- Überblick
- Anforderungen
- Installation
- Voraussetzungsprüfungen
- Herunterladen der Installationspakete
- uipathctl-Cluster
- uipathctl-Clusterwartung
- uipathctl cluster maintenance disable
- uipathctl cluster maintenance enable
- uipathctl cluster maintenance is-enabled
- uipathctl-Cluster-Upgrade
- uipathctl config
- uipathctl config-Warnungen
- uipathctl config Alerts add-email
- uipathctl config alerts remove-email
- uipathctl config alerts update-email
- uipathctl config additional-ca-certificates get
- uipathctl config tls-certificates get
- uipathctl config Orchestrator
- uipathctl config Orchestrator get-config
- uipathctl config orchestrator update-config
- uipathctl config additional-ca-certificates update
- uipathctl config tls-certificates update
- UiPathctl-Zustand
- Uipathctl-Gesundheitspaket
- Uipathctl-Zustandsprüfung
- uipathctl health diagnose
- uipathctl health test
- uipathctl Identity
- uipathctl identity add-host-admin
- uipathctl Identity Enable-Basisauthentifizierung
- uipathctl identity get-saml-certificate
- uipathctl identity get-token-signing-certificate
- uipathctl identity rotate-saml-certificates
- uipathctl identity rotate-token-signing-certificates
- uipathctl identity update-saml-certificate
- uipathctl identity update-token-signing-certificate
- uipathctl-Manifest
- uipathctl manifest apply
- uipathctl manifest diff
- uipathctl manifest get
- uipathctl Manifest list-applications
- uipathctl manifest render
- uipathctl-Voraussetzung
- uipathctl prereq create
- uipathctl prereq run
- „uipathctl“-Ressource
- uipathctl-Ressourcenbericht
- uipathctl-Snapshot
- uipathctl-Snapshot-Sicherung
- uipathctl snapshot backup create
- uipathctl snapshot backup disable
- uipathctl snapshot backup enable
- uipathctl snapshot delete
- uipathctl snapshot list
- uipathctl snapshot restore
- uipathctl snapshot restore create
- uipathctl snapshot restore delete
- uipathctl snapshot restore history
- uipathctl snapshot restore logs
- uipathctl SSO
- uipathctl ssoGenerate-Connector
- uipathctl sso generate-overlays
- uipathctl sso generate-rbac
- uipathctl-Version
- Nach der Installation
- Migration und Upgrade
- Aktualisieren der Automation Suite auf EKS/AKS
- Migrationsoptionen
- Schritt 1: Verschieben der Identitätsorganisationsdaten von einer eigenständigen in die Automation Suite
- Schritt 2: Wiederherstellen der eigenständigen Produktdatenbank
- Schritt 3: Sichern der Plattformdatenbank in der Automation Suite
- Schritt 4: Zusammenführen von Organisationen in der Automation Suite
- Schritt 5: Aktualisieren der migrierten Produktverbindungszeichenfolgen
- Schritt 6: Migrieren von eigenständigen Insights
- Schritt 7: Löschen des Standardmandanten
- B) Migration von einzelnen Mandanten
- Überwachung und Warnungen
- Clusterverwaltung
- Produktspezifische Konfiguration
- Fehlersuche und ‑behebung
- Ausführen des Diagnosetools
- Ausführen des Supportpakettools
Ausführen des Diagnosetools
Das Automation Suite -Diagnosetool führt eine Reihe von Überprüfungen durch, um einen Bericht über den Clusterzustand zu generieren, den Sie analysieren können, um Probleme und deren potenzielle Ursachen zu identifizieren. Die Automation Suite Diagnosetools helfen Ihnen, häufige Probleme zu finden, z. B. verlorene Datenbankkonnektivität oder ungültige oder abgelaufene Anmeldeinformationen.
Wir empfehlen, dieses Tool als ersten Schritt zu verwenden, wenn Probleme auftreten.
und test
bieten schnelle Einblicke in den Status des Clusters, ohne eine eingehende Analyse durchzuführen.
ist vom Integritäts- und Synchronisierungsstatus von ArgoCD abhängig und ändert keinen Status im Cluster -
sieht sich die Anwendungen, Bereitstellungen oder Pods an und ändert vorübergehend den Status des Clusters, um Ihnen diese Erkenntnisse zu liefern.
Um eine Zustandsüberprüfung auszuführen, verwenden Sie den folgenden Befehl:
./uipathctl health check
./uipathctl health check
Beispielausgabe des generierten Berichts:
Checks run on cluster/
✔ [NOTIFICATIONSERVICE_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
✔ [ACTIONCENTER_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
❌ [SYNC]
❌ [namespace:"argocd" | kind:"Application" | name:"dataservice"] Application health check failed: health status is Progressing and sync status is Synced
✔ [RELOADER_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
❌ [POD]
✔ [LIST_NAMESPACES] Retrieved 25 namespaces to check pod health
❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-runtime-8f5bb7d56-v5krg cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "external-storage-creds" : secret "dataservice-external-storage-secret" not found
❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-runtime-8f5bb7d56-xs9t5 cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "external-storage-creds" : secret "dataservice-external-storage-secret" not found
❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-taskrunner-787df76c74-98h5l cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "external-storage-creds" : secret "dataservice-external-storage-secret" not found
✔ [LIST_PODS] Found 2 pods for Istio
✔ [ISTIOD_EXISTS] The Istio pods are present and running version -
✔ [ISTIOD_READY] Istio pods are healthy
✔ [AIEVENTS_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
❌ [DATASERVICE_HEALTH] Application health check failed: health status is Progressing and sync status is Synced
✔ [PLATFORM_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
✔ [TASKMINING_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
✔ [LOGGING_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
✔ [WEBHOOK_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
Checks run on cluster/
✔ [NOTIFICATIONSERVICE_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
✔ [ACTIONCENTER_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
❌ [SYNC]
❌ [namespace:"argocd" | kind:"Application" | name:"dataservice"] Application health check failed: health status is Progressing and sync status is Synced
✔ [RELOADER_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
❌ [POD]
✔ [LIST_NAMESPACES] Retrieved 25 namespaces to check pod health
❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-runtime-8f5bb7d56-v5krg cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "external-storage-creds" : secret "dataservice-external-storage-secret" not found
❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-runtime-8f5bb7d56-xs9t5 cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "external-storage-creds" : secret "dataservice-external-storage-secret" not found
❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-taskrunner-787df76c74-98h5l cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "external-storage-creds" : secret "dataservice-external-storage-secret" not found
✔ [LIST_PODS] Found 2 pods for Istio
✔ [ISTIOD_EXISTS] The Istio pods are present and running version -
✔ [ISTIOD_READY] Istio pods are healthy
✔ [AIEVENTS_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
❌ [DATASERVICE_HEALTH] Application health check failed: health status is Progressing and sync status is Synced
✔ [PLATFORM_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
✔ [TASKMINING_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
✔ [LOGGING_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
✔ [WEBHOOK_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
uipathctl health check
Zustandsprüfungen für alle Komponenten aus. Er ermöglicht Ihnen jedoch auch, genau die Komponenten zu überprüfen, an denen Sie interessiert sind:
Wenn Sie Komponenten von der Ausführung ausschließen möchten, verwenden Sie das Flag
. Wenn Sie beispielsweise den Zustand von SQL nicht überprüfen möchten, führen Sieuipathctl health check --excluded SQL
aus. Der Befehl überprüft den Zustand aller Komponenten mit Ausnahme von SQL. -
Wenn Sie nur bestimme Komponenten in die Ausführung einschließen möchten, verwenden Sie das Flag
. Wenn Sie beispielsweise nur das DNS und den Objektspeicher überprüfen möchten, führen Sieuipathctl health check --included DNS,OBJECTSTORAGE
Die Namen der Komponenten, die Sie bei den Zustandsprüfungen ein- oder ausschließen können, finden Sie hier. In diesem Beispiel stellt das erste Wort auf jeder eingerückten Zeile den Komponentennamen dar. Beispiel: SQL, OBJECTSTORE, DNS usw.
Analysieren der Protokolle
Nach dem Ausführen einer Zustandsüberprüfung zeigen die Protokolle, dass die Zustandsprüfung für die Data Service-Anwendung fehlgeschlagen ist.
❌ [DATASERVICE] ❌ [DATASERVICE_HEALTH] Application health check failed: health status is Progressing and sync status is Synced
❌ [DATASERVICE] ❌ [DATASERVICE_HEALTH] Application health check failed: health status is Progressing and sync status is Synced -
Nach weiteren Untersuchungen wird klar, dass die Data Service-Anwendung fehlgeschlagen ist, da sich die Pods
in einem fehlerhaften Zustand befinden. Bei einer weiteren Analyse stellen Sie fest, dass das fehlendedataservice-external-storage-secret
fehlt.❌ [POD] ✔ [LIST_NAMESPACES] Retrieved 25 namespaces to check pod health ❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-runtime-8f5bb7d56-v5krg cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "external-storage-creds" : secret "dataservice-external-storage-secret" not found ❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-runtime-8f5bb7d56-xs9t5 cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "external-storage-creds" : secret "dataservice-external-storage-secret" not found ❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-taskrunner-787df76c74-98h5l cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "external-storage-creds" : secret "dataservice-external-storage-secret" not found
❌ [POD] ✔ [LIST_NAMESPACES] Retrieved 25 namespaces to check pod health ❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-runtime-8f5bb7d56-v5krg cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "external-storage-creds" : secret "dataservice-external-storage-secret" not found ❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-runtime-8f5bb7d56-xs9t5 cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "external-storage-creds" : secret "dataservice-external-storage-secret" not found ❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-taskrunner-787df76c74-98h5l cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "external-storage-creds" : secret "dataservice-external-storage-secret" not found - Um dieses Problem zu beheben, stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die richtigen Anmeldeinformationen für den Objektspeicher in der
angegeben haben. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Aktualisieren von Anmeldeinformationen.
Um einen Integritätstest auszuführen, verwenden Sie den folgenden Befehl:
./uipathctl health test
./uipathctl health test
Beispielausgabe des generierten Berichts:
Checks run on cluster/
✔ [CREATE_CONSTRAINT] Created test constraint
✔ [VERIFY] Constraint verified
✔ [CLEANUP] Cleaned up the test constraint
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqk6b72
✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqk6b72
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqbxjx8
✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqbxjx8
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereq8zvw4
✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereq8zvw4
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqxwlsb
✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqxwlsb
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereq5szsn
✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereq5szsn
✔ [APPS]
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereq9z6nb
✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereq9z6nb
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereq6v7lm
✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereq6v7lm
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqxxn5v
✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqxxn5v
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereq4jkbt
✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereq4jkbt
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqnvvpc
✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqnvvpc
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereq8pf2f
✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereq8pf2f
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereq4w4v4
✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereq4w4v4
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqkzwqg
✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqkzwqg
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqqmgjc
✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqqmgjc
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereq4vnjx
✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereq4vnjx
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqgtg9g
✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqgtg9g
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqgkkrz
✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqgkkrz
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqdls88
✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqdls88
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereq6m7x9
✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereq6m7x9
Checks run on cluster/
✔ [CREATE_CONSTRAINT] Created test constraint
✔ [VERIFY] Constraint verified
✔ [CLEANUP] Cleaned up the test constraint
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqk6b72
✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqk6b72
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqbxjx8
✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqbxjx8
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereq8zvw4
✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereq8zvw4
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqxwlsb
✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqxwlsb
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereq5szsn
✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereq5szsn
✔ [APPS]
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereq9z6nb
✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereq9z6nb
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereq6v7lm
✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereq6v7lm
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqxxn5v
✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqxxn5v
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereq4jkbt
✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereq4jkbt
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqnvvpc
✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqnvvpc
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereq8pf2f
✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereq8pf2f
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereq4w4v4
✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereq4w4v4
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqkzwqg
✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqkzwqg
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqqmgjc
✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqqmgjc
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereq4vnjx
✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereq4vnjx
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqgtg9g
✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqgtg9g
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqgkkrz
✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqgkkrz
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqdls88
✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqdls88
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereq6m7x9
✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereq6m7x9
uipathctl health test
Zustandsprüfungen für alle Komponenten aus. Er ermöglicht Ihnen jedoch auch, genau die Komponenten zu überprüfen, an denen Sie interessiert sind:
Wenn Sie Komponenten von der Ausführung ausschließen möchten, verwenden Sie das Flag
. Wenn Sie beispielsweise den Zustand von SQL nicht überprüfen möchten, führen Sieuipathctl health test --excluded SQL
aus. Der Befehl überprüft den Zustand aller Komponenten mit Ausnahme von SQL. -
Wenn Sie nur bestimme Komponenten in die Ausführung einschließen möchten, verwenden Sie das Flag
. Wenn Sie beispielsweise nur das DNS und den Objektspeicher überprüfen möchten, führen Sieuipathctl health test --included DNS,OBJECTSTORAGE
Die Namen der Komponenten, die Sie bei den Zustandsprüfungen ein- oder ausschließen können, finden Sie hier. In diesem Beispiel stellt das erste Wort auf jeder eingerückten Zeile den Komponentennamen dar. Beispiel: SQL, OBJECTSTORE, DNS usw.
und test
für die Data Service-Anwendung vergleichen, können Sie sehen, dass erstere den Zustand der Anwendung validiert, während letztere das Routing überprüft.
Bekanntes Problem
Möglicherweise erhalten Sie eine Fehlermeldung ähnlich dem folgenden Beispiel. Sie können dies ignorieren, da keine Actions erforderlich sind.
E0621 23:32:56.426321 24470 reflector.go:138] external/io_k8s_client_go/tools/cache/reflector.go:167: Failed to watch *v1.Pod: context deadline exceeded
E0621 23:32:56.426392 24470 reflector.go:138] external/io_k8s_client_go/tools/cache/reflector.go:167: Failed to watch *v1.Pod: context deadline exceeded
E0621 23:32:56.444420 24470 reflector.go:138] external/io_k8s_client_go/tools/cache/reflector.go:167: Failed to watch *v1.Pod: context deadline exceeded
E0621 23:32:56.446150 24470 reflector.go:138] external/io_k8s_client_go/tools/cache/reflector.go:167: Failed to watch *v1.Pod: context deadline exceeded
E0621 23:32:56.513357 24470 reflector.go:138] external/io_k8s_client_go/tools/cache/reflector.go:167: Failed to watch *v1.Pod: context deadline exceeded
E0621 23:32:56.426321 24470 reflector.go:138] external/io_k8s_client_go/tools/cache/reflector.go:167: Failed to watch *v1.Pod: context deadline exceeded
E0621 23:32:56.426392 24470 reflector.go:138] external/io_k8s_client_go/tools/cache/reflector.go:167: Failed to watch *v1.Pod: context deadline exceeded
E0621 23:32:56.444420 24470 reflector.go:138] external/io_k8s_client_go/tools/cache/reflector.go:167: Failed to watch *v1.Pod: context deadline exceeded
E0621 23:32:56.446150 24470 reflector.go:138] external/io_k8s_client_go/tools/cache/reflector.go:167: Failed to watch *v1.Pod: context deadline exceeded
E0621 23:32:56.513357 24470 reflector.go:138] external/io_k8s_client_go/tools/cache/reflector.go:167: Failed to watch *v1.Pod: context deadline exceeded
-Befehl bietet tiefe Einblicke in den Status des Clusters. Es hilft Ihnen, Probleme auf allen Ebenen zu identifizieren, z. B. SQL, Objektspeicher, Knoten, Geheimnis, Istio, Metworking usw.
Sie deckt sowohl die Befehle
als auchtest
ab. -
Es führt die Voraussetzungsprüfungen durch, die vor der Installation der Automation Suite durchgeführt wurden, um Änderungen an der Umgebungskonfiguration zu validieren, die nach der Installation vorgenommen wurden und die eine potenzielle Ursache für das Problem sein können.
Es wird auf allen Knoten ausgeführt, um alle knotenspezifischen Probleme zu sammeln, z. B. die Nichtverfügbarkeit von Ressourcen, Netzwerkinterferenzen usw.
auszuführen, verwenden Sie den folgenden Befehl:
./uipathctl health diagnose input.json --versions version.json
./uipathctl health diagnose input.json --versions version.json
Beispielausgabe des generierten Berichts:
Checks run on nodes/aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000001
✔ [REDIS(PORT=6380)]
✔ [CONNECTIVITY] Successfully made Redis connection on ci-asaks4011056.redis.cache.windows.net:6380
✔ [CHECK_API] Object storage test passed for orchestrator
✔ [EXECUTE_NATIVE] Successfully executed command
✔ [BUILD_CLIENT] Successfully built ADO client
✔ [CONNECT] Successfully connected ADO client to DB
✔ [DB_ROLES] SQL user has the required roles to DB
✔ [RESOLVE_SUBDOMAIN] Resolved insights.ci-asaks4011056.infra-sf-ea.infra.uipath-dev.com to [{ }]
✔ [IPS_MATCH] Subdomain resolves to top domain
✔ [RESOLVE_SUBDOMAIN] Resolved alm.ci-asaks4011056.infra-sf-ea.infra.uipath-dev.com to [{ }]
✔ [IPS_MATCH] Subdomain resolves to top domain
Checks run on cluster/
✔ [NODE]
✔ [NODE_EXISTS] 12 Nodes present in the cluster
✔ [NODE_READY] All the nodes are in ready state
✔ [GATEKEEPER_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
✔ [CREATE_CONSTRAINT] Created test constraint
✔ [VERIFY] Constraint verified
✔ [CLEANUP] Cleaned up the test constraint
✔ [LOGGING_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqctzhp
✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqctzhp
✔ [ROBOTUBE_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
✔ [AIRFLOW_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
✔ [ARGOCD_SERVER_PODS] Component argocd-server has ready Pods
✔ [ARGOCD_REPO_SERVER_PODS] Component argocd-repo-server has ready Pods
✔ [ARGOCD_APP_CONTROLLER_PODS] Component argocd-application-controller has ready Pods
✔ [ARGOCD_REDIS_PODS] Component redis-ha has ready Pods
✔ [LIST_PODS] Found 2 pods for Istio
✔ [ISTIOD_EXISTS] The Istio pods are present and running version -
✔ [ISTIOD_READY] Istio pods are healthy
✔ [AICENTER_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqn6sqn
✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqn6sqn
Checks run on local/
✔ [OVERLAY_CONNECTIVITY_TEST] echo-a-4rffj on aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000002 can reach echo-a-4rffj's IP on aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000002
✔ [OVERLAY_CONNECTIVITY_TEST] echo-a-4rffj on aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000002 can reach echo-a-8c6t5's IP on aks-pool3-27031798-vmss000000
✔ [POD_TO_A] Scenario: http check between two random pods completed successfully
✔ [POD_TO_B_MULTI_NODE_CLUSTERIP] Scenario: http check between from pod to a multinode ClusterIP completed successfully
✔ [POD_TO_B_MULTI_NODE_HEADLESS] Scenario: http check between from pod to a multinode ClusterIP without a clusterIP set completed successfully
✔ [POD_TO_B_INTRA_NODE_CLUSTERIP] Scenario: http check between from two pods colocated on the same node via ClusterIP completed successfully
✔ [INGRESS_GATEWAY_FOUND] Found service istio-ingressgateway in the cluster
✔ [INGRESS_GATEWAY_PORT_CHECK] Service istio-ingressgateway is configured to allow traffic on http://ci-asaks4011056.infra-sf-ea.infra.uipath-dev.com
✔ [INGRESS_GATEWAY_PORT_CHECK] Service istio-ingressgateway is configured to allow traffic on https://ci-asaks4011056.infra-sf-ea.infra.uipath-dev.com:443
✔ [OSS(component=monitoring)] Check for component monitoring passed
✔ [OSS(component=gatekeeper)] Check for component gatekeeper passed
✔ [STORAGE_CLASS_EXISTS] Storage class azurefile-csi exists
✔ [LIST_NODES] Listed 12 nodes
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqhcpkc
✔ [CREATE_STATEFULSET] Created statefulset storage-class-check-5n272
✔ [LIST_PODS] Listed 1 pods on node aks-pool3-27031798-vmss000001
✔ [POD_RUNNING] Found one pod running on node aks-pool3-27031798-vmss000001
✔ [CONNECTIVITY] Successfully made Registry connection on sfbrdevhelmweacr.azurecr.io
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Namespace prereqw4t9b created
✔ [CREATE_EGRESS_NETWORK_POLICY] Created the egress network policies allow-coredns-egress and block-external-traffic
✔ [CREATE_INGRESS_NETWORK_POLICY] Created the ingress network policy: block-echo-server-ingress
✔ [CREATE_SERVICE] Service echo-server-svc created
✔ [STORAGE_CLASS_EXISTS] Storage class managed-premium exists
✔ [LIST_NODES] Listed 12 nodes
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqgjhcb
✔ [CREATE_STATEFULSET] Created statefulset storage-class-check-nm9th
✔ [LIST_PODS] Listed 1 pods on node aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000003
✔ [POD_RUNNING] Found one pod running on node aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000003
✔ [LIST_PODS] Listed 1 pods on node aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000001
✔ [POD_RUNNING] Found one pod running on node aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000001
✔ [RESOLVE_TOP_DOMAIN] Resolved ci-asaks4011056.infra-sf-ea.infra.uipath-dev.com to [{ }]
✔ [RESOLVE_SUBDOMAIN] Resolved insights.ci-asaks4011056.infra-sf-ea.infra.uipath-dev.com to [{ }]
✔ [IPS_MATCH] Subdomain resolves to top domain
✔ [NODE(CPU >= 8, RAM >= 16GI)]
✔ [LIST_NODES] Listed 12 nodes
✔ [AT_LEAST_ONE_NODE] At least one node found
✔ [CPU_USAGE] Node aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000000 has 12.50% CPU usage
✔ [MEMORY_USAGE] Node aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000000 has 38.27% memory usage
✔ [POD_USAGE] Node aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000000 has 40.00% of pods in use. Number of pods: 40.00 max allowed: 100.00
✔ [OSS(component=cert-manager)] Check for component cert-manager passed
✔ [Capacity] Automation suite already installed on cluster
✔ [OSS(component=logging)] Check for component logging passed
✔ [BASIC_GPU_SUCCESS] Was able to start a CUDA job on a GPU node
Checks run on cluster/
❌ [DATASERVICE_HEALTH] Application health check failed: health status is Progressing and sync status is Synced
✔ [ISTIO_SYNC_STATUS] Istio sync is up-to-date
❌ [ISTIO_ENVOY_CONFIG_STATUS] Istio Envoy configs are not healthy: Error [IST0101] (VirtualService uipath/du-platform-vs) Referenced host:port not found: "aistorage:5000"
✔ [ISTIO_SERVICEMESH_VALIDATION_GET_REGISTRY_FQDN] Successfully retrieved registry url
✔ [ISTIO_SERVICEMESH_VALIDATION_GET_CLUSTER_FQDN] Successfully retrieved cluster fqdn
✔ [ISTIO_SERVICEMESH_VALIDATION_CREATE_TEST_DEPLOYMENT] Successfully created the test deployment istio-validation-deployment
✔ [ISTIO_SERVICEMESH_VALIDATION_CREATE_TEST_SERVICE] Successfully created the test service istio-validation-service
✔ [ISTIO_SERVICEMESH_VALIDATION_CREATE_TEST_GATEWAY] Successfully created the test gateway istio-validation-gateway
✔ [ISTIO_SERVICEMESH_VALIDATION_CREATE_TEST_VIRTUALSERVICE] Successfully created the test virtual service istio-validation-vs
✔ [ISTIO_SERVICEMESH_VALIDATION_URL_ACCESS] Success exposing the service via servicemesh
❌ [POD]
✔ [LIST_NAMESPACES] Retrieved 25 namespaces to check pod health
❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/ah-tenant-service-sync-insights-data-job-28122960-p6rzg cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "ah-insights-secrets" : failed to sync secret cache: timed out waiting for the condition
❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-runtime-8f5bb7d56-v5krg cannot mount volume: (combined from similar events): Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[external-storage-creds], unattached volumes=[workload-socket is-secrets openssl istio-podinfo temp-location cert-location istio-data external-storage-creds workload-certs istio-envoy java domain-cert-config edk2 credential-socket tmp additional-ca-cert-config pem istiod-ca-cert istio-token app-secrets ceph-storage-creds]: timed out waiting for the condition
❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-runtime-8f5bb7d56-xs9t5 cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "external-storage-creds" : secret "dataservice-external-storage-secret" not found
❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-taskrunner-787df76c74-98h5l cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "external-storage-creds" : secret "dataservice-external-storage-secret" not found
❌ [POD_UNHEALTHY] Latest event for pod uipath/du-documentmanager-dm-maintenance-cron-28122960-4sm5z: Error: failed to sync configmap cache: timed out waiting for the condition
❌ [SYNC]
❌ [namespace:"argocd" | kind:"Application" | name:"dataservice"] Application health check failed: health status is Progressing and sync status is Synced
Checks run on nodes/aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000001
✔ [REDIS(PORT=6380)]
✔ [CONNECTIVITY] Successfully made Redis connection on ci-asaks4011056.redis.cache.windows.net:6380
✔ [CHECK_API] Object storage test passed for orchestrator
✔ [EXECUTE_NATIVE] Successfully executed command
✔ [BUILD_CLIENT] Successfully built ADO client
✔ [CONNECT] Successfully connected ADO client to DB
✔ [DB_ROLES] SQL user has the required roles to DB
✔ [RESOLVE_SUBDOMAIN] Resolved insights.ci-asaks4011056.infra-sf-ea.infra.uipath-dev.com to [{ }]
✔ [IPS_MATCH] Subdomain resolves to top domain
✔ [RESOLVE_SUBDOMAIN] Resolved alm.ci-asaks4011056.infra-sf-ea.infra.uipath-dev.com to [{ }]
✔ [IPS_MATCH] Subdomain resolves to top domain
Checks run on cluster/
✔ [NODE]
✔ [NODE_EXISTS] 12 Nodes present in the cluster
✔ [NODE_READY] All the nodes are in ready state
✔ [GATEKEEPER_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
✔ [CREATE_CONSTRAINT] Created test constraint
✔ [VERIFY] Constraint verified
✔ [CLEANUP] Cleaned up the test constraint
✔ [LOGGING_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqctzhp
✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqctzhp
✔ [ROBOTUBE_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
✔ [AIRFLOW_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
✔ [ARGOCD_SERVER_PODS] Component argocd-server has ready Pods
✔ [ARGOCD_REPO_SERVER_PODS] Component argocd-repo-server has ready Pods
✔ [ARGOCD_APP_CONTROLLER_PODS] Component argocd-application-controller has ready Pods
✔ [ARGOCD_REDIS_PODS] Component redis-ha has ready Pods
✔ [LIST_PODS] Found 2 pods for Istio
✔ [ISTIOD_EXISTS] The Istio pods are present and running version -
✔ [ISTIOD_READY] Istio pods are healthy
✔ [AICENTER_HEALTH] Application is healthy and in sync
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqn6sqn
✔ [CREATE_POD] Created test pod curl-pod in namespace prereqn6sqn
Checks run on local/
✔ [OVERLAY_CONNECTIVITY_TEST] echo-a-4rffj on aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000002 can reach echo-a-4rffj's IP on aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000002
✔ [OVERLAY_CONNECTIVITY_TEST] echo-a-4rffj on aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000002 can reach echo-a-8c6t5's IP on aks-pool3-27031798-vmss000000
✔ [POD_TO_A] Scenario: http check between two random pods completed successfully
✔ [POD_TO_B_MULTI_NODE_CLUSTERIP] Scenario: http check between from pod to a multinode ClusterIP completed successfully
✔ [POD_TO_B_MULTI_NODE_HEADLESS] Scenario: http check between from pod to a multinode ClusterIP without a clusterIP set completed successfully
✔ [POD_TO_B_INTRA_NODE_CLUSTERIP] Scenario: http check between from two pods colocated on the same node via ClusterIP completed successfully
✔ [INGRESS_GATEWAY_FOUND] Found service istio-ingressgateway in the cluster
✔ [INGRESS_GATEWAY_PORT_CHECK] Service istio-ingressgateway is configured to allow traffic on http://ci-asaks4011056.infra-sf-ea.infra.uipath-dev.com
✔ [INGRESS_GATEWAY_PORT_CHECK] Service istio-ingressgateway is configured to allow traffic on https://ci-asaks4011056.infra-sf-ea.infra.uipath-dev.com:443
✔ [OSS(component=monitoring)] Check for component monitoring passed
✔ [OSS(component=gatekeeper)] Check for component gatekeeper passed
✔ [STORAGE_CLASS_EXISTS] Storage class azurefile-csi exists
✔ [LIST_NODES] Listed 12 nodes
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqhcpkc
✔ [CREATE_STATEFULSET] Created statefulset storage-class-check-5n272
✔ [LIST_PODS] Listed 1 pods on node aks-pool3-27031798-vmss000001
✔ [POD_RUNNING] Found one pod running on node aks-pool3-27031798-vmss000001
✔ [CONNECTIVITY] Successfully made Registry connection on sfbrdevhelmweacr.azurecr.io
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Namespace prereqw4t9b created
✔ [CREATE_EGRESS_NETWORK_POLICY] Created the egress network policies allow-coredns-egress and block-external-traffic
✔ [CREATE_INGRESS_NETWORK_POLICY] Created the ingress network policy: block-echo-server-ingress
✔ [CREATE_SERVICE] Service echo-server-svc created
✔ [STORAGE_CLASS_EXISTS] Storage class managed-premium exists
✔ [LIST_NODES] Listed 12 nodes
✔ [CREATE_NAMESPACE] Created namespace prereqgjhcb
✔ [CREATE_STATEFULSET] Created statefulset storage-class-check-nm9th
✔ [LIST_PODS] Listed 1 pods on node aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000003
✔ [POD_RUNNING] Found one pod running on node aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000003
✔ [LIST_PODS] Listed 1 pods on node aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000001
✔ [POD_RUNNING] Found one pod running on node aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000001
✔ [RESOLVE_TOP_DOMAIN] Resolved ci-asaks4011056.infra-sf-ea.infra.uipath-dev.com to [{ }]
✔ [RESOLVE_SUBDOMAIN] Resolved insights.ci-asaks4011056.infra-sf-ea.infra.uipath-dev.com to [{ }]
✔ [IPS_MATCH] Subdomain resolves to top domain
✔ [NODE(CPU >= 8, RAM >= 16GI)]
✔ [LIST_NODES] Listed 12 nodes
✔ [AT_LEAST_ONE_NODE] At least one node found
✔ [CPU_USAGE] Node aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000000 has 12.50% CPU usage
✔ [MEMORY_USAGE] Node aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000000 has 38.27% memory usage
✔ [POD_USAGE] Node aks-pool0-27031798-vmss000000 has 40.00% of pods in use. Number of pods: 40.00 max allowed: 100.00
✔ [OSS(component=cert-manager)] Check for component cert-manager passed
✔ [Capacity] Automation suite already installed on cluster
✔ [OSS(component=logging)] Check for component logging passed
✔ [BASIC_GPU_SUCCESS] Was able to start a CUDA job on a GPU node
Checks run on cluster/
❌ [DATASERVICE_HEALTH] Application health check failed: health status is Progressing and sync status is Synced
✔ [ISTIO_SYNC_STATUS] Istio sync is up-to-date
❌ [ISTIO_ENVOY_CONFIG_STATUS] Istio Envoy configs are not healthy: Error [IST0101] (VirtualService uipath/du-platform-vs) Referenced host:port not found: "aistorage:5000"
✔ [ISTIO_SERVICEMESH_VALIDATION_GET_REGISTRY_FQDN] Successfully retrieved registry url
✔ [ISTIO_SERVICEMESH_VALIDATION_GET_CLUSTER_FQDN] Successfully retrieved cluster fqdn
✔ [ISTIO_SERVICEMESH_VALIDATION_CREATE_TEST_DEPLOYMENT] Successfully created the test deployment istio-validation-deployment
✔ [ISTIO_SERVICEMESH_VALIDATION_CREATE_TEST_SERVICE] Successfully created the test service istio-validation-service
✔ [ISTIO_SERVICEMESH_VALIDATION_CREATE_TEST_GATEWAY] Successfully created the test gateway istio-validation-gateway
✔ [ISTIO_SERVICEMESH_VALIDATION_CREATE_TEST_VIRTUALSERVICE] Successfully created the test virtual service istio-validation-vs
✔ [ISTIO_SERVICEMESH_VALIDATION_URL_ACCESS] Success exposing the service via servicemesh
❌ [POD]
✔ [LIST_NAMESPACES] Retrieved 25 namespaces to check pod health
❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/ah-tenant-service-sync-insights-data-job-28122960-p6rzg cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "ah-insights-secrets" : failed to sync secret cache: timed out waiting for the condition
❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-runtime-8f5bb7d56-v5krg cannot mount volume: (combined from similar events): Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[external-storage-creds], unattached volumes=[workload-socket is-secrets openssl istio-podinfo temp-location cert-location istio-data external-storage-creds workload-certs istio-envoy java domain-cert-config edk2 credential-socket tmp additional-ca-cert-config pem istiod-ca-cert istio-token app-secrets ceph-storage-creds]: timed out waiting for the condition
❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-runtime-8f5bb7d56-xs9t5 cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "external-storage-creds" : secret "dataservice-external-storage-secret" not found
❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-taskrunner-787df76c74-98h5l cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "external-storage-creds" : secret "dataservice-external-storage-secret" not found
❌ [POD_UNHEALTHY] Latest event for pod uipath/du-documentmanager-dm-maintenance-cron-28122960-4sm5z: Error: failed to sync configmap cache: timed out waiting for the condition
❌ [SYNC]
❌ [namespace:"argocd" | kind:"Application" | name:"dataservice"] Application health check failed: health status is Progressing and sync status is Synced
auf mehreren Ebenen ausgeführt, z. B. Infrastruktur, Netzwerk, Speicher, Pods, DNS usw.
Analysieren der Protokolle
Es gibt zwei potenzielle Probleme, die in den vorherigen Protokollen zu erkennen sind:
Istio hat eine falsche Konfiguration, die Probleme beim Zugriff auf die Document Understanding-Plattform verursachen kann:
❌ [ISTIO] ✔ [ISTIO_SYNC_STATUS] Istio sync is up-to-date ❌ [ISTIO_ENVOY_CONFIG_STATUS] Istio Envoy configs are not healthy: Error [IST0101] (VirtualService uipath/du-platform-vs) Referenced host:port not found: "aistorage:5000"
❌ [ISTIO] ✔ [ISTIO_SYNC_STATUS] Istio sync is up-to-date ❌ [ISTIO_ENVOY_CONFIG_STATUS] Istio Envoy configs are not healthy: Error [IST0101] (VirtualService uipath/du-platform-vs) Referenced host:port not found: "aistorage:5000" -
Data Service ist nicht verfügbar. Siehe Ceph im Codebeispiel.
❌ [DATASERVICE] ❌ [DATASERVICE_HEALTH] Application health check failed: health status is Progressing and sync status is Synced ❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-runtime-8f5bb7d56-v5krg cannot mount volume: (combined from similar events): Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[external-storage-creds], unattached volumes=[workload-socket is-secrets openssl istio-podinfo temp-location cert-location istio-data external-storage-creds workload-certs istio-envoy java domain-cert-config edk2 credential-socket tmp additional-ca-cert-config pem istiod-ca-cert istio-token app-secrets ceph-storage-creds]: timed out waiting for the condition ❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-runtime-8f5bb7d56-xs9t5 cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "external-storage-creds" : secret "dataservice-external-storage-secret" not found ❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-taskrunner-787df76c74-98h5l cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "external-storage-creds" : secret "dataservice-external-storage-secret" not found
❌ [DATASERVICE] ❌ [DATASERVICE_HEALTH] Application health check failed: health status is Progressing and sync status is Synced ❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-runtime-8f5bb7d56-v5krg cannot mount volume: (combined from similar events): Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[external-storage-creds], unattached volumes=[workload-socket is-secrets openssl istio-podinfo temp-location cert-location istio-data external-storage-creds workload-certs istio-envoy java domain-cert-config edk2 credential-socket tmp additional-ca-cert-config pem istiod-ca-cert istio-token app-secrets ceph-storage-creds]: timed out waiting for the condition ❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-runtime-8f5bb7d56-xs9t5 cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "external-storage-creds" : secret "dataservice-external-storage-secret" not found ❌ [CANNOT_MOUNT_VOLUME] Pod uipath/dataservice-taskrunner-787df76c74-98h5l cannot mount volume: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "external-storage-creds" : secret "dataservice-external-storage-secret" not found
Bekannte Probleme (Known Issues)
Möglicherweise erhalten Sie eine Fehlermeldung ähnlich dem folgenden Beispiel. Sie können dies ignorieren, da keine Actions erforderlich sind.
I0622 01:31:28.917107 28815 request.go:601] Waited for 1.017599292s due to client-side throttling, not priority and fairness, request: GET:https://ci-asaks4011056-fwwpyxm7.hcp.westeurope.azmk8s.io:443/apis/networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
I0622 01:31:28.917107 28815 request.go:601] Waited for 1.017599292s due to client-side throttling, not priority and fairness, request: GET:https://ci-asaks4011056-fwwpyxm7.hcp.westeurope.azmk8s.io:443/apis/networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
, test
und diagnose
) unterstützen zusätzliche Filter- und Ausgabeformate.
Filter |
Beschreibung |
Verwendungen |
Kommagetrennte Liste der Dienste, die in die Validierung einbezogen werden sollen |
Dieser Befehl führt die Diagnose nur für Istio und Insights aus. |
Kommagetrennte Liste der Dienste, die von der Validierung ausgeschlossen werden sollen |
Dieser Befehl führt den Test im gesamten Cluster mit Ausnahme von Istio und Insights aus. |
, yaml
, text
und junit
. Sie können diese Werte über das Flag --output
an einen beliebigen Befehl übergeben. Diese Ausgabeformate sind praktisch, wenn Sie diese Tools nutzen möchten, um darauf aufbauend Ihr eigenes Framework zur Fehlerbehebung zu erstellen.
Nutzung |
Beispielausgabe |