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Orchestrator API Guide
Last updated Nov 10, 2023

Health Check Endpoints

Make sure all your services are up and running by making API calls to special endpoints, called health check endpoints.

These endpoints run health checks and return a status that tells you if the service you are checking is functional or not.

Orchestrator Health Check Endpoint

To check the availability of your Orchestrator instance and its dependencies, use the following endpoints:

  • GET

    /api/health—checks only critical dependencies
  • GET

    /api/health/startup—checks every dependency

By default, the above health check endpoints return an empty response body.

To see which health checks have been performed and the statuses they hold:

  1. Open the UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config file (C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\Orchestrator).
  2. Configure a password for the HealthCheck.DetailsKey setting.
  3. Use the above password as a query parameter in the health check API call (for example, /api/health?detailsKey=password). If successful, the call returns a response body containing details about the health checks and their statuses.

Identity Server Health Check Endpoint

To check if the Identity Server is working, use the following endpoint:

  • GET {BaseURL}/identity/.well-known/openid-configuration

The response body of this endpoint summarizes the Identity Server configuration.

Webhooks Health Check Endpoint

To check the availability of your Webhooks service, use the following endpoint:

  • GET /api/status

Response Code Interpretation

Interpret the response code as follows:

  • 200 OK—your service is up and running
  • 5xx failure—your service is down
Some health checks may return a 200 OK response code and a Degraded status , meaning the checked component is in a degraded state.

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