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Automation Suite no guia de instalação do EKS/AKS

Última atualização 21 de nov de 2024

Execução da ferramenta de diagnóstico

A ferramenta de diagnóstico do Automation Suite executa um conjunto de verificações para gerar um relatório sobre a integridade do cluster, o qual você pode analisar para identificar problemas e suas possíveis causas. As ferramentas de diagnóstico do Automation Suite ajudam a encontrar problemas comuns, como perda de conectividade com bancos de dados ou credenciais inválidas ou expiradas.

Recomendamos que você use essa ferramenta como a primeira etapa se tiver qualquer problema.

Validação rápida

Validação rápida

Os comandos check e test fornecem insights rápidos sobre o estado do cluster sem executar uma análise profunda.
  • check depende da integridade e do status de sincronização do ArgoCD e não modifica nenhum estado no cluster
  • test examina os aplicativos, implantação ou pods e altera temporariamente o estado do cluster para fornecer esses insights a você.

Verificação de integridade

Para executar uma verificação de integridade, use o seguinte comando:

./uipathctl health check./uipathctl health check

Saída de amostra do relatório gerado:

Checks run on cluster/[NOTIFICATIONSERVICE][NOTIFICATIONSERVICE_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
 ✔ [ACTION_CENTER][ACTIONCENTER_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
 ❌ [SYNC][namespace:"argocd" | kind:"Application" | name:"dataservice"] Application health check failed: health status is Progressing and sync status is Synced
 ✔ [RELOADER][RELOADER_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
 ❌ [POD][LIST_NAMESPACES] Retrieved 25 namespaces to check pod health
    ❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-runtime-8f5bb7d56-v5krg cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "external-storage-creds" : secret "dataservice-external-storage-secret" not found
    ❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-runtime-8f5bb7d56-xs9t5 cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "external-storage-creds" : secret "dataservice-external-storage-secret" not found
    ❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-taskrunner-787df76c74-98h5l cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "external-storage-creds" : secret "dataservice-external-storage-secret" not found
 ✔ [ISTIO][LIST_PODS] Found 2 pods for Istio
    ✔ [ISTIOD_EXISTS] The Istio pods are present and running version -[ISTIOD_READY] Istio pods are healthy
 ✔ [AIEVENTS][AIEVENTS_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
 ❌ [DATASERVICE][DATASERVICE_HEALTH] Application health check failed: health status is Progressing and sync status is Synced
 ✔ [PLATFORM][PLATFORM_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
 ✔ [TASK_MINING][TASKMINING_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
 ✔ [LOGGING][LOGGING_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
 ✔ [WEBHOOK][WEBHOOK_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in syncChecks run on cluster/
    ✔ [NOTIFICATIONSERVICE_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
    ✔ [ACTIONCENTER_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
 ❌ [SYNC]
    ❌ [namespace:"argocd" | kind:"Application" | name:"dataservice"] Application health check failed: health status is Progressing and sync status is Synced
    ✔ [RELOADER_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
 ❌ [POD]
    ✔ [LIST_NAMESPACES] Retrieved 25 namespaces to check pod health
    ❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-runtime-8f5bb7d56-v5krg cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "external-storage-creds" : secret "dataservice-external-storage-secret" not found
    ❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-runtime-8f5bb7d56-xs9t5 cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "external-storage-creds" : secret "dataservice-external-storage-secret" not found
    ❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-taskrunner-787df76c74-98h5l cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "external-storage-creds" : secret "dataservice-external-storage-secret" not found
 ✔ [ISTIO]
    ✔ [LIST_PODS] Found 2 pods for Istio
    ✔ [ISTIOD_EXISTS] The Istio pods are present and running version - 
    ✔ [ISTIOD_READY] Istio pods are healthy
    ✔ [AIEVENTS_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
    ❌ [DATASERVICE_HEALTH] Application health check failed: health status is Progressing and sync status is Synced
    ✔ [PLATFORM_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
    ✔ [TASKMINING_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
    ✔ [LOGGING_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
    ✔ [WEBHOOK_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync

Por padrão, o comando verifica a integridade de todos os componentes. No entanto, também permite verificar estritamente os componentes nos quais você está interessado:
  • Se quiser excluir componentes da execução, use o sinalizador --excluded. Por exemplo, se você não quiser verificar a integridade do SQL, execute uipathctl health check --excluded SQL. O comando verifica a integridade de todos os componentes, exceto SQL.
  • Se quiser incluir apenas determinados componentes na execução, use o sinalizador --included. Por exemplo, se você quiser apenas verificar a integridade do DNS e do objectstore, execute uipathctl health check --included DNS,OBJECTSTORAGE.

Você encontra os nomes dos componentes que você pode incluir ou excluir das verificações de integridade aqui. No exemplo, a primeira palavra em cada linha sem identação representa o nome do componente. Por exemplo: SQL, OBJECTSTORE, DNS etc.

Análise dos logs

  1. Após executar uma verificação de integridade, os logs mostram que a verificação de integridade do aplicativo Data Service falhou.

    [DATASERVICE][DATASERVICE_HEALTH] Application health check failed: health status is Progressing and sync status is Synced❌ [DATASERVICE]
        ❌ [DATASERVICE_HEALTH] Application health check failed: health status is Progressing and sync status is Synced
  2. Após uma investigação mais aprofundada, fica claro que o aplicativo Data Service falhou porque os pods dataservice-runtime-8f5bb7d56-v5krg e dataservice-taskrunner-787df76c74-98h5l estão em um estado de falha. Se você analisar mais a fundo, poderá descobrir que o dataservice-external-storage-secret ausente está ausente.
    [POD][LIST_NAMESPACES] Retrieved 25 namespaces to check pod health
        ❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-runtime-8f5bb7d56-v5krg cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "external-storage-creds" : secret "dataservice-external-storage-secret" not found
        ❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-runtime-8f5bb7d56-xs9t5 cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "external-storage-creds" : secret "dataservice-external-storage-secret" not found
        ❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-taskrunner-787df76c74-98h5l cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "external-storage-creds" : secret "dataservice-external-storage-secret" not found❌ [POD]
        ✔ [LIST_NAMESPACES] Retrieved 25 namespaces to check pod health
        ❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-runtime-8f5bb7d56-v5krg cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "external-storage-creds" : secret "dataservice-external-storage-secret" not found
        ❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-runtime-8f5bb7d56-xs9t5 cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "external-storage-creds" : secret "dataservice-external-storage-secret" not found
        ❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-taskrunner-787df76c74-98h5l cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "external-storage-creds" : secret "dataservice-external-storage-secret" not found
  3. Para corrigir esse problema, certifique-se de que você forneceu as credenciais corretas para o objectstore no input.json. Para obter detalhes, consulte Atualização de credenciais.

Teste de integridade

Para executar um teste de integridade, use o seguinte comando:

./uipathctl health test./uipathctl health test

Saída de amostra do relatório gerado:

Checks run on cluster/[GATEKEEPER][CREATE_CONSTRAINT] Created test constraint
    ✔ [VERIFY] Constraint verified
    ✔ [CLEANUP] Cleaned up the test constraint
 ✔ [ACTION_CENTER][CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqk6b72
    ✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqk6b72
    ✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqbxjx8
    ✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqbxjx8
    ✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereq8zvw4
    ✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereq8zvw4
 ✔ [DATASERVICE][CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqxwlsb
    ✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqxwlsb
    ✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereq5szsn
    ✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereq5szsn
 ✔ [APPS][CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereq9z6nb
    ✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereq9z6nb
    ✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereq6v7lm
    ✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereq6v7lm
    ✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqxxn5v
    ✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqxxn5v
 ✔ [AUTOMATION_HUB][CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereq4jkbt
    ✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereq4jkbt
 ✔ [TEST_MANAGER][CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqnvvpc
    ✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqnvvpc
 ✔ [ORCHESTRATOR][CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereq8pf2f
    ✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereq8pf2f
    ✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereq4w4v4
    ✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereq4w4v4
    ✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqkzwqg
    ✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqkzwqg
 ✔ [INSIGHTS][CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqqmgjc
    ✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqqmgjc
    ✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereq4vnjx
    ✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereq4vnjx
    ✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqgtg9g
    ✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqgtg9g
 ✔ [AUTOMATION_OPS][CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqgkkrz
    ✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqgkkrz
 ✔ [AICENTER][CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqdls88
    ✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqdls88
    ✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereq6m7x9
    ✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereq6m7x9Checks run on cluster/
    ✔ [CREATE_CONSTRAINT] Created test constraint
    ✔ [VERIFY] Constraint verified
    ✔ [CLEANUP] Cleaned up the test constraint
    ✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqk6b72
    ✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqk6b72
    ✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqbxjx8
    ✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqbxjx8
    ✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereq8zvw4
    ✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereq8zvw4
    ✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqxwlsb
    ✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqxwlsb
    ✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereq5szsn
    ✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereq5szsn
 ✔ [APPS]
    ✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereq9z6nb
    ✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereq9z6nb
    ✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereq6v7lm
    ✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereq6v7lm
    ✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqxxn5v
    ✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqxxn5v
    ✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereq4jkbt
    ✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereq4jkbt
    ✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqnvvpc
    ✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqnvvpc
    ✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereq8pf2f
    ✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereq8pf2f
    ✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereq4w4v4
    ✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereq4w4v4
    ✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqkzwqg
    ✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqkzwqg
    ✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqqmgjc
    ✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqqmgjc
    ✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereq4vnjx
    ✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereq4vnjx
    ✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqgtg9g
    ✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqgtg9g
    ✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqgkkrz
    ✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqgkkrz
    ✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqdls88
    ✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqdls88
    ✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereq6m7x9
    ✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereq6m7x9
Por padrão, o comando executa testes de integridade em todos os componentes. No entanto, também permite verificar estritamente os componentes nos quais você está interessado:
  • Se quiser excluir componentes da execução, use o sinalizador --excluded. Por exemplo, se você não quiser verificar a integridade do SQL, execute uipathctl health test --excluded SQL. O comando verifica a integridade de todos os componentes, exceto SQL.
  • Se quiser incluir apenas determinados componentes na execução, use o sinalizador --included. Por exemplo, se você quiser apenas verificar a integridade do DNS e do objectstore, execute uipathctl health test --included DNS,OBJECTSTORAGE.

Você pode encontrar os nomes dos componentes que você pode incluir ou excluir dos testes de integridade aqui. No exemplo, a primeira palavra em cada linha sem identação representa o nome do componente. Por exemplo: SQL, OBJECTSTORE, DNS etc.

Se você comparar a saída dos comandos check e test para o aplicativo Data Service, poderá ver que o primeiro valida a integridade do aplicativo, enquanto o último verifica o roteamento.

Problema conhecido

Você pode receber uma mensagem de erro semelhante ao exemplo a seguir. Você pode ignorá-lo porque nenhuma Actions é necessária do seu lado.

E0621 23:32:56.426321   24470 reflector.go:138] external/io_k8s_client_go/tools/cache/reflector.go:167: Failed to watch *v1.Pod: context deadline exceeded
E0621 23:32:56.426392   24470 reflector.go:138] external/io_k8s_client_go/tools/cache/reflector.go:167: Failed to watch *v1.Pod: context deadline exceeded
E0621 23:32:56.444420   24470 reflector.go:138] external/io_k8s_client_go/tools/cache/reflector.go:167: Failed to watch *v1.Pod: context deadline exceeded
E0621 23:32:56.446150   24470 reflector.go:138] external/io_k8s_client_go/tools/cache/reflector.go:167: Failed to watch *v1.Pod: context deadline exceeded
E0621 23:32:56.513357   24470 reflector.go:138] external/io_k8s_client_go/tools/cache/reflector.go:167: Failed to watch *v1.Pod: context deadline exceededE0621 23:32:56.426321   24470 reflector.go:138] external/io_k8s_client_go/tools/cache/reflector.go:167: Failed to watch *v1.Pod: context deadline exceeded
E0621 23:32:56.426392   24470 reflector.go:138] external/io_k8s_client_go/tools/cache/reflector.go:167: Failed to watch *v1.Pod: context deadline exceeded
E0621 23:32:56.444420   24470 reflector.go:138] external/io_k8s_client_go/tools/cache/reflector.go:167: Failed to watch *v1.Pod: context deadline exceeded
E0621 23:32:56.446150   24470 reflector.go:138] external/io_k8s_client_go/tools/cache/reflector.go:167: Failed to watch *v1.Pod: context deadline exceeded
E0621 23:32:56.513357   24470 reflector.go:138] external/io_k8s_client_go/tools/cache/reflector.go:167: Failed to watch *v1.Pod: context deadline exceeded

Validação profunda

Validação profunda

O comando diagnose fornece insights profundos sobre o estado do cluster. Ele ajuda a identificar problemas em todos os níveis, como SQL, Objectstore, Node, Secret, Istio, Metworking etc.
  • Ele abrange os comandos check e test .
  • Ele executa as verificações de pré-requisitos realizadas antes da instalação do Automation Suite para validar as alterações na configuração do ambiente que foram feitas após a instalação e que podem ser a causa potencial do problema.

  • Ele é executado em todos os nós para coletar quaisquer problemas específicos do nó, como indisponibilidade de recursos, qualquer interferência de rede, etc.

Para executar o comando diagnose , use o seguinte comando:
./uipathctl health diagnose input.json --versions version.json./uipathctl health diagnose input.json --versions version.json

Saída de amostra do relatório gerado:

Checks run on nodes/aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000001
 ✔ [REDIS(PORT=6380)][CONNECTIVITY] Successfully made Redis connection on[OBJECTSTORAGE(PRODUCT=ORCHESTRATOR)][CHECK_API] Object storage test passed for orchestrator
    ✔ [BUILD_CLIENT] Successfully built ADO client
    ✔ [CONNECT] Successfully connected ADO client to DB[DB_ROLES] SQL user has the required roles to DB[DNS(FQDN=INSIGHTS.<FQDN>)][VALIDATE_FQDN] FQDN is valid
    ✔ [RESOLVE_SUBDOMAIN] Resolved to [{ }][IPS_MATCH] Subdomain resolves to top domain
    ✔ [RESOLVE_SUBDOMAIN] Resolved to [{ }][IPS_MATCH] Subdomain resolves to top domain
 Checks run on cluster/[NODE][NODE_EXISTS] 12 Nodes present in the cluster
    ✔ [NODE_READY] All the nodes are in ready state
 ✔ [GATEKEEPER][GATEKEEPER_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
    ✔ [CREATE_CONSTRAINT] Created test constraint
    ✔ [VERIFY] Constraint verified
    ✔ [CLEANUP] Cleaned up the test constraint
 ✔ [LOGGING][LOGGING_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
 ✔ [DATASERVICE][CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqctzhp
    ✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqctzhp
 ✔ [ROBOTUBE][ROBOTUBE_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
 ✔ [AIRFLOW][AIRFLOW_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
 ✔ [ARGOCD][ARGOCD_SERVER_PODS] Component argocd-server has ready Pods
    ✔ [ARGOCD_REPO_SERVER_PODS] Component argocd-repo-server has ready Pods
    ✔ [ARGOCD_APP_CONTROLLER_PODS] Component argocd-application-controller has ready Pods
    ✔ [ARGOCD_REDIS_PODS] Component redis-ha has ready Pods
 ✔ [ISTIO][LIST_PODS] Found 2 pods for Istio
    ✔ [ISTIOD_EXISTS] The Istio pods are present and running version -[ISTIOD_READY] Istio pods are healthy
 ✔ [AICENTER][AICENTER_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
    ✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqn6sqn
    ✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqn6sqn
Checks run on local/[CONNECTIVITY][OVERLAY_CONNECTIVITY_TEST] echo-a-4rffj on aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000002 can reach echo-a-4rffj's IP on aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000002
    ✔ [OVERLAY_CONNECTIVITY_TEST] echo-a-4rffj on aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000002 can reach echo-a-8c6t5's IP on aks-pool3-27031798-vmss000000
    ✔ [POD_TO_A] Scenario: http check between two random pods completed successfully
    ✔ [POD_TO_B_MULTI_NODE_CLUSTERIP] Scenario: http check between from pod to a multinode ClusterIP completed successfully
    ✔ [POD_TO_B_MULTI_NODE_HEADLESS] Scenario: http check between from pod to a multinode ClusterIP without a clusterIP set completed successfully
    ✔ [POD_TO_B_INTRA_NODE_CLUSTERIP] Scenario: http check between from two pods colocated on the same node via ClusterIP completed successfully
 ✔ [INGRESS][INGRESS_GATEWAY_FOUND] Found service istio-ingressgateway in the cluster
    ✔ [INGRESS_GATEWAY_PORT_CHECK] Service istio-ingressgateway is configured to allow traffic on
    ✔ [INGRESS_GATEWAY_PORT_CHECK] Service istio-ingressgateway is configured to allow traffic on[OSS(COMPONENT=MONITORING)][OSS(component=monitoring)] Check for component monitoring passed
 ✔ [OSS(COMPONENT=GATEKEEPER)][OSS(component=gatekeeper)] Check for component gatekeeper passed
    ✔ [LIST_NODES] Listed 12 nodes
    ✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqhcpkc
    ✔ [CREATE_STATEFULSET] Created statefulset storage-class-check-5n272
    ✔ [LIST_PODS] Listed 1 pods on node aks-pool3-27031798-vmss000001
    ✔ [POD_RUNNING] Found one pod running on node aks-pool3-27031798-vmss000001
 ✔ [REGISTRY][CONNECTIVITY] Successfully made Registry connection on
 ✔ [NETWORK-POLICIES][CREATE_NAMESPACE] Namespace prereqw4t9b created
    ✔ [CREATE_EGRESS_NETWORK_POLICY] Created the egress network policies allow-coredns-egress and block-external-traffic
    ✔ [CREATE_INGRESS_NETWORK_POLICY] Created the ingress network policy: block-echo-server-ingress
    ✔ [CREATE_SERVICE] Service echo-server-svc created
 ✔ [STORAGECLASS(NAME=STORAGE_CLASS)][STORAGE_CLASS_EXISTS] Storage class managed-premium exists
    ✔ [LIST_NODES] Listed 12 nodes
    ✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqgjhcb
    ✔ [CREATE_STATEFULSET] Created statefulset storage-class-check-nm9th
    ✔ [LIST_PODS] Listed 1 pods on node aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000003
    ✔ [POD_RUNNING] Found one pod running on node aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000003
    ✔ [LIST_PODS] Listed 1 pods on node aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000001
    ✔ [POD_RUNNING] Found one pod running on node aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000001
    ✔ [RESOLVE_TOP_DOMAIN] Resolved to [{ }][RESOLVE_SUBDOMAIN] Resolved to [{ }][IPS_MATCH] Subdomain resolves to top domain
 ✔ [NODE(CPU >= 8, RAM >= 16GI)][LIST_NODES] Listed 12 nodes
    ✔ [AT_LEAST_ONE_NODE] At least one node found
    ✔ [CPU_USAGE] Node aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000000 has 12.50% CPU usage
    ✔ [MEMORY_USAGE] Node aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000000 has 38.27% memory usage
    ✔ [POD_USAGE] Node aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000000 has 40.00% of pods in use. Number of pods: 40.00 max allowed: 100.00[OSS(COMPONENT=CERT-MANAGER)][OSS(component=cert-manager)] Check for component cert-manager passed
 ✔ [RESOURCE][Capacity] Automation suite already installed on cluster
 ✔ [OSS(COMPONENT=LOGGING)][OSS(component=logging)] Check for component logging passed
Checks run on cluster/[DATASERVICE][DATASERVICE_HEALTH] Application health check failed: health status is Progressing and sync status is Synced
 ❌ [ISTIO][ISTIO_SYNC_STATUS] Istio sync is up-to-date
    ❌ [ISTIO_ENVOY_CONFIG_STATUS] Istio Envoy configs are not healthy: Error [IST0101] (VirtualService uipath/du-platform-vs) Referenced host:port not found: "aistorage:5000"[ISTIO_SERVICEMESH_VALIDATION_GET_REGISTRY_FQDN] Successfully retrieved registry url
    ✔ [ISTIO_SERVICEMESH_VALIDATION_GET_CLUSTER_FQDN] Successfully retrieved cluster fqdn
    ✔ [ISTIO_SERVICEMESH_VALIDATION_CREATE_TEST_DEPLOYMENT] Successfully created the test deployment istio-validation-deployment
    ✔ [ISTIO_SERVICEMESH_VALIDATION_CREATE_TEST_SERVICE] Successfully created the test service istio-validation-service
    ✔ [ISTIO_SERVICEMESH_VALIDATION_CREATE_TEST_GATEWAY] Successfully created the test gateway istio-validation-gateway
    ✔ [ISTIO_SERVICEMESH_VALIDATION_CREATE_TEST_VIRTUALSERVICE] Successfully created the test virtual service istio-validation-vs
    ✔ [ISTIO_SERVICEMESH_VALIDATION_URL_ACCESS] Success exposing the service via servicemesh
 ❌ [POD][LIST_NAMESPACES] Retrieved 25 namespaces to check pod health
    ❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/ah-tenant-service-sync-insights-data-job-28122960-p6rzg cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "ah-insights-secrets" : failed to sync secret cache: timed out waiting for the condition
    ❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-runtime-8f5bb7d56-v5krg cannot mount volume: (combined from similar events): Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[external-storage-creds], unattached volumes=[workload-socket is-secrets openssl istio-podinfo temp-location cert-location istio-data external-storage-creds workload-certs istio-envoy java domain-cert-config edk2 credential-socket tmp additional-ca-cert-config pem istiod-ca-cert istio-token app-secrets ceph-storage-creds]: timed out waiting for the condition
    ❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-runtime-8f5bb7d56-xs9t5 cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "external-storage-creds" : secret "dataservice-external-storage-secret" not found
    ❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-taskrunner-787df76c74-98h5l cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "external-storage-creds" : secret "dataservice-external-storage-secret" not found
    ❌ [POD_UNHEALTHY] Latest event for pod uipath/du-documentmanager-dm-maintenance-cron-28122960-4sm5z: Error: failed to sync configmap cache: timed out waiting for the condition
 ❌ [SYNC][namespace:"argocd" | kind:"Application" | name:"dataservice"] Application health check failed: health status is Progressing and sync status is SyncedChecks run on nodes/aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000001
 ✔ [REDIS(PORT=6380)]
    ✔ [CONNECTIVITY] Successfully made Redis connection on
    ✔ [CHECK_API] Object storage test passed for orchestrator
    ✔ [EXECUTE_NATIVE] Successfully executed command
    ✔ [BUILD_CLIENT] Successfully built ADO client
    ✔ [CONNECT] Successfully connected ADO client to DB
    ✔ [DB_ROLES] SQL user has the required roles to DB
    ✔ [VALIDATE_FQDN] FQDN is valid
    ✔ [RESOLVE_SUBDOMAIN] Resolved to [{ }]
    ✔ [IPS_MATCH] Subdomain resolves to top domain
    ✔ [VALIDATE_FQDN] FQDN is valid
    ✔ [RESOLVE_SUBDOMAIN] Resolved to [{ }]
    ✔ [IPS_MATCH] Subdomain resolves to top domain
 Checks run on cluster/
 ✔ [NODE]
    ✔ [NODE_EXISTS] 12 Nodes present in the cluster
    ✔ [NODE_READY] All the nodes are in ready state
    ✔ [GATEKEEPER_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
    ✔ [CREATE_CONSTRAINT] Created test constraint
    ✔ [VERIFY] Constraint verified
    ✔ [CLEANUP] Cleaned up the test constraint
    ✔ [LOGGING_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
    ✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqctzhp
    ✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqctzhp
    ✔ [ROBOTUBE_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
    ✔ [AIRFLOW_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
    ✔ [ARGOCD_SERVER_PODS] Component argocd-server has ready Pods
    ✔ [ARGOCD_REPO_SERVER_PODS] Component argocd-repo-server has ready Pods
    ✔ [ARGOCD_APP_CONTROLLER_PODS] Component argocd-application-controller has ready Pods
    ✔ [ARGOCD_REDIS_PODS] Component redis-ha has ready Pods
 ✔ [ISTIO]
    ✔ [LIST_PODS] Found 2 pods for Istio
    ✔ [ISTIOD_EXISTS] The Istio pods are present and running version - 
    ✔ [ISTIOD_READY] Istio pods are healthy
    ✔ [AICENTER_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
    ✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqn6sqn
    ✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqn6sqn
Checks run on local/
    ✔ [OVERLAY_CONNECTIVITY_TEST] echo-a-4rffj on aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000002 can reach echo-a-4rffj's IP on aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000002
    ✔ [OVERLAY_CONNECTIVITY_TEST] echo-a-4rffj on aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000002 can reach echo-a-8c6t5's IP on aks-pool3-27031798-vmss000000
    ✔ [POD_TO_A] Scenario: http check between two random pods completed successfully
    ✔ [POD_TO_B_MULTI_NODE_CLUSTERIP] Scenario: http check between from pod to a multinode ClusterIP completed successfully
    ✔ [POD_TO_B_MULTI_NODE_HEADLESS] Scenario: http check between from pod to a multinode ClusterIP without a clusterIP set completed successfully
    ✔ [POD_TO_B_INTRA_NODE_CLUSTERIP] Scenario: http check between from two pods colocated on the same node via ClusterIP completed successfully
    ✔ [INGRESS_GATEWAY_FOUND] Found service istio-ingressgateway in the cluster
    ✔ [INGRESS_GATEWAY_PORT_CHECK] Service istio-ingressgateway is configured to allow traffic on
    ✔ [INGRESS_GATEWAY_PORT_CHECK] Service istio-ingressgateway is configured to allow traffic on
    ✔ [OSS(component=monitoring)] Check for component monitoring passed
    ✔ [OSS(component=gatekeeper)] Check for component gatekeeper passed
    ✔ [STORAGE_CLASS_EXISTS] Storage class azurefile-csi exists
    ✔ [LIST_NODES] Listed 12 nodes
    ✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqhcpkc
    ✔ [CREATE_STATEFULSET] Created statefulset storage-class-check-5n272
    ✔ [LIST_PODS] Listed 1 pods on node aks-pool3-27031798-vmss000001
    ✔ [POD_RUNNING] Found one pod running on node aks-pool3-27031798-vmss000001
    ✔ [CONNECTIVITY] Successfully made Registry connection on
    ✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Namespace prereqw4t9b created
    ✔ [CREATE_EGRESS_NETWORK_POLICY] Created the egress network policies allow-coredns-egress and block-external-traffic
    ✔ [CREATE_INGRESS_NETWORK_POLICY] Created the ingress network policy: block-echo-server-ingress
    ✔ [CREATE_SERVICE] Service echo-server-svc created
    ✔ [STORAGE_CLASS_EXISTS] Storage class managed-premium exists
    ✔ [LIST_NODES] Listed 12 nodes
    ✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqgjhcb
    ✔ [CREATE_STATEFULSET] Created statefulset storage-class-check-nm9th
    ✔ [LIST_PODS] Listed 1 pods on node aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000003
    ✔ [POD_RUNNING] Found one pod running on node aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000003
    ✔ [LIST_PODS] Listed 1 pods on node aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000001
    ✔ [POD_RUNNING] Found one pod running on node aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000001
    ✔ [VALIDATE_FQDN] FQDN is valid
    ✔ [RESOLVE_TOP_DOMAIN] Resolved to [{ }]
    ✔ [RESOLVE_SUBDOMAIN] Resolved to [{ }]
    ✔ [IPS_MATCH] Subdomain resolves to top domain
 ✔ [NODE(CPU >= 8, RAM >= 16GI)]
    ✔ [LIST_NODES] Listed 12 nodes
    ✔ [AT_LEAST_ONE_NODE] At least one node found
    ✔ [CPU_USAGE] Node aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000000 has 12.50% CPU usage
    ✔ [MEMORY_USAGE] Node aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000000 has 38.27% memory usage
    ✔ [POD_USAGE] Node aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000000 has 40.00% of pods in use. Number of pods: 40.00 max allowed: 100.00
    ✔ [OSS(component=cert-manager)] Check for component cert-manager passed
    ✔ [Capacity] Automation suite already installed on cluster
    ✔ [OSS(component=logging)] Check for component logging passed
    ✔ [BASIC_GPU_SUCCESS] Was able to start a CUDA job on a GPU node
Checks run on cluster/
    ❌ [DATASERVICE_HEALTH] Application health check failed: health status is Progressing and sync status is Synced
 ❌ [ISTIO]
    ✔ [ISTIO_SYNC_STATUS] Istio sync is up-to-date
    ❌ [ISTIO_ENVOY_CONFIG_STATUS] Istio Envoy configs are not healthy: Error [IST0101] (VirtualService uipath/du-platform-vs) Referenced host:port not found: "aistorage:5000"
    ✔ [ISTIO_SERVICEMESH_VALIDATION_GET_REGISTRY_FQDN] Successfully retrieved registry url
    ✔ [ISTIO_SERVICEMESH_VALIDATION_GET_CLUSTER_FQDN] Successfully retrieved cluster fqdn
    ✔ [ISTIO_SERVICEMESH_VALIDATION_CREATE_TEST_DEPLOYMENT] Successfully created the test deployment istio-validation-deployment
    ✔ [ISTIO_SERVICEMESH_VALIDATION_CREATE_TEST_SERVICE] Successfully created the test service istio-validation-service
    ✔ [ISTIO_SERVICEMESH_VALIDATION_CREATE_TEST_GATEWAY] Successfully created the test gateway istio-validation-gateway
    ✔ [ISTIO_SERVICEMESH_VALIDATION_CREATE_TEST_VIRTUALSERVICE] Successfully created the test virtual service istio-validation-vs
    ✔ [ISTIO_SERVICEMESH_VALIDATION_URL_ACCESS] Success exposing the service via servicemesh
 ❌ [POD]
    ✔ [LIST_NAMESPACES] Retrieved 25 namespaces to check pod health
    ❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/ah-tenant-service-sync-insights-data-job-28122960-p6rzg cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "ah-insights-secrets" : failed to sync secret cache: timed out waiting for the condition
    ❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-runtime-8f5bb7d56-v5krg cannot mount volume: (combined from similar events): Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[external-storage-creds], unattached volumes=[workload-socket is-secrets openssl istio-podinfo temp-location cert-location istio-data external-storage-creds workload-certs istio-envoy java domain-cert-config edk2 credential-socket tmp additional-ca-cert-config pem istiod-ca-cert istio-token app-secrets ceph-storage-creds]: timed out waiting for the condition
    ❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-runtime-8f5bb7d56-xs9t5 cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "external-storage-creds" : secret "dataservice-external-storage-secret" not found
    ❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-taskrunner-787df76c74-98h5l cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "external-storage-creds" : secret "dataservice-external-storage-secret" not found
    ❌ [POD_UNHEALTHY] Latest event for pod uipath/du-documentmanager-dm-maintenance-cron-28122960-4sm5z: Error: failed to sync configmap cache: timed out waiting for the condition
 ❌ [SYNC]
    ❌ [namespace:"argocd" | kind:"Application" | name:"dataservice"] Application health check failed: health status is Progressing and sync status is Synced
O exemplo mencionado acima está cortado para baixo. Os logs reais têm mais informações. É possível observar que o comando diagnose é executado em vários níveis, como infraestrutura, rede, armazenamento, pods, DNS etc.

Análise dos logs

Há dois problemas potenciais que você pode notar nos logs anteriores:

  • O Istio tem uma configuração incorreta, o que pode causar problemas no acesso à plataforma do Document Understanding:

    [ISTIO][ISTIO_SYNC_STATUS] Istio sync is up-to-date
        ❌ [ISTIO_ENVOY_CONFIG_STATUS] Istio Envoy configs are not healthy: Error [IST0101] (VirtualService uipath/du-platform-vs) Referenced host:port not found: "aistorage:5000"❌ [ISTIO]
        ✔ [ISTIO_SYNC_STATUS] Istio sync is up-to-date
        ❌ [ISTIO_ENVOY_CONFIG_STATUS] Istio Envoy configs are not healthy: Error [IST0101] (VirtualService uipath/du-platform-vs) Referenced host:port not found: "aistorage:5000"
  • Data Service indisponível. Consulte Ceph no exemplo de código.

    [DATASERVICE][DATASERVICE_HEALTH] Application health check failed: health status is Progressing and sync status is Synced
    ❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-runtime-8f5bb7d56-v5krg cannot mount volume: (combined from similar events): Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[external-storage-creds], unattached volumes=[workload-socket is-secrets openssl istio-podinfo temp-location cert-location istio-data external-storage-creds workload-certs istio-envoy java domain-cert-config edk2 credential-socket tmp additional-ca-cert-config pem istiod-ca-cert istio-token app-secrets ceph-storage-creds]: timed out waiting for the condition
        ❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-runtime-8f5bb7d56-xs9t5 cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "external-storage-creds" : secret "dataservice-external-storage-secret" not found
        ❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-taskrunner-787df76c74-98h5l cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "external-storage-creds" : secret "dataservice-external-storage-secret" not found❌ [DATASERVICE]
        ❌ [DATASERVICE_HEALTH] Application health check failed: health status is Progressing and sync status is Synced
    ❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-runtime-8f5bb7d56-v5krg cannot mount volume: (combined from similar events): Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[external-storage-creds], unattached volumes=[workload-socket is-secrets openssl istio-podinfo temp-location cert-location istio-data external-storage-creds workload-certs istio-envoy java domain-cert-config edk2 credential-socket tmp additional-ca-cert-config pem istiod-ca-cert istio-token app-secrets ceph-storage-creds]: timed out waiting for the condition
        ❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-runtime-8f5bb7d56-xs9t5 cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "external-storage-creds" : secret "dataservice-external-storage-secret" not found
        ❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-taskrunner-787df76c74-98h5l cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "external-storage-creds" : secret "dataservice-external-storage-secret" not found

Problemas conhecidos

Você pode receber uma mensagem de erro semelhante ao exemplo a seguir. Você pode ignorá-lo porque nenhuma Actions é necessária do seu lado.

I0622 01:31:28.917107   28815 request.go:601] Waited for 1.017599292s due to client-side throttling, not priority and fairness, request: GET: 01:31:28.917107   28815 request.go:601] Waited for 1.017599292s due to client-side throttling, not priority and fairness, request: GET:

Utilitários adicionais

Utilitários adicionais

Todos os comandos da ferramenta de diagnóstico do Automation Suite (check, teste diagnose) suportam filtragem e formato de saída adicionais.






Lista separada por vírgulas dos serviços a serem incluídos na validação

/uipathctl health diagnose input.json --versions.json --included ISTIO,INSIGHTS

Esse comando executa o diagnóstico apenas em relação ao Istio e ao Insights.


Lista separada por vírgulas dos serviços a serem excluídos da validação

/uipathctl health test --excluded ISTIO,INSIGHTS

Esse comando executa o teste em todo o cluster, exceto no Istio e no Insights.

Formato de saída

A ferramenta de diagnóstico do Automation Suite pode gerar relatórios em vários formatos: json, yaml, texte junit. Você pode passar esses valores para qualquer comando por meio do sinalizador --output . Esses formatos de saída são úteis quando você deseja aproveitar essas ferramentas para criar sua própria estrutura de solução de problemas com base nelas.

Usos de exemplos


Saída de exemplo

./uipathctl health check --included DATASERVICE --output json./uipathctl health check --included DATASERVICE --output json
{ "cluster/": { "DATASERVICE": [ { "name": "DATASERVICE_HEALTH", "description": "Application health check failed: health status is Progressing and sync status is Synced", "status": "failed" } ] } }{ "cluster/": { "DATASERVICE": [ { "name": "DATASERVICE_HEALTH", "description": "Application health check failed: health status is Progressing and sync status is Synced", "status": "failed" } ] } }
./uipathctl health check --included DATASERVICE --output yaml./uipathctl health check --included DATASERVICE --output yaml
? locationType: cluster : DATASERVICE: - name: DATASERVICE_HEALTH description: 'Application health check failed: health status is Progressing and sync status is Synced' status: failed? locationType: cluster : DATASERVICE: - name: DATASERVICE_HEALTH description: 'Application health check failed: health status is Progressing and sync status is Synced' status: failed
./uipathctl health check --included DATASERVICE --output text./uipathctl health check --included DATASERVICE --output text
Checks run on cluster/[DATASERVICE][DATASERVICE_HEALTH] Application health check failed: health status is Progressing and sync status is SyncedChecks run on cluster/ ❌ [DATASERVICE] ❌ [DATASERVICE_HEALTH] Application health check failed: health status is Progressing and sync status is Synced
./uipathctl health check --included DATASERVICE --output junit./uipathctl health check --included DATASERVICE --output junit
<testsuite name="Health" tests="1" errors="0" failures="1" time="0" timestamp="2023-06-22T01:59:08.313362+05:30" hostname=""> <testcase name="DATASERVICE_HEALTH" classname="" time="0"> <failure message="Application health check failed: health status is Progressing and sync status is Synced" type=""> </failure> </testcase> </testsuite><testsuite name="Health" tests="1" errors="0" failures="1" time="0" timestamp="2023-06-22T01:59:08.313362+05:30" hostname=""> <testcase name="DATASERVICE_HEALTH" classname="" time="0"> <failure message="Application health check failed: health status is Progressing and sync status is Synced" type=""> </failure> </testcase> </testsuite>

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