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Integration Service user guide


Triggers provide a uniform mechanism for subscribing to events from the Connector platforms. It gives you the flexibility to automatically start automations or processes in Orchestrator.


Before you can configure triggers, make sure the following conditions are met:

  • The Integration Service is enabled and provisioned for your tenant.
  • The Triggers tab is displayed in the Integrations window.
  • You have already setup an Unattended or Non-production Robot in your Orchestrator instance.
  • You are using modern folders (processes inside of classical folders are not visible when defining triggers).

Note: Triggers are only supported in Modern folders. Classic folders do not support the modern user identity paradigm, therefore cannot support connections in general, or triggers.

Creating your process

Create your process in UiPath® Studio as you would normally do. Using Integration Service, any automation can be triggered for any process.

To receive the details of a record, take the following steps:

  • If you want to know the actual Connector, Event, Record Type or Record that triggered the process in your workflow, you can define the following input arguments of type String in your process.

    Integration Service will populate them automatically when it starts the job.

    • UiPathEventConnector
    • UiPathEvent
    • UiPathEventObjectType
    • UiPathEventObjectId
      Note: Find out more about how Arguments work and how to manage them here.
  • To retrieve and work with a record that has a trigger on a job run, use the UiPathEventObjectId input argument to retrieve the record from the source system.

Here is an example of how the input argument values are passed by Integration Service.

Publishing your process

Publish your process to Orchestrator as you would normally do. You can publish it to a shared folder or a personal workspace. Make sure to create a process out of your package.

Configuring your trigger

To add a trigger, take the following steps:

  1. Access Automation CloudTM.
  2. On the left-side menu, select Integration Service. The Integration Service window includes three separate tabs: Connectors, Connections, and Triggers.
  3. Access the Triggers tab and select the Add Trigger button.
  4. Select the desired Connector and Connection from their respective dropdown menus. If there is only one connection configured for that particular connector, it will be selected automatically.
  5. Select the desired Event and Record from their respective dropdown menus.

    Note: Event types may vary with the connector.
  6. On the right, select the Process to execute.
  7. Select the Runtime license (the runtime used to execute the jobs that are launched by the trigger) from the drop-down. Available options: NonProduction, Unattended, Headless, TestAutomation, AutomationCloud, Serverless, Development.

    • The list of runtimes shown is based on the response received from Orchestrator, i.e. the “assigned” runtime licenses to that folder. For the selected runtime, a message indicates the number of runtimes assigned.
    • For more information, refer to Managing Triggers in Orchestrator and Runtimes (robot licenses) documentation.
  8. Select the Add Trigger button to create your trigger and activate it.

Alternatively, you can create a new trigger from the Connections tab. To do that:

  1. Select a connection's More Actions button.
  2. Select the Add trigger option.
  3. Select the desired Event and Record Type from their respective dropdown menus. In this case, the Connector and Connection are already selected and cannot be changed.
  4. On the right, select the Process to execute and the respective Runtime license.
  5. Select the Add Trigger button to create your trigger and activate it.


Event monitoring is currently set to poll every 5 minutes. As such, it could take up to 5 minutes before the associated process starts.

You can see a job's details under the Jobs tab in your Orchestrator Folder. A job started from Integration Service will show its source as Integration Trigger.


Connectors support events through a polling mechanism. This is supported for the majority of the connector catalog.

Integration Service supports the following two types of events:

  1. Generic, which represent typical Create, Update, and Delete operations. When you select a generic event, you must also define the event record to monitor. For example, Record Created for the Calendar record.

  2. Predefined, which represent specific actions on specific objects. For example, Calendar event created.

More information on events is available on each connector's page.

Data filters

When you define an event for your trigger, you can add more specific filtering.

With Data filters, you can configure triggers that match specific data patterns. This means fewer launches of your robot and not having to apply additional filtering within your automation.

Polling interval

When you create a new connection and set up an event trigger on that connection, the polling interval is set by default to five minutes.

You can customize this interval using the Adjustable Polling Interval feature, which allows you to choose the interval on which event triggers check for new object events.

Important: You can have only one polling interval per connection, even though you can have several triggers set up per connection. Changing the polling interval affects all the associated triggers on a connection.

Polling runs on the connection at the selected interval. Once data has been retrieved, all active triggers for that connection are applied to the data set. If a poll is running when you change the interval, the service waits for the existing poll to finish, then starts another one.

Changing your polling interval

You can change your polling interval either from a specific connector’s page or from the Connections tab.

  1. In Automation CloudTM, access Integration Service.
  2. Go to the Connectors page and select a connector.
  3. In the connector’s page, select a connection to open the connection details page.
  4. Select the interval found under the connection name, as follows. The polling interval is displayed only for connections with added triggers.

Alternatively, you can configure your polling interval from the Connections tab:

  1. In Integration Service, go to the Connections tab.
  2. Select a specific connection to open the connection details page.
  3. Select the interval found under the connection name.
  4. The Update polling interval window is displayed.
  5. You can choose one of the available options or set up a Custom interval, in minutes or hours. The polling interval must be more than one minute and not longer than 24 hours or 1440 minutes.

    The following error message warns you if you enter an incorrect value: "The polling interval must be a natural number from 1 to 1440 minutes or 24 hrs."

  6. Select Update Interval.

Trigger run history

You can view a trigger's run history by simply selecting it in the Triggers tab. In the new page, the Attempts' history is displayed in the lower part of the interface.

This history shows events that were received by the Integration Service and whether the process was successfully launched, in which case it shows the word Successful in the State column.

Note: The Successful state only indicates that the job was successfully launched. It does not reflect whether the job was successfully executed to the end or not.
Important: In case a job fails to start, its State will appear as Failed. Hover with the mouse cursor over the Failed state to view the error message.

To check if a job was successfully executed, select the View job logs button. It will redirect you to Orchestrator, where all the necessary information on job execution is displayed.

Deleting a trigger

Go to the Triggers tab in the Integration Service window. Select the More Actions button corresponding to your trigger and select Delete.

Renaming a trigger

To rename a trigger, take the following steps:

  1. Access the Triggers tab.
  2. Hover with the mouse cursor over the name of the trigger you wish to modify. The Edit button is displayed.

    Note: Alternatively, you can select your trigger from the list to access the detailed view. The Edit button is located on the right side of your trigger name.
  3. Select the Edit button and you can choose a new name for your trigger.

Trigger details view

Select a trigger to view its details.

Activating or deactivating a trigger

To activate or deactivate a trigger, you first have to select it to view its details. Then select the switch located in the upper-left side of the window.


This section lists the known limitations of Integration Service triggers.

Maximum record limitation


Integration Service triggers currently have a maximum limit of 1,000 records per trigger execution. If a trigger attempts to retrieve more than 1,000 records within the configured time interval (for example, one minute or five minutes) and the vendor's system emits more records than this limit, any records exceeding the threshold are not captured and may be lost.


This limitation may affect workflows or automations that require processing large datasets, as the trigger may not retrieve all records.


We are actively working to address this constraint. Until then, to minimize the impact, you can configure the trigger interval to the minimum possible duration, as explained in Polling interval. Increasing the frequency of trigger execution ensures that all records are captured across multiple trigger runs.

Auto-disabling triggers

If a trigger encounters 100 consecutive errors caused by issues in third-party applications during polling for new or updated events, the system automatically disables the trigger. This mechanism helps maintain system stability.

When one of your triggers is disabled, you will receive an email notification. You must manually re-enable the trigger after the underlying issue causing the errors has been fixed.

Editing triggers

Editing an existing trigger is not currently supported. The only options for trigger management are creating or deleting triggers. For any desired changes, you must delete the existing trigger and add a new one.

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