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Guide de référence uipathctl

Dernière mise à jour 11 nov. 2024

uipathctl manifest list-revisions


Répertoriez les précédents fichiers input.json/cluster_config.json appliqués au cluster.

La sortie est toujours au format tabulaire. Par défaut, la liste est triée par numéro de version.

uipathctl manifest list-revisions [flags]uipathctl manifest list-revisions [flags]


# List revisions of the current cluster
        uipathctl manifest list-revisions
        # List revisions of the cluster identified by the current context in the kubeconfig file
        uipathctl manifest list-revisions  --kubeconfig cluster.kubeconfig        # List revisions of the current cluster
        uipathctl manifest list-revisions
        # List revisions of the cluster identified by the current context in the kubeconfig file
        uipathctl manifest list-revisions  --kubeconfig cluster.kubeconfig


-h, --help           help for list-revisions
      --show-command   if true, prints the commands corresponding to stored revisions as the last column  -h, --help           help for list-revisions
      --show-command   if true, prints the commands corresponding to stored revisions as the last column

Options héritées des commandes parent

--context string      name of the kubeconfig context to use
      --kubeconfig string   kubectl configuration file (default: ~/.kube/config)
      --log-format string   log format. one of [text,json] (default "text")
      --log-level string    set log level. one of [trace,debug,info,error] (default "error")
  -q, --quiet               suppress all output except for errors and warnings
      --timeout duration    timeout of the command (default 1h0m0s)      --context string      name of the kubeconfig context to use
      --kubeconfig string   kubectl configuration file (default: ~/.kube/config)
      --log-format string   log format. one of [text,json] (default "text")
      --log-level string    set log level. one of [trace,debug,info,error] (default "error")
  -q, --quiet               suppress all output except for errors and warnings
      --timeout duration    timeout of the command (default 1h0m0s)
  • Description
  • Exemples
  • Options
  • Options héritées des commandes parent

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