de nov de 2024

Manifesto do uipathctl list-applications


Carrega o arquivo de configuração encontrado no parâmetro e lista os aplicativos criados com base nele. A configuração do Runtime é usada para determinar quais aplicativos são necessários. A saída está sempre em formato tabular. Por padrão, a lista é classificada em ordem alfabética.

uipathctl manifest list-applications PATH [flags]uipathctl manifest list-applications PATH [flags]


# List the applications which are installed based on the configuration found in input.json
        uipathctl manifest list-applications input.json
        # List the applications which are installed based on the configuration found in input.json. 
        # Sort them by the order in which they need to be installed based on dependencies between them.
        uipathctl manifest list-applications input.json --sort-by topological

        # List the applications without headers 
        uipathctl manifest list-applications input.json --no-headers

        # Override the initial list of enabled components
        uipathctl manifest list-applications input.json --override gatekeeper,redis
        # List the applications which are installed based on the configuration found in input.json
        uipathctl manifest list-applications input.json
        # List the applications which are installed based on the configuration found in input.json. 
        # Sort them by the order in which they need to be installed based on dependencies between them.
        uipathctl manifest list-applications input.json --sort-by topological

        # List the applications without headers 
        uipathctl manifest list-applications input.json --no-headers

        # Override the initial list of enabled components
        uipathctl manifest list-applications input.json --override gatekeeper,redis


-h, --help                 help for list-applications
--is-required string   to check whether the component needs to install
--no-headers           if true, print the output without headers
--override strings     optional list of components to override the components enabled in input.json file
--sort-by sortBy       if set, sort the output by the given criteria. Valid values are: [alphabetical, topological] (default alphabetical)  -h, --help                 help for list-applications
--is-required string   to check whether the component needs to install
--no-headers           if true, print the output without headers
--override strings     optional list of components to override the components enabled in input.json file
--sort-by sortBy       if set, sort the output by the given criteria. Valid values are: [alphabetical, topological] (default alphabetical)

Opções herdadas de comandos pai

--context string      name of the kubeconfig context to use
--kubeconfig string   kubectl configuration file (default: ~/.kube/config)
--log-format string   log format. one of [text,json] (default "text")
--log-level string    set log level. one of [trace,debug,info,error] (default "error")
--timeout duration    timeout of the command (default 1h0m0s)--context string      name of the kubeconfig context to use
--kubeconfig string   kubectl configuration file (default: ~/.kube/config)
--log-format string   log format. one of [text,json] (default "text")
--log-level string    set log level. one of [trace,debug,info,error] (default "error")
--timeout duration    timeout of the command (default 1h0m0s)
  • Description
  • Exemplos
  • Opções
  • Opções herdadas de comandos pai

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