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Automation Suite on Linux Installation Guide

Last updated Jan 8, 2025

External Objectstore configuration

General configuration

Automation Suite allows you to bring your own external storage provider. You can choose from the following storage providers:

  • Azure
  • AWS
  • S3-compatible

You can configure the external object storage in one of the following ways:

  • during installation;
  • post-installation, using the cluster_config.json file.
  • For Automation Suite to function properly when using pre-signed URLs, you must make sure that your external objectstore is accessible from the Automation Suite cluster, browsers, and all your machines, including workstations and robot machines.
  • The Server Side Encryption with Key Management Service (SSE-KMS) can only be enabled on the Automation Suite buckets deployed in any region created after January 30, 2014.

    SSE-KMS functionality requires pure SignV4 APIs. Regions created before January 30, 2014 do not use pure SignV4 APIs due to backward compatibility with SignV2. Therefore, SSE-KMS is only functional in regions that use SignV4 for communication. To find out when the various regions were provisioned, refer to the AWS documentation.

The following table lists out the cluster_config.json parameters you can use to configure each provider of external object storage:










Specify whether you would like to bring your own object store. Possible values: true and false.





Specify whether you would like to provision the bucket. Possible values: true and false.





Specify the storage provider you would like to configure. The value is case-sensitive. Possible values: azure and s3.
Note: Many S3 objectstores require the CORS set to all the traffic from the Automation Suite cluster. You must configure the CORS policy at the objectstore level to allow the FQDN of the cluster.


not available



Specify the FQDN of the S3 server. Required in the case of AWS instance and non-instance profile.


not available



Specify the S3 port. Required in the case of AWS instance and non-instance profile.


not available



Specify the AWS region where buckets are hosted. Required in the case of AWS instance and non-instance profile.


not available



Specify the access key for the S3 account. Only required in the case of the AWS non-instance profile.


not available



Specify the secret key for the S3 account. Only required in the case of the AWS non-instance profile.


not available



Specify whether you want to use an instance profile. An AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) instance profile grants secure access to AWS resources for applications or services running on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances. If you opt for AWS S3, an instance profile allows an EC2 instance to interact with S3 buckets without the need for explicit AWS credentials (such as access keys) to be stored on the instance.



not available

not available

Use managed identity with your Azure storage account. Possible values: true and false.
external_object_storage.bucket_name_prefix 1

not available



Indicate the prefix for the bucket names. Optional in the case of the AWS non-instance profile.

external_object_storage.bucket_name_suffix 2

not available



Indicate the suffix for the bucket names. Optional in the case of the AWS non-instance profile.



not available

not available

Specify the Azure account key. Only required when using non-managed identity.



not available

not available

Specify the Azure account name.



not available

not available

Specify the Azure FQDN suffix. Optional parameter.



not available

not available

Specify your Azure client ID. Only required when using managed identity.

1 If you plan on disabling pre-signed URL access, note that this configuration is not supported by Task Mining and the following activities that upload or retrieve data from the objectstore:

2, 3 When configuring the external object storage, you must follow the naming rules and conventions from your provider for both bucket_name_prefix and bucket_name_suffix. In addition to that, the suffix and prefix must have a combined length of no more than 25 characters, and you must not end the prefix or start the suffix with a hyphen (-) as we already add the character for you automatically.

Product-specific configuration

You can use the parameters described in the General configuration section to update the general Automation Suite configuration. This means that all installed products would share the same configuration. If you want to configure one or more products differently, you can override the general configuration. You just need to specify the product(s) you want to set up external object storage for differently, and use the same parameters to define your configuration. Note that all the other installed products would continue to inherit the general configuration.

The following example shows how you can override the general configuration for Orchestrator:

"external_object_storage": {
  "enabled": false, // <true/false>
  "create_bucket": true, // <true/false>
  "storage_type": "s3", // <s3,azure,aws>
  "fqdn": "",  // <needed in the case of aws instance and non-instance profile>
  "port": 443, // <needed in the case of aws instance and non-instance profile>
  "region": "", 
  "access_key": "", // <needed in the case of aws non instance profile>
  "secret_key": "", // <needed in the case of aws non instance profile>
  "use_managed_identity": false, // <true/false>
  "bucket_name_prefix": "",
  "bucket_name_suffix": "",
  "account_key": "", // <needed only when using non managed identity>
  "account_name": "",
  "azure_fqdn_suffix": "",
  "client_id": "" // <optional field in case of managed identity>

"orchestrator": {
  "external_object_storage": {
    "enabled": false, // <true/false>
    "create_bucket": true, // <true/false>
    "storage_type": "s3", // <s3,azure>
    "fqdn": "",  // <needed in the case of aws instance and non-instance profile>
    "port": 443, // <needed in the case of aws instance and non-instance profile>
    "region": "", 
    "access_key": "", // <needed in case of aws non instance profile>
    "secret_key": "", // <needed in case of aws non instance profile>
    "use_managed_identity": false, // <true/false>
    "bucket_name_prefix": "",
    "bucket_name_suffix": "",
    "account_key": "", // <needed only when using non managed identity>
    "account_name": "",
    "azure_fqdn_suffix": "",
    "client_id": "" // <optional field in case of managed identity>
}"external_object_storage": {
  "enabled": false, // <true/false>
  "create_bucket": true, // <true/false>
  "storage_type": "s3", // <s3,azure,aws>
  "fqdn": "",  // <needed in the case of aws instance and non-instance profile>
  "port": 443, // <needed in the case of aws instance and non-instance profile>
  "region": "", 
  "access_key": "", // <needed in the case of aws non instance profile>
  "secret_key": "", // <needed in the case of aws non instance profile>
  "use_managed_identity": false, // <true/false>
  "bucket_name_prefix": "",
  "bucket_name_suffix": "",
  "account_key": "", // <needed only when using non managed identity>
  "account_name": "",
  "azure_fqdn_suffix": "",
  "client_id": "" // <optional field in case of managed identity>

"orchestrator": {
  "external_object_storage": {
    "enabled": false, // <true/false>
    "create_bucket": true, // <true/false>
    "storage_type": "s3", // <s3,azure>
    "fqdn": "",  // <needed in the case of aws instance and non-instance profile>
    "port": 443, // <needed in the case of aws instance and non-instance profile>
    "region": "", 
    "access_key": "", // <needed in case of aws non instance profile>
    "secret_key": "", // <needed in case of aws non instance profile>
    "use_managed_identity": false, // <true/false>
    "bucket_name_prefix": "",
    "bucket_name_suffix": "",
    "account_key": "", // <needed only when using non managed identity>
    "account_name": "",
    "azure_fqdn_suffix": "",
    "client_id": "" // <optional field in case of managed identity>

Rotating the blob storage credentials for Process Mining

To rotate the blob storage credentials for Process Mining in Automation Suite the stored secrets must be updated with the new credentials. See Rotating blob storage credentials.

Configuring the external objectstore for Insights

When configuring the external objectstore for Insights, if the create_bucket parameter is set to false, you must ensure the bucket_name value you use for Insights is the same as the one for Platform. If create_bucket is set to true, no action is required from your side.
"insights": {
    "enabled": true,
    "external_object_storage": {
      "bucket_name": "<same_as_platform_bucket_name"
  }, "insights": {
    "enabled": true,
    "external_object_storage": {
      "bucket_name": "<same_as_platform_bucket_name"

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